Discharge of Firearms
132.01 Discharge of firearms prohibited
132.02 Use of air rifles, bow and arrows, or similar devices restricted
132.03 Exceptions
Protection of Public Property
132.15 Definition and interpretation
132.16 Tampering with public property
132.17 Tampering with stakes, posts, and monuments prohibited
132.18 Tampering with warning lamps, signs, or barricades prohibited
132.19 Removal of material from streets, alleys, or public grounds prohibited
132.20 Deposit of harmful substances on public grounds
132.21 Exceptions
Conduct Within Designated Areas During Festivals
132.35 Intent and purpose
132.36 Definitions
132.37 Prohibited conduct
132.38 Exceptions
Miscellaneous Provisions
132.50 Throwing of snowballs, stones, or other missiles
132.99 Penalty
Nuisances, see Ch. 93
Parks and recreation, see Ch. 94
Streets and sidewalks, see Ch. 95