For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMALS. Any domestic animal or fowl, any wild animal, or any household pet. This term, however, shall not include a guide dog used by a visually impaired person or a dog used to assist any other physically handicapped person.
DESIGNATED AREA. The location or area of a festival, as approved by Borough Council, which may include public streets, alleys, ways, parks, or sidewalks. This term shall also include other public property such as county or school buildings, lands or facilities, and private properties; provided, that the appropriate public entity or private owner has authorized its use by the festival.
FESTIVALS. Any event involving the congregating of people on the public streets, alleys, ways, parks, or sidewalks for a common purpose specifically including, but not limited to, the Fall Foliage Festival; provided that the date and location of such event is approved by prior action of Borough Council.
(Prior Code, Ch. 6, Pt. 6, § 602) (Ord. 2-98, passed 6-1-1998)