Sewer Connections
Sewer Connections
913.01 Permit required; application.
913.02 Connection to be made by registered person only.
913.03 Regulations.
913.04 Duties of Building Commissioner.
913.05 City's expenses to be reimbursed.
913.06 Plugs.
913.07 Security deposit.
913.08 Grease traps and interceptors; cleaning.
913.99 Penalty.
Compulsory sewer connections - see Ohio R. C. 729.06
Regulations to control house sewers and connections - see Ohio R. C. 729.51
Tree roots obstructing sewers - see GEN. OFF. 660.20(e)
Registering plumbers and sewer builders; fees - see S. & P. S. Ch. 915
Connection of private disposal systems required when sanitary sewer available
- see S. & P. S. 917.05
Starting work without permit - see ADM. 143.05
Exterior sewers for commercial structures and multiple-family dwellings
- see BLDG. 1375.02
No house sewer shall be constructed to connect with a public sewer nor shall any connection be made to a public sewer within the City until the written permission of the Building Commissioner has been obtained by the person, firm or corporation employed to perform the work. An application for a permit shall be signed by the owner, agent or lessee of the property for which the connection is to be made and by the person, firm or corporation employed to perform the work. Such application shall describe the property and state the fixtures to be connected and shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in Section 1329.04. In the event that additional inspections are required by reason of the failure of the sewer builder to comply with the rules and regulations governing sewer connections, a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall also be charged for each additional inspection. Such fees shall be paid before a certificate of completion of the work shall be issued. All permits herein provided for shall be issued by the Building Commissioner.
(Ord. 1990-151. Passed 12-3-90.)
(Ord. 1990-151. Passed 12-3-90.)
Every building in the City shall be connected to a sanitary sewer where such sewer is located in a public street abutting the building lot or is reasonably proximate thereto. Preexisting septic tank usage on a lot shall be discontinued after a sanitary sewer connection is made thereto. No owner, tenant or agent of either shall fail to connect to an available sanitary sewer and no person shall fail to disconnect a septic tank upon the making of such sanitary sewer connection. If the Building Commissioner determines that a sanitary sewer is available for service for an improved lot, he or she shall cause a written notice to be delivered or mailed to the last known address of such owner, tenant or agent directing that a sanitary sewer connection be made within 180 days.
No sewer connection shall be made in the City except by a person registered by the City under Chapter 915 and upon payment of the applicable fee.
(Ord. 2016-45. Passed 3-7-16.)
The written permission to construct a house sewer or to make a connection to a public sewer shall specify the permissible use of such house sewer and connection and such specifications shall be governed by the following requirements:
(a) Sewage, including wastes from water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, laundries, cellar floor drains, garage floor drains, bars, soda fountains, cuspidors, refrigerator drips, drinking fountains, and stable floor drains, and other objectionable wastes shall be discharged into a sanitary or combined sewer and in no case into a storm water sewer.
(b) Industrial waste shall not be discharged into a storm water sewer but may be discharged into a sanitary sewer if the waste is of such character as is not detrimental to the sewer system or to the sewage treatment works. Where such waste is detrimental to the sewer system or sewage treatment works, it shall be otherwise disposed of in a satisfactory manner or so improved in character as not to be detrimental to the sewer system or sewage treatment works.
(c) Surface water, rain water from roofs, subsoil drainage, building foundation drainage, cistern overflow, clean water from condensers, waste water from water motors and elevators and any other clean and unobjectionable waste water shall be discharged into a storm water or combined sewer and in no case into a sanitary sewer.
(d) Connection with a cesspool or a privy vault shall not be made into a sanitary, combined or storm water sewer.
(e) A trap for the interception of grease and oil shall be provided on a connection from a hotel, restaurant, club or institutional kitchen and from a public garage or automobile washing station. Such trap shall be satisfactory to the Inspector of Buildings. No person shall discharge into a house sewer, or tap a house sewer for the purpose of discharging into it, any waste or drainage water prohibited by the provisions of this section. Any existing connection in violation of the provisions of this section shall be abandoned and removed. (1964 Code §96.03)