   (a)   The Building and Community Development Director and designated assistants shall possess and perform all of the duties of the building official as set forth in the Residential Code of Ohio and the Ohio Building Code, and shall carry out all of the duties and enforce all of the laws of the City relating to zoning, building and housing and other laws relating thereto.
   (b)    The Building and Community Development Director and designated assistants shall examine all building plans submitted before a permit shall be issued. Residential and commercial interior alterations shall not require the approval of the Architectural Board of Review unless the exterior of the building is affected, or upon request of the Commissioner.
   (c)   The Building and Community Development Director and designated assistants shall survey and inspect buildings and enforce the Building and Zoning Codes and all other ordinances of the City, and laws of the State, relating to the erection, construction, alteration, repair, removal and safety of buildings, structures, elevators, heating apparatus, gas fittings, house drainage and plumbing, utilities, steam boilers, electrical wiring, prevention of smoke, fire escapes and other fire-protective devices. The Commissioner shall check the grade at the site of any construction and may, if necessary, correct or amend the plans in regard thereto. Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt any other officer from enforcing the provisions of the Building Code and/or the Zoning Code.
   (d)   The Building and Community Development Director and designated assistants shall perform duties as are in the interest of community development to include, but not be limited to overseeing the:
      (1)    Retention and expansion of current corporate citizens.
      (2)    Recruitment of new corporate citizens.
      (3)    Identification of infrastructure requirements, including but not limited to, communication and information technology needs, critical to current and future development and creation of strategies to meet such requirements.
      (4)    Identification of governmental and/or private sector programs that may provide funding for Community Development programs, and application for such funding.
      (5)    Identification of other incentives to attract businesses to the City.
      (6)    Establishment of contact and liaison with regional, state and federal agencies, international organizations and/or private, for profit or nonprofit entities that may influence business development in the area.
      (7)    Establishment of contact and liaison with prospective businesses considering locating in the City.
      (8)    Maintaining contact and liaison with local organizations, including the Beachwood Chamber of Commerce, to promote Community Development programs in the City.
   (e)    The Mayor upon the recommendation of the Building and Community Development Director is authorized to engage an outside consultant experienced in economic and community development to assist with carrying out the functions of the City’s Community Development programs, but subject to the supervision and approval of the Building and Community Development Director. If such consultant is engaged, the City shall enter into a written contract with such consultant, setting forth the duties and responsibilities of such consultant, the terms of such contract to be approved by Council.
(Ord. 2020-139.  Passed 11-2-20.)
       Wherever in these Codified Ordinances a permit or registration is required to be issued by the City prior to any work or activity commencing, and where such work or activity is started prior to obtaining such permit, license or registration, the fee required for the issuance of such permit, license or registration, shall be doubled. The payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of applicable ordinances of the City or laws of the State, and either the City or the State may otherwise enforce any violation of law.    (Ord. 2020-139.  Passed 11-2-20.)