Water Connections
EDITOR'S NOTE: The City contracts with the City of Cleveland and the Suburban Council of Governments for Water Service. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained from the Clerk of Council.
911.01   Permit required.
911.02   Application for permit.
911.03   Installation.
911.04   Permit to be issued without charge.
911.99   Penalty.
      Power to provide and regulate water system - see Ohio R. C.
         715.08, 717.01, 743.01
      Compulsory water connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06, 743.23
      Tampering with water hydrants, pipes or meters; unauthorized
         connections - see Ohio R. C. 4933.22
      Starting work without permit - see ADM 143.05
   Any person, firm or corporation desiring to use water from the water supply mains of the City for any purpose shall, before making any connection with such water supply system or before using any water, make application to the Building Commissioner for permission to do so.
(1964 Code Sec. 97.01)
   The application to make a water connection shall be in writing, signed by the person, firm or corporation desiring to make such connection or use such water and, shall state the purpose for which water is to be used and the location of the connection to be made. Furthermore, the applicant shall, in consideration for the issuance of such permit, agree to save the City harmless by reason of any injury or damage to the water supply system or injury or damage to persons or property by reason of such connection or use of the water. (1964 Code Sec. 97.02)