(a)   Purpose
It is the purpose of this district to establish high-density multi-family developments located in suburban and urban areas, and commercial development with relatively low intensities that often complement residential neighborhoods. Further, this district supports housing styles of mid- and high-level buildings consisting of garden apartments, and townhome condominiums. The high density of this district is intended to support nearby commercial districts, and provide a transition between commercial and mid-density districts.
(b)   Permitted Uses
(c)   Special Land Uses
•   Assisted Senior Living (Section 1251.03)
•   Bed and Breakfast (Section 1251.09)
•   Community Garden (Section 1251.12)
•   Convalescent Home, Nursing Home, or Home for the Aged (Section 1251.13)
•   Essential Services
•   Independent Senior Living with Services (Section 1251.21)
•   Multi-Family Dwelling Units (Section 1251.33)
•   Outdoor Recreation/ Public (Section 1251.36)
•   Public K-12 Schools
•   Rooming and Boarding Houses, up to ten boarders (Section 1251.43)
•   Single Family Dwelling Unit Attached
•   Single Family Dwelling Unit Detached
•   Two-Family Dwelling Units
•   State Licensed Residential Facility, Adult Foster Care Family Home, 1-6 persons (Section 1251.47)
•   Transitional and Supportive Home (Section 1251.49), 1-6 persons
•   Adaptive Reuse (Section 1251.01)
•   Banquet and Meeting Hall < 100 capacity (Section 1251.08)
•   Cemetery (Section 1251.11)
•   Institutions of Higher Education
•   Private K-12 Schools
•   Religious Institutions (Section 1251.42)
•   State licensed Residential Facility, Adult Foster Care Small Group Home, 7-12 persons (Section 1251.48)
•   State licensed Residential Facility, Adult Foster Care Large Group Home, 13-20 persons (Section 1251.48)
•   Transitional and Supportive Home, more than 6 persons (Section 1251.50)
Refer to Section 1230.06 for definitions of uses and refer to Chapter 1251 for development standards for specific uses.
(d)   Accessory Uses
•   Accessory Buildings (Section 1260.01)
•   Accessory Dwelling Unit attached or detached from the primary dwelling.
•   Home Occupation (Section 1251.18)
•   Private Gardens (Section 1251.39)
•   State Licensed Child Care Family Home, 1-7 Children (Section 1251.45)
•   State Licensed Child Care Group Home, 8-14 Children (Section 1251.46)
(e)   Dimension Regulations
Lot Standards
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.)
Not Required
Maximum Residential Units Per Acre
Minimum Lot Width (ft.)
Minimum Lot Depth (ft.)
100 (Section 1240.21(a)(7))
Maximum Percent of Building Coverage
Primary Dwelling Setback Requirements
Attached accessory dwellings shall comply with
the primary dwelling setback requirements.
Front Yard Setback (ft.)
25 (f)
Rear Yard Setback (ft.)
25 (f)
Side Yard Setback (ft.)
5 (f)
Primary Dwelling Height Requirement
Attached accessory dwellings shall comply with
the primary dwelling height requirements
Maximum Building Height
45 feet, 4 stories
Detached Accessory Dwelling Setback
Detached Accessory Dwellings shall be located
in the rear yard.
Rear Yard Setback (ft.)
Side Yard Setback (ft.)
Detached Accessory Dwelling Height
Maximum Building Height
20 ft., 1.5 stories
Footnotes: Refer to Section 1241.03 Footnotes to Schedule of Regulations wherever a footnote is referenced in lowercase letters in parentheses after one of the dimension regulations. Some uses have specific standards that overrule the dimensional regulations above under Section 1241.07. Refer to Chapter 1251 for additional dimensional regulations for specific uses.
(Ord. 10-2020. Passed 11-24-20; Ord. 04-2021. Passed 4-13-21; Ord. 03-2023. Passed 5-2-23; Ord. 12-2023. Passed 10-17-23; Ord. 02-2024. Passed 4-2-24; Ord. 11-2024. Passed 7-16-24.)