(a)   Whenever a lot has less area or width than required in this chapter, but was a lot of record at the time of the adoption of this Zoning Code (Ordinance 10-2020, adopted on November 24, 2020), such lot may be occupied by any of the uses permitted in the district in which it is located. The use must meet all of the other requirements of this Zoning Code.
   (b)   In R Districts, where required front yards exceed twenty-five feet, only one front yard in excess of twenty-five feet shall be required, except that south of I-94 on lots fronting on Beckley Road or Capital Avenue, S.W., all such front yards shall be a minimum of fifty feet.
   (c)   Thirty-five feet to dwelling only.
   (d)   The maximum residential density allowed in the MFR High Density Multiple Family District and the T-3 Neighborhood Commercial District shall not exceed twenty units per acre. There is no residential density limit in the T-4 and T-5 Districts. However, all other dimensional regulations in those districts shall apply.
   (e)   No new multifamily dwelling in the MFR High Density Multiple Family District shall be established having a site area of less than 7,500 sq. ft.
   (f)   Provided that the front and rear yards are increased by one foot for each foot of building height exceeding thirty-five feet, and that the side yards are increased over the minimum requirement by one foot for each two feet of building height over thirty-five feet.
   (g)   No side yard shall be required, except that a side yard shall be provided on the side of a lot or tract adjoining a residential use or district. If an alley separates such a lot from a residential use or district, no side yard shall be required.
   (h)   A rear yard shall be required only upon that portion of a lot or tract abutting on a residential district or adjacent to a residential use. Where a rear yard abuts an alley, the width of one-half of the alley may be considered part of the required yard.
   (i)   The schedule of regulations is intended to be complementary with the requirements of Section 1250.04, Form-Based Development Standards for the T-3, T-4, and T-5 Districts; however, in any instance where there is apparent conflict the provisions of Section 1250.04 shall control.
(Ord. 10-2020. Passed 11-24-20; Ord. 03-2023. Passed 5-2-23; Ord. 12-2023. Passed 10-17-23.)