(a)   Noise. If music, bells, carolers, chimes or similar audio presentation are to be used, the expected use, times, durations and volumes shall be disclosed on the site plan.
   (b)   Site Plan. All uses of the structure, facility and land shall be completely described in a full use statement on the site plan, such uses as outdoor recreation areas, pavilions, memorial gardens, memorials, gathering areas and similar uses or activities shall be identified on the site plan.
   (c)   Maximum Height. Churches and temples may be erected to a height not exceeding seventy-five feet when the required side and rear yards are each increased by one foot for each foot of additional building height above the height regulations for the district in which the building is located.
   (d)   Minimum Size and Access. In residential districts religious institutions must be located on a parcel having at least one acre of land, and must be located on a major street as show on the major street plan.
(Ord. 10-2020. Passed 11-24-20.)