Outdoor theaters according to the following:
   (a)   Compliance. The proposed internal design shall receive approval from the Building Inspector, Zoning Administrator, and the City Engineer as to adequacy of drainage, lighting, screening and other technical aspects.
   (b)   Direct Access. Outdoor recreation establishments shall abut directly upon a major thoroughfare of not less than 120 feet of right-of-way width.
   (c)   Ingress and Egress. Points of ingress and egress shall be available from abutting major thoroughfares of not less than 120 feet of right-of-way width and shall not be available from any residential street.
   (d)   Off-Street Waiting Space. Off-street waiting space shall be provided for all vehicles waiting or standing to enter the facility. No vehicle shall be permitted to wait or stand within a dedicated right of way.
   (e)   Screening. All lighting used to illuminate the area shall be so installed as to be confined within and directed onto the premises on which the outdoor recreation establishment is located.
(Ord. 10-2020. Passed 11-24-20.)