All new buildings constructed with basements, floors, rooms or occupancy areas below ground level at the building site shall have overhead plumbing for backwater protection. All sewage originating below grade shall be collected into a suitable ejector and discharged by automatic equipment into an overhead gravity sewer. If required, a second sump pump shall be installed to discharge the basement floor drains and laundry tub, and shall be connected to the overhead sanitary sewer. IDPH Approval 5-26-2017.
   A.   Service Pipe Size: All PVC service pipe shall be six inch (6") SDR schedule 40 or 26, five feet (5') from foundation, with six inch by four inch (6" x 4") mission coupling and a full size PVC cleanout outside within five feet (5') of the building at grade for all new installations.
   When sewer repair work involves a cleanout, a full size cleanout shall be installed unless one is already present. All underground couplings shall be nonshear type.
   B.   Vertical Deflection: The vertical deflection of PVC pipe shall not exceed five percent (5%). No deflection is permitted for iron pipe.
   C.   Crawl Spaces, Slabs: Crawl spaces and slabs on grade shall have cleanouts outside of building foundation, within five feet (5') of building area at grade.
   D.   Service Trenches: All service trenches shall remain open until the appropriate village inspector makes the inspection; however, no trenches shall remain open overnight. Services under driveways and sidewalks shall be backfilled completely with stone. All trench drains shall have silt/sediment traps before entering the drainage system.
   E.   Granular Fill: Granular fill is required from the spring line to a point twelve inches (12") above the sewer service. Granular material to be used can be any gravel or stone with a gradation ranging from the no. 200 sieve through one inch (1") and two inch (2") sieves.
   F.   Bedding Material: Bedding material at least four inches (4") thick shall be placed under each sewer service pipe and carried to the spring line of the pipe, and extended bedding should extend twelve inches (12") above PVC.
   G.   Future Venting: A two inch (2") grinder pump shall be installed into sanitary ejector in a thirty inch (30") pit with a two inch (2") vent extended into basement or lower level for future venting of plumbing fixtures.
   H.   Separate Sanitary Service Required: Provide a separate sanitary service for each owner/tenant and/or occupied unit, unless otherwise approved by the public works director, building director or village engineer. (Ord. 2014-46, 6-3-2014; amd. Ord. 2020-56, 6-16-2020)