A.   License Application: A license application is required.
   B.   Certificates Of Insurance: Every person and entity engaged in the business described in section 9-4-1 of this chapter shall submit to the village clerk with his, her, their or its license application a current certificate or certificates of insurance issued by a company having at least a "B+/VII" rating in "The A.M. Best Insurance Guide", evidencing the following types of insurance coverage in not less than the following amounts of coverage:
      1.   Commercial General Liability Insurance ("CGL"): One million dollars ($1,000,000.00) each occurrence covering liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products completed operations, and personal injury.
      2.   Workers' Compensation Insurance: In the amounts and coverages required by law.
The insurance requirement of this section shall not be applicable to the plumbers who present a current state of Illinois plumbing contractor's license issued by the Illinois department of public health pursuant to the Illinois plumbing license law (PA 92-0338).
   C.   Electrical Contractor: Every electrical contractor shall submit to the village clerk a copy of its electrical license certified by an established commission.
   D.   Plumbing Contractor: Every plumbing contractor shall submit to the village clerk a certified copy of its state of Illinois plumbing certification. Plumbing contractors need to submit only their state license. No insurance, bond or fee is required in accordance with the state of Illinois.
   E.   Roofing Contractor: Every roofing contractor shall submit to the village clerk a certified copy of its state of Illinois roofing certificate.
   F.   Homeowner/Occupant Exemption: The provisions of this chapter shall not require an owner/occupant of a single-family residence, or the owner of a single-family residence being remodeled or repaired for his or her occupancy to procure a building contractor's license for himself or herself, but any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation or limited liability company that is an owner but not an occupant, or is not a homeowner, shall not perform or assist a homeowner with any construction, demolition, rehabilitation, alteration, remodeling or repair work without a building contractor's license. For purposes of this subsection a person shall be considered an "owner" if he or she owns a fee simple interest or is the legal owner, beneficial owner or holds a beneficial interest in a trust that holds legal title to single-family residential property. For purposes of this subsection, a person shall be considered an "occupant" if and only if he or she has taken possession of and is living in the premises as his or her bona fide sole and exclusive residence, or, in the case of an owner of a single-family residence proposed to undergo remodeling/repair work for his or her occupancy, for which an application for a building permit for remodeling or repair work has been submitted, along with an affidavit stating that he or she expects to take possession of and live in the premises as his or her bona fide sole and exclusive residence, and he or she has a current intention to live in such premises as his or her sole and exclusive residence for a period of not less than six (6) months after completion of the remodeling or repair work. Failure to possess and live in the premises as a sole and exclusive residence for a period of six (6) months or more shall create a rebuttable presumption of a lack of such intention. Notwithstanding the application of said exemption, nothing contained herein shall be construed to supersede, amend, alter or exempt any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity from the state licensing requirements or compliance with state laws including, without limitation, the Illinois plumbing license law 1 .
   G.   Fees: Annual license fees for building contractors shall be as follows:
General contractors
$100.00 (allows for only 1 additional trade)
Anyone who has a contract with the owner or developer (or the owner's or developer's agent) of the property proposed to be improved shall be deemed a general contractor for purposes of this code.
   H.   Tree Contractor: Every tree removal, tree trimming and other contractor engaged in the business of tree removal, tree trimming, and/or the application of any chemical treatment for any tree within the village shall have first filed with the village clerk proof of insurance as required in subsection B of this section, its license bond as required in section 9-4-3 of this chapter, and if it will be applying chemical tree treatment, its state of Illinois licenses to allow it to keep, apply and dispose of chemicals for tree treatment. All landscapers, tree removal contractors and tree trimmers shall remove from the property all trunks, limbs, branches, and landscape debris from any tree or shrub that said contractor has removed, cut, trimmed or pruned, and dispose of same off site. It shall be unlawful for any landscaper, tree removal contractor, and/or tree trimming contractor to leave any such material for the owner of the property to dispose of, or for any in town contractor to add any such material to any residential landscape pick up provided by the village. (Ord. 2014-46, 6-3-2014; amd. Ord. 2020-56, 6-16-2020)



1. 225 ILCS 320/1 et seq.