A.   Sections 10-4A-6, 10-4B-6, 10-4C-6, 10-4D-6, 10-4E-6, 10-4F-6, 10-4G-6, 10-4H-6, 10-4I-6, 10-4J-6, 10-6A-6, 10-6B-6, 10-6C-6, 10-6D-6, 10-5A-6, and 10-8A-6 of the Bartlett Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to make adult book stores, adult motion picture theaters, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult cabarets and other adult entertainment establishments, as defined in Section 10-14-4 of this Chapter, prohibited uses in the ER-1, ER-2, ER-3, SR-1, SR-2, SR-3, SR-4, SR-5, SR-6, MH-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, O-R and P-1 Districts.
   B.   Section 10-9A-6 of the Bartlett Municipal Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to make adult book stores, adult motion picture theaters, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult cabarets and other adult entertainment establishments, as defined in Section 10-14-4 of this Chapter, prohibited uses in any area or areas within a PD Planned Development District where such area or areas have been designated for one or more of the following use or uses: residential, mobile home, office research, public land, commercial, and/or business.
   C.   The Planned Unit Development provisions of the Bartlett Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to make adult book stores, adult motion picture theaters, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult cabarets and other adult entertainment establishments, as defined in Section 10-14-4 of this Chapter, prohibited uses in any Planned Unit Development that is located within any area or areas zoned for residential, mobile home, office research, public land, commercial and/or business use or uses.
   D.   Sections 10-7A-3, 10-7B-3, 10-9-4, and 10-9A-3 of the Bartlett Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to make adult book stores, adult motion picture theaters, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult cabarets and other adult entertainment establishments, as defined in Section 10-14-4 of this Chapter, permitted uses only within the I-1 and I-2 Zoning Districts, PD Planned Development Districts designated solely for industrial use, and PUDs located entirely within an industrially zoned area. All such uses shall be subject to the following special conditions:
      1.   Adult book stores, adult motion picture theaters, adult mini motion picture theaters, adult cabarets and any other adult entertainment establishment are prohibited within the area circumscribed by a circle which has a radius consisting of the following distances from the following specified uses or zones:
         a.   Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any residentially zoned district, including, but not limited to, ER-1, ER-2, ER-3, SR-1, SR-2, SR-3, SR-4, SR-5, SR-6, or MH-1.
         b.   Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any area designated for residential use or uses within a PD Planned Development District.
         c.   Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any pre-existing public or private school, preschool or day care facility.
         d.   Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any pre-existing church, synagogue, temple or other religious facility or institution.
         e.   Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any pre-existing public park.
         f.   Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any other pre-existing adult entertainment establishment.
         g.   Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any pre-existing establishment in which liquor is sold or offered for sale pursuant to a liquor license, excluding special event retailers that sell, or offer for sale, liquor pursuant to a temporary liquor license granted pursuant to Section 3-3-2-5 of the Bartlett Liquor Control Ordinance or pursuant to a similar temporary liquor license issued by the local liquor commissioner or commission of a county or other municipality.
      2.   The distances provided in this Section shall be measured by following a straight line, without regard to intervening buildings or structures, from the nearest property line of the parcel of property upon which the proposed adult entertainment establishment use is proposed to be located to the nearest property line of the parcel of property zoned (or designated if a PD Planned Development District) for residential, mobile home, office research, public land, commercial and/or business use or uses or any of the pre-existing uses described in subsection D1a through g of this Section. (Ord. 96-4, 2-6-1996)