General Provisions
96.01 Unlawful to place or erect obstructions on city property
96.02 Duty to remove obstructions; authorization of temporary obstructions
96.03 Standing, sitting on sidewalks, street or railways
96.04 Handbills, platforms
96.05 Open cellar doors, gratings unlawful
96.06 Loading, unloading fertilizer over sidewalks
96.07 Watering of stock prohibited; exceptions
96.08 Awnings extending over sidewalks
96.09 Installation of gas, oil pumps a nuisance
96.10 Mowing, tree trimming, and care of right-of-way
96.11 Damaging curbing, pavement or sidewalk unlawful
96.12 Mutilating shade trees or protective boxes unlawful
96.13 Street damage resulting from fire; repair; lien
96.14 No construction debris on street; compliance with Uniform Traffic Manual
96.15 Control of erosion and filling or obstruction of natural drainage crevices, sinkholes, ditches and known subterranean water channels
96.16 Acceptance of streets and utilities for maintenance
Construction and Repair
96.30 Engineer to prepare cost estimates; recommendation, work order required prior to new construction; recording of costs
96.31 Cost of improvement borne by abutting owners; payment; penalty; lien
96.32 Sidewalk replacement policy
96.33 City, county to bear improvement costs
96.34 New streets by private contractor; approval of extension by City Council
Cuts and Excavations
96.45 Permit required; fee
96.46 Bond required
96.47 Engineering division to make inspections, supervise repairs
96.48 Permittee to notify office of the City Engineer of repair work
96.49 Return of bond subsequent to inspection, approval
96.50 Time limit for temporary and permanent repairs
96.51 Repairs made by city; reimbursement authorized; fee schedule; use of bond to cover costs
96.52 Applicability to all public utilities
Street and House Numbers
96.60 Designation of street names and house numbers
96.61 Numbers required on buildings; specifications, location
Access Control Plan
96.70 Purpose
96.71 Developer’s requirements; alternatives
96.72 General requirements for access control
96.99 Penalty