(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to place or cause to be erected or placed on any city street, alley, sidewalk, right-of-way or any other real property owned or occupied by the city any sign, obstruction, or encroachment of any nature including, without limitation, large rocks or boulders, junk, fences, posts, stakes, and the like, except as otherwise provided in this section.
   (B)   The owner/operator of a properly licensed business located within the Historic Zoning District may display merchandise or offer services, or display temporary signs approved by the Historical Review Board and/or by city ordinance, on city sidewalks adjoining the business location, except said business shall:
      (1)   Maintain a minimum of forty-eight (48") inches of continuous pedestrian right-of-way between the building and any curb, bench, or sidewalk cut for landscaping, and
      (2)   Keep all temporary signs, merchandise, or services offered, including tables, chairs, displays, etc., within thirty-six (36") inches of the face of the building regardless of the amount of sidewalk space available and
      (3)   Remove all temporary signs, merchandise, or services offered, including tables, chairs, displays, etc., at the close of business each day, and
      (4)   Keep all temporary signs, merchandise, or services offered, including tables, chairs, displays, etc., within the outer boundaries of the business location property boundary lines so as not to obstruct or encroach upon the sidewalk of an adjoining business/property owner, and
      (5)   Offer for sale or advertise only those products or services that the business is licensed to provide or sell, and
      (6)   Be subject to penalties listed in § 96.99(B) for violation of any of the listed conditions of this subsection.
(Ord. 459, passed 1-8-91; Am. Ord. 724, passed 6-26-01)