A vacancy shall be deemed to exist on the Commission whenever any member shall die, resign, be removed, fail to meet the requirements of Section 15.15 of this Charter or cease to possess any other qualifications required by this Charter or general law.
The Commission shall meet at such times as prescribed by general law and by its rules, but not less frequently than once every other month. All meetings of the Commission at which any final action is taken shall be open to the public and the Commission shall provide by its rules a method whereby citizens of the City shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard at any such meeting in regard to any matter then under consideration. A permanent written record of its resolutions, findings and determinations shall be maintained by the Commission and shall be available to the public upon request. A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for any purpose not requiring more than a majority vote. No action of the Commission shall be official unless authorized by a majority of the members present at a regular meeting, or at a properly called special meeting. All meetings of the Commission shall be held in compliance with the requirements of Chapter 6, Article 9A of the West Virginia Code, as amended.
The Planning Commission heretofore established shall continue to operate as though authorized under the terms of Chapter 8, Article 24, of the Official Code of West Virginia. All action lawfully taken prior to the adoption of this Charter is hereby validated and continued in effect until amended or repealed in the manner provided herein or by general law. The membership of the existing Commission shall continue until changed by general law, ordinance or this Charter.
Before final action shall be taken by Council on the location or design of any street, park, parkway, playground, public memorial, public building, structure or any other public area or project, the Commission shall have previously submitted to Council a written report with recommendations regarding same. Such report shall also contain a statement as to whether such project is consistent with the master plan.