Construction, Excavation, Encroachment,Moving and Load Regulations
   97.001   Definitions
   97.002   Permits
   97.003   Permit applications; information required
   97.004   Preservation from liability
   97.005   Issuance of permit
   97.006   Conditions upon issuance
   97.007   Denial of application
   97.008   Notice of decision
   97.009   Appeal of decision
   97.010   Suspension of permit
   97.011   Expiration; time extension
   97.012   Permits nontransferable
   97.013   Issuance by other agency
   97.014   Permit fee
   97.015   Certificate of completion
   97.016   Driveway approach construction; permit required
   97.017   Type of construction
   97.018   Location of approaches
   97.019   Construction specifications
   97.020   Size of approaches; residential
   97.021   Size of approaches; commercial and industrial
   97.022   Compliance
   97.023   Street cut moratorium
Specifications and Standards
   97.040   Datum plane established
   97.041   Specifications for work on public streets
   97.042   Modifications, variations and additions
   97.043   Street work
   97.044   Unauthorized deposits
   97.045   Obstructions
   97.046   Removal of obstructions
   97.047   Closure or restriction of use
   97.048   Sidewalk and parkway repairs
   97.049   Maintenance of sidewalks and parkways
   97.050   Transport of material
Underground Utility Lines
Part 1. General Provisions
   97.060   Definitions
   97.061   Circumstances requiring undergrounding
   97.062   Exemption
   97.063   Appeal
Part 2. Underground Utility Districts
   97.070   Definitions
   97.071   Public hearings
   97.072   Council may designate underground utility districts by resolution
   97.073   Unlawful acts
   97.074   Exception; emergency or unusual circumstances
   97.075   Additional exceptions
   97.076   Notice to property owners and utility companies
   97.077   Responsibility of utility companies
   97.078   Responsibility of property owners
   97.079   Responsibility of city
   97.080   Extension of time
House Numbers
   97.090   Assignment of house numbers
   97.091   Curb painted house numbers
Parade and Demonstration Permits
   97.105   Definitions
   97.106   Permit required
   97.107   Conditions to permit
   97.108   Permit application
   97.109   Permit approval
   97.110   Fees and cost recovery
   97.111   Indemnification; insurance
Parkway Trees
   97.125   Definitions
   97.126   List of varieties of trees
   97.127   Plan for planting and maintenance of trees
   97.128   Interference with plantings
   97.129   Maintenance by owner
   97.130   Maintenance by city
   97.131   Removal of trees
   97.132   Prohibition against injury to street trees
Street Banners
   97.145   Definitions
   97.146   Permit required; eligibility
   97.147   Application; fees
   97.148   Issuance of permit; conditions
   97.149   Regulations
   97.150   Suspension; revocation
   97.151   Appeal
   97.152   Removal of banners
   97.153   Expiration of permit
   97.154   Removal of hazardous and defective street banners
   97.155   Insurance
   97.156   Right to remove
Street Benches
   97.165   Definitions
   97.166   Permit
   97.167   Removal of benches by city
   97.168   New permit upon sale or transfer of title
   97.169   Advertising and signs on benches
   97.170   Enforcement
Blinder Racks
   97.180   Intent and purpose
   97.181   Definitions
   97.182   Identification
   97.183   Matter harmful to minors
   97.184   Removal and impoundment of newsracks
   97.185   Hearing on impoundment
   97.186   Disposition of impounded newsracks
   97.187   Fine for display of harmful matter to minors
Statutory references:
   Construction of sidewalks and curbs, see Cal. Sts. & High. Code §§ 5870 et seq.
   Improvement Act of 1911, see Cal. Sts. & High. Code §§ 5000 et seq.