1264.01 PURPOSE.
   The R-3 Residential District and its regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)   To regulate the bulk and location of dwellings to obtain proper privacy and useable open spaces.
   (b)   To regulate the density and distribution of population in accordance with the Master Plan to avoid congestion and provide adequate public services.
   (c)   To protect the desirable characteristics and promote the stability of existing residential development and to protect adjacent properties from unreasonable obstruction of light and air.
   (d)   To permit a variety of housing types while offering convenience of location and a maximum amount of open space.
   (e)   To provide for proper location of institutions and other community facilities so as to increase the general convenience, safety and amenities within the community.
(Ord. 58-01. Passed 5-29-01.)