Building Code
150.01 Title
150.02 Purpose
150.03 Definitions
150.04 Scope
150.05 Authority
150.06 Severability
150.07 Effect of adoption on prior ordinance
150.08 Building permit
150.09 Certificate of occupancy
150.10 Investigations and inspections of construction activities
150.11 Minimum construction standards
150.12 Withhold issuance of permits
150.13 Permit revocation
150.14 Stop-work order
150.15 Civil action
150.16 Right of appeal
150.17 Effective date
Unsafe Buildings
150.30 Adoption of state law by reference
150.31 Definitions
150.32 Nuisance
150.33 Administrative authority of Mayor
150.34 Unsafe building defined
150.35 Work to be performed in workmanlike manor
150.36 Construction in violation of regulations or order of Mayor
150.37 Violation
150.38 Severability
Minimum Dwelling Standards
150.50 Application of provisions
150.51 Definitions
150.52 Minimum standards for occupancy
150.53 Heating, lighting, and ventilation
150.54 Building maintenance
150.55 Occupancy
150.56 Cleanliness of premises
150.57 Minimum standards for rooming houses
150.58 Enforcement; service of notices and orders; hearings
150.59 Conflict of rules and regulations
150.60 Hardship
150.61 Inspection of dwellings
150.62 Board of Appeals
150.63 Violation
150.99 Penalty