Residential, Multi-Family and Apartment
Garbage and Rubbish Collection
Residential, Multi-Family and Apartment
Garbage and Rubbish Collection
927.01 Short title.
927.02 Definitions.
927.03 Collection and disposal deemed a public utility.
927.04 Storage containers for garbage and refuse.
927.05 Prohibited wastes.
927.06 Uncollected garbage or refuse declared a nuisance.
927.07 Dumping on public places or vacant lots prohibited.
927.08 Supervision of collection and removal.
927.09 Garbage collection permit.
927.10 Permit; fee.
927.11 Disposal methods; permit revocation.
927.12 Vehicle inspection.
927.13 Vehicle requirements; covering and spillage.
927.14 Driver to ensure load to be covered.
927.15 Collection rates.
927.16 Billing; failure to remit fees.
927.17 Dumping garbage in public receptacles prohibited.
927.18 Unlawful periods of accumulation.
927.19 Anti-scavenging.
927.20 Frequency of service.
927.21 Rules and regulations.
927.99 Penalty.
Recycling - see S. & P.S. Ch. 929