Upon request of the City Manager the Council may transfer any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation to a purpose or object for which the appropriation for the current year has proved insufficient or may authorize a transfer to be made between items appropriated to the same office or department.
At the close of each fiscal year the unencumbered balance of each appropriation shall revert to the respective fund from which it was appropriated and shall be subject to future appropriations. Any accruing revenue of the City, not appropriated as hereinbefore provided, and any balances at any time remaining after the purposes of the appropriation shall have been satisfied or abandoned, may from time to time be appropriated by the Council to such uses as will not conflict with any uses for which such revenues specifically accrued. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury of the City, nor shall any obligation for the expenditure of money be incurred, except pursuant to the appropriations made by the Council, but nothing in this or the preceding section shall be construed to authorize the application of revenue derived from a public utility of the City to any other purpose than that of the utility from which the same was derived.
No warrant for the payment of any claim shall be issued by the City Auditor until such claim shall have been approved by the head of the department for which the indebtedness was incurred and by the City Manager, and such officers and their sureties shall be liable to the Municipality for all loss or damage sustained by the Municipality by reason of the corrupt approval of any such claim against the Municipality. Whenever any claim shall be presented to the City Auditor he shall have power to require evidence that the amount claimed is justly due and is in conformity to law and ordinance, and for that purpose he may summon before him any officer, agent, or employee, of any department of the Municipality, or any other person, and examine him upon oath or affirmation relative thereto.
No contract, agreement, or other obligation involving the expenditure of money shall be entered into, nor shall any ordinance, resolution, or order for the expenditure of money be passed by the Council, or be authorized by any officer of the City, unless the City Auditor shall first certify to the Council or to the proper officer, as the case may be, that the money required for such contract, agreement, obligation, or expenditure, is in the Treasury, to the credit of the fund from which it is to be drawn, and not appropriated for any other purpose, which certificate shall be filed and immediately recorded. The sum so certified shall not thereafter be considered unappropriated until the City is discharged from the contract, agreement, or obligation. The provisions of this section shall not apply to contracts or proceedings relating to improvements any part of the cost of which is to be paid by special assessments.
All moneys actually in the Treasury to the credit of the fund from which they are to be drawn, and all moneys applicable to the payment of the obligation or appropriation involved that are anticipated to come into the Treasury before the maturity of such contract, agreement, or obligation, from taxes, assessments, or license fees, or from sales of services, products or by-products of any City undertaking, and moneys to be derived from lawfully authorized bonds sold and in process of delivery, for the purpose of such certificate shall be deemed in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriate fund and shall be subject to such certification.
The Council shall have furnished them a monthly balance showing in detail all receipts and expenditures of the City for the preceding month; and the aggregate receipts and expenditures of each department shall be published by the Council in such manner as to provide full publicity. At the end of each year the Council shall have printed an annual report, in pamphlet form, giving a classified statement of all receipts, expenditures, assets, and liabilities of the City; a detailed comparison of such receipts and expenditures with those of the year preceding; a summary of the Council proceedings and summary of the operations of the administrative departments for the previous 12 months. A copy of this report shall be furnished the State Bureau of Accounting, the public library and any citizen of the City who may apply therefor at the office of the Clerk of the Council.
In levying special assessments to pay any part of the cost of any public work or improvement, the Council shall not exceed any limitation as to the amount thereof which may be prescribed by the general laws of the State applicable to municipalities and in force at the time it is determined by the Council that any such work shall be done or improvement made. Unless for special reasons which shall be stated in the ordinance levying an assessment or made pursuant to contract, no such ordinance shall be passed, or assessment levied or money borrowed, until bids for the labor and material have been received and the approximate cost of the improvement determined.