   No building or dwelling shall be occupied before all waste piping, venting and plumbing has been inspected and approved by the Inspector, and such approval noted on the occupancy certificate. (Ord. 8-76. Passed 3-2-76.)
   It shall be the duty of the Plumbing and Sewer Inspector to post a notice on any building or dwelling within the City, designating such building unsafe for human habitation or occupancy, wherein the plumbing or related appurtenances are such that the Health Department has certified to the Plumbing and Sewer Inspector that same is unsafe or unsanitary for occupancy. Thereafter, no person shall occupy the premises until the plumbing has been improved and certified safe for human occupancy by the Inspector.
(Ord. 8-76. Passed 3-2-76.)
   (a)    Plumbing Permit. There shall be an inside inspection fee of three dollars ($3.00) plus one dollar ( $1.00) for:
      (1)    Each fixture or trap;
      (2)    Each inside storm drainage opening;
      (3)    Each pump or similar equipment;
      (4)    Each unit of water heating equipment;
      (5)    Each garbage disposal unit;
      (6)    Each dishwasher;
      (7)    Each air conditioner which is connected to the plumbing.
   (b)    Replacement or Relocation of Fixtures or Water Heating Equipment. Where the replacement or relocation does not involve any plumbing, there shall be an inside inspection fee of two dollars ($2.00) for:
      (1)    Each unit of water heating equipment;
      (2)    Each grouping of not to exceed six fixtures.
   (c)    Penalty. There shall be a penalty of fifty percent added to the total cost of the permit if any work is started before a permit is obtained except where the Plumbing and Sewer Inspector determines that an emergency actually did exist, in which case the penalty shall not apply.
   (d)    Reinspection. Whenever reinspection is made necessary by the failure of the permit holder or his agent to have the work ready for inspection when requested or by reason of faulty or improper installation, such person shall pay an additional fee of four dollars ($4.00) for each such reinspection. (Ord. 8-76. Passed 3-2-76.)
   (a)    The following tests and inspections shall be required of all plumbing permit holders:
      (1)    One roughing-in test and inspection which may consist of two partial roughing-in tests and inspections.
      (2)    One final test and inspection.
   (b)    One final inspection will be required of all holders of permits for replacement of fixtures or water heating equipment.
   (c)    Tests and inspections in addition to the above may be conducted upon payment of the reinspection fee outlined in Section 1327.07. The equipment, material and labor necessary for tests or inspections shall be furnished by the permit holder and he shall be present during tests or inspections. (Ord. 8-76. Passed 3-2-76.)
   When a project for which a permit has been issued is ready for inspection, an advance notice of not less than twenty-four hours shall be given to the Plumbing and Sewer Inspector. Upon receipt of the notice, the inspection shall be made within forty-eight hours or the inspection shall be waived. (Ord. 8-76. Passed 3-2-76.)