No person in the City shall keep, place or deposit garbage on any grounds or premises whatsoever except in the manner designated in Section 925.02; and no person in the City shall keep, place or deposit rubbish on any grounds or premises whatsoever except in the manner provided for in Section 925.03.
No person in the City shall throw or deposit any garbage, rubbish or waste matter, or cause the same to be thrown or deposited upon any street, way, lane or other public place, or upon any vacant lot or where rats, mice, dogs, cats, birds, fowl or other living things can feed thereon. (Ord. 65-69. Passed 7-29-69.)
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Service to cause the collection of garbage and rubbish from all premises within the City at least once every week except as may otherwise be provided herein.
It shall be the duty of each householder and manager of each commercial establishment to place one container of garbage at the side of or to the rear of the house or commercial establishment on each collection day in order that the collector may collect the garbage therefrom. It shall be the duty of each householder and manager of each commercial establishment to place each additional container or garbage and all containers of rubbish at the curb in front of the house or commercial establishment on each collection day in order that the collector may collect the garbage and rubbish therefrom. Provided, however, that householders or commercial establishment confronted with circumstances which render such pickup impracticable shall contact the Director for the purpose of suitable pickup arrangements.
(Ord. 31-70. Passed 4-21-70.)