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   As used in this chapter:
   (a)    "Garbage" means all putrescible waste except sewage and body waste, including vegetable and animal offal and carcasses of small dead animals, but excluding recognizable industrial by-products, and shall include all such substances from all public and private establishments and from all residences. "Garbage" shall further mean all ashes and/or other materials produced as a result of the reduction of putrescible waste by incineration or other means.
   (b)    "Rubbish" shall be interpreted to mean ashes except as hereinbefore provided for in subsection (a) hereof, bottles, broken glass, crockery, tin cans, cast iron, printed matter, paper, boots, shoes, hats and other clothing. It does not, however, include any materials in the nature of earth, sand, brick, stone, plaster, ashes or other substances that may accumulate as a result of building operation.
      (Ord. 35-72. Passed 6-6-72.)
   (c)    "City" means the City of Ashland, Ohio.
   (d)    "Director" means the Director of Public Service of the City.
   (e)    "Householder" means the head of a family or one maintaining his separate living room or quarters on the premises and includes owners, tenants and occupants of all premises, upon which garbage or rubbish, or both are accumulated.
   (f)    “Premises" means land or buildings or both, or parts of either or both, occupied by one householder or commercial establishment.
   (g)    "Commercial establishments" mean and include all other premises and institutions, public or private, charitable or noncharitable, upon which garbage or rubbish, or both, are created.
   (h)    "Collector" means the City and each and all of its duly authorized agents and/or employees connected with the collection and disposal of garbage or rubbish or both.
   (i)    "Collecting agent" means each and all employees of the City, charged with the duty of collecting or receiving fees, or both, for collecting and disposing of garbage or rubbish, by the City.
   (j)    "Person" as used herein, means every natural person or association of persons, a partnership or corporation. Words in the singular shall include the plural.
      (Ord. 3688. Passed 6-21-54.)
   (a)   It shall be the duty of each householder or commercial establishment in or upon premises within the City where garbage is accumulated or allowed to be, to procure and keep available for the exclusive use on such premises or the part thereof occupied by the householder or commercial establishment, metal or plastic garbage containers of not more than thirty-three gallons capacity. Such containers shall be watertight and shall be sufficient in number to hold all the garbage accumulated thereon for the period of one week and shall not exceed fifty pounds in weight when full. There shall be no obligation on the garbage collector to collect any garbage, refuse, rubbish or other waste matter that may be contained in any standard container in excess of thirty-three gallons capacity or in excess of fifty pounds in weight. Such containers, if cans, shall have close-fitting lids and shall provide for each such lid a bail or two handles on opposite sides of same. Such containers, if bags, shall be securely closed. Such containers shall be placed and maintained on the ground level of the premises but not within the limits of a street or other public place, except as shall be hereinafter permitted for purposes of garbage and rubbish pickup. All garbage accumulated upon a householder's premises or upon a commercial establishment must be placed in such containers.
   (b)   No person shall remove any garbage from any premises occupied by a householder or commercial establishment except the collector. (Ord. 24-07. Passed 4-3-07.)
   It shall be the duty of each householder occupying any premises, to provide and maintain substantial containers for the reception of rubbish. At least once every week and more often when and if required, the contents of such receptacles shall be hauled to the sanitary land fill by the collector or by a private rubbish collector.
   It shall be the duty of each commercial establishment occupying any premises, to provide and maintain substantial containers for the reception of rubbish. At least once every week and more often when and if required, the contents of such receptacles shall be hauled by the collector or by a private rubbish collector to an authorized disposal point.
   All rubbish containers shall be kept on the premises. Such containers shall be kept on the ground level of the premises. Each rubbish container shall be constructed so as to prevent its contents from being scattered by the wind, from being easily susceptible to catching fire and from dropping its contents when moved. (Ord. 65-69. Passed 7-29-69.)
   No person in the City shall keep, place or deposit garbage on any grounds or premises whatsoever except in the manner designated in Section 925.02; and no person in the City shall keep, place or deposit rubbish on any grounds or premises whatsoever except in the manner provided for in Section 925.03.
   No person in the City shall throw or deposit any garbage, rubbish or waste matter, or cause the same to be thrown or deposited upon any street, way, lane or other public place, or upon any vacant lot or where rats, mice, dogs, cats, birds, fowl or other living things can feed thereon. (Ord. 65-69. Passed 7-29-69.)
   No person shall keep garbage or rubbish for a longer period of time upon his premises than that expiring between two consecutive collection dates when actual collections are made by the collector. (Ord. 65-69. Passed 7-29-69.)
   It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Service to cause the collection of garbage and rubbish from all premises within the City at least once every week except as may otherwise be provided herein.
   It shall be the duty of each householder and manager of each commercial establishment to place one container of garbage at the side of or to the rear of the house or commercial establishment on each collection day in order that the collector may collect the garbage therefrom. It shall be the duty of each householder and manager of each commercial establishment to place each additional container or garbage and all containers of rubbish at the curb in front of the house or commercial establishment on each collection day in order that the collector may collect the garbage and rubbish therefrom. Provided, however, that householders or commercial establishment confronted with circumstances which render such pickup impracticable shall contact the Director for the purpose of suitable pickup arrangements.
(Ord. 31-70. Passed 4-21-70.)