It shall be permitted for any person to burn waste paper, boxes, brush, dry grass, weeds, leaves, cuttings from trees, lawns and gardens, and other materials capable of being completely consumed in an incinerator, within the City during the daylight hours of any season, in incinerators which are so constructed that sparks and burning brands sufficient in size to ignite nearby buildings and combustible materials are not emitted therefrom. Burning pursuant to this section shall, however, be subject to and/or in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the State applicable thereto. Should such laws, rules and regulations of the State conflict with this section such laws, rules and regulations of the State shall prevail.
(Ord. 50-73. Passed 7-3-73.)
No person shall dispose of, bury, burn or dump any garbage or rubbish accumulated within or without the City, except at the site of the Sanitary Land Fill. In the interest of public health and sanitation all existing dumping places within the City are declared a nuisance and ordered closed. All garbage and rubbish shall be conveyed to the site of the Sanitary Land Fill and disposed of by the City by burying. (Ord. 91-70. Passed 12-1-70.)
The Director of Public Service for the purpose of collecting and disposing of garbage and rubbish, is authorized and directed to make such rules and regulations and prescribe such standards and fix such rates and fees for such collection and disposal as are necessary or convenient, including the division of the City into collection districts.
(Ord. 3688, Passed 6-21-54.)
(a) The City will permit approved, registered, private sanitation service providers to enter into private contracts for the removal of garbage and rubbish from within the City of Ashland for commercial and industrial facilities. This provision shall exclude all households and residential structures and complexes of less than seven (7) units and all mobile home parks, which shall continue to be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the City.
(b) Any person or entity desiring to engage in sanitation removal service as authorized in subsection (a) hereof, shall register annually with the City through the Mayor's office, not later than January 1 of each year. Such registration shall include:
(1) Business name and address
(2) Name and telephone number of contact person
(3) Proof of liability insurance in the amounts set forth in Section 749.08 as provided for in the case of taxicabs.
(4) All such other information as the Mayor may deem necessary and in the bests interests of the City.
(5) Payment of an annual registration fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
(c) No billing services for private service providers will be performed by the City.
(Ord. 15-13. Passed 5-7-13.)
(a) The Director shall charge and every householder or person accumulating garbage or rubbish or both, shall pay as billed, in advance of the collection service rendered, according to the following schedule of rates:
Type of Service | Current Rate | 2002 Rate | 2003 Rate | 2004 Rate | 2005 Rate | 2006 Rate | |
Residential Householder or Person | Per Month | $9.92 | $10.91 | $12.00 | $13.26 | $14.45 | $15.75 |
Residential Householders Age 65 or older with total annual household income of less than $5,500 | Per Month | $4.93 | $5.42 | $5.96 | $6.59 | $7.18 | $7.83 |
Commercial Establishments Per Container - Twice/week pickup | Per Month | $15.39 | $16.93 | $18.62 | $20.58 | $22.43 | $24.45 |
Commercial Establishments Per Container - Once/Week pickup | Per Month | $44.95 | $49.45 | $54.40 | $60.11 | $65.52 | $71.42 |
Commercial Establishments Per Container - Four/week pickup | Per Month | $29.77 | $32.75 | $36.03 | $39.81 | $43.40 | $47.30 |
One Dumpster 2 cubic yard - Once/week pickup | Per Month | $49.20 | $54.12 | $59.53 | $65.78 | $71.70 | $78.15 |
One Dumpster 2 cubic yard - Twice/week pickup | Per Month | $98.40 | $108.24 | $119.06 | $131.56 | $143.40 | $156.31 |
Two Dumpsters 2 cubic yard - Twice/week pickup | Per Month | $140.87 | $154.96 | $170.46 | $188.36 | $205.31 | $223.79 |
Dumpsters 2 cubic yard - Additional pickups | Per Month | $28.21 | $31.03 | $34.13 | $37.71 | $41.10 | $44.80 |
One Dumpster 3 cubic yard - Once/week pickup | Per Month | $75.13 | $82.64 | $90.90 | $100.44 | $109.48 | $119.33 |
One Dumpster 3 cubic yard - Twice/week pickup | Per Month | $140.30 | $154.33 | $169.76 | $187.58 | $204.46 | $222.86 |
Two Dumpsters 3 cubic yard - Twice/week pickup | Per Month | $180.63 | $198.69 | $218.56 | $241.51 | $263.25 | $286.94 |
Dumpsters 3 cubic yard - Additional pickups | Per Month | $35.82 | $39.40 | $43.34 | $47.89 | $52.20 | $56.90 |
One Dumpster 4 cubic yard - Once/week pickup | Per Month | $98.23 | $108.05 | $118.86 | $131.34 | $143.16 | $156.04 |
One Dumpster 4 cubic yard - Twice/week pickup | Per Month | $178.61 | $196.47 | $216.12 | $238.81 | $260.30 | $283.73 |
One Dumpster 4 cubic yard - Additional pickups | Per Month | $54.63 | $60.09 | $66.10 | $73.04 | $79.61 | $86.77 |
(b) In cases where there are no established rates, the Director is authorized to establish classifications of service and fix rates governing such classifications which shall be nondiscriminatory as to all others. When, as and if such classifications are made and rates established, they shall have the same force and effect as though they were a part of this chapter.
(c) In cases where there is a considerable volume to weight differential for various dumpsters, the Director is authorized to establish classifications based on the volume to weight differential and fix rates for such classifications which shall be nondiscriminatory as to all others. When, as and if such classifications are made and rates established, they shall have the same force and effect as though they were a part of this chapter.
(d) The Director shall charge a proportional amount per week for any period of less than the regular rate schedule such collection service is furnished and shall allow rebates when the service is discontinued by the household or commercial establishment prior to the end of the half year for which the rate has been paid in advance.
(e) If there are two or more householders located in one building in the City and if the Director in his discretion determines from the character of the building that the householders located therein tend to be transient, he may levy the charge for garbage and rubbish collection as described above against the owner of record of the building.
(f) If any charge for the collection of garbage or rubbish, or both, is not paid within fifteen days after the date of mailing the statement for same, a ten percent (10%) penalty shall be added. (Ord. 31-02. Passed 5-21-02.)