Building Permits
150.001 Building permits generally
150.002 Limitation
150.003 Duplicate to County Assessor
150.004 Satellite dish installation; regulations
Building Moving
150.015 Definitions
150.016 Permit required
150.017 Application
150.018 Interference
150.019 Duties of permittee
150.020 No general license
Barricades and Lights
150.035 Barricades and lights
Unsafe Buildings
150.050 Definition
150.051 Prohibition
150.052 Determination and notice
150.053 Hearing and appeal
150.054 Emergency
150.055 Special assessments
Uniform Codes
150.070 Electrical Code; adopted by reference
150.071 International Property Maintenance Code
Rental Housing Standards Code
150.085 Established
150.999 Penalty