This title is adopted for the following purposes:
   A.   To promote and protect the public health, safety, aesthetics, comfort and general welfare of the people and to enforce any applicable zoning laws as enumerated by state statutes;
   B.   To divide the village into zones or districts restricting and regulating therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration of residential, commercial, office, institutional, and light industrial development;
   C.   To protect the character and existing sense of place in the village by establishing a series of regulations and policies consistent with the village's comprehensive plan and other adopted land plans and design standards;
   D.   To maintain the environmental health of the community be establishing a series of regulations and policies that will create a sustainable community;
   E.   To regulate the intensity of development patterns in order to maintain property values and to ensure that the public health, welfare, aesthetics and character of the community is maintained for future generations;
   F.   To establish form-based policies that will regulate how the built environment in the village is built and the character and sense of place is maintained;
   G.   To fix reasonable set of bulk standards relating to land use patterns to ensure that the quality of place is maintained;
   H.   To prohibit uses, buildings or structures incompatible with the character of development or intended uses within specified zoning districts;
   I.   To prevent additions to or alteration or remodeling of existing buildings or structures in any way that may threaten the public health and general welfare of the community;
   J.   To create a set of policies that create a well interconnected community and affords equal opportunities for different modes of transportation, including vehicular, pedestrians, and biking, while recognizing the critical importance of regional public transportation;
   K.   To protect against fire, explosion, noxious fumes and other hazards in the interest of the public health, safety, comfort and general welfare;
   L.   To conserve the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the village and promote the efficient utilization of developable land and minimize the unnecessary and wasteful sprawl of development patterns that create an unsustainable future; and
   M.   To provide for the elimination of nonconforming uses of land, buildings and structures which are adversely affecting the character and value of desirable development in each district. (Ord. 19-12-43, 1-13-2020)