A.   The electricity aggregation program shall operate as an opt out program whereby customers who do not wish to participate in the electricity aggregation program may opt out pursuant to the act.
   B.   The village administrator or his designee, on behalf of the village, shall fully inform customers in advance, as provided in the act, that customers have the right to opt out of the electricity aggregation program. The disclosure provided to the customers shall comply with the requirements of the act and shall prominently state all charges to be made and shall include full disclosure of the cost to obtain service pursuant to section 16-603 of the act, how to access service, and the fact that service under section 16-603 of the act is available to customers without penalty if they are currently receiving service under section 16-603 of the act.
   C.   Upon notification from any customer that the customer wishes to opt out of the electricity aggregation program, that customer shall be excluded from the electricity aggregation program.
   D.   Except for those customers who opt out of the electricity aggregation program pursuant to this section and the act, the electricity aggregation program shall automatically apply for each person owning, occupying, controlling, or using an electrical load center proposed to be aggregated in the corporate limits of the village. (Ord. 12-04-05, 4-16-2012)