A.   Registration Required; Fee: It shall be unlawful for any resident to operate a bicycle upon any street, sidewalk or other public place within the village unless the bicycle is registered and tagged as provided in this chapter. The registration fee shall be fifty cents ($0.50). (1976 Code §§ 72.010, 72.013)
   B.   Method Of Registration: The owner of a bicycle shall annually, between May 1 and May 31, or within ten (10) days of the purchase of a bicycle, file with the chief of police a complete description of his bicycle upon a blank form to be provided for that purpose. Such registration shall be serially numbered and kept on file in the office of the chief of police as public records. (1976 Code § 72.011)
   C.   Inspections: The chief of police or his designee shall inspect each bicycle presented to him for registration and may refuse to register any bicycle found to be in unsafe mechanical condition. (1976 Code § 72.014)
   D.   Identification Tags: Upon the registration of a bicycle in his office, the chief of police or person authorized by him shall affix to the bicycle a license tag or emblem, serially numbered to correspond with the registration of the bicycle. Such tag shall remain affixed unless removed by the chief of police or his designated representative for cause or for replacement with another tag upon reregistration. (1976 Code § 72.012)
   E.   Conditions Of Registration:
      1.   Cancellation: The chief of police or his designated representative may cancel the registration of and remove the license tag or emblem from any bicycle operated in an unsafe manner or in violation of any statute or ordinance, and cancellation and removal of tag shall be in addition to other penalties provided hereunder. (1976 Code § 72.015)
      2.   Change Of Ownership: Within ten (10) days after any bicycle has changed ownership or been dismantled, or taken out of operation, such information shall be reported to the department of police by the licensee. (1976 Code § 72.016)
      3.   Loss Of License Tag Or Emblem: The licensee shall report immediately to the department of police the loss or destruction of the license tag or emblem of the licensee, and the circumstances surrounding the loss or destruction thereof. Upon approval of the chief of police, or his designated representative, a duplicate license tag or emblem may be issued at a fee of fifty cents ($0.50). (1976 Code § 72.017)
      4.   Removal Of License, Tag: It shall be unlawful for any person, wilfully or maliciously, to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter the manufacturer's serial number of any bicycle licensed hereunder; or to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any license plate issued hereunder during the time in which the license plate is in force. The chief of police is authorized to stamp numbers on the frame of a bicycle in a legible manner for identification purposes, upon which no manufacturer's serial number can be found, or upon which the manufacturer's serial number is illegible or insufficient for identification purposes. (1976 Code § 72.032)