A person commits criminal damage to property when he:
   A.   Knowingly damages any property of another without his consent; or
   B.   Recklessly, by means of fire or explosives, damages property of another; or
   C.   Knowingly starts a fire on the land of another without his consent; or
   D.   Knowingly deposits on the land or in the building of another, without his consent, any stink bomb or any offensive smelling compound and thereby intends to interfere with the use by another of the land or building; or
   E.   Knowingly injures a domestic animal of another without his consent; or
   F.   Knowingly shoots a firearm at any portion of a railroad train; or
   G.   Knowingly damages the property of another without his consent by defacing, deforming, or otherwise damaging such property by the use of paint or any other similar substance; or
   H.   Wilfully and maliciously cuts, injures, damages, tampers with or destroys or defaces any fire hydrant or any fire hose or any fire engine, or other public or private firefighting equipment, or any apparatus appertaining to such equipment, or intentionally opens any fire hydrant without proper authorization. (1976 Code § 130.007)