The village may waive service fees for specific residents upon application in writing certifying that payment of such fees will cause undue hardship on the resident. Said request for waiver of service fees shall be addressed to the village administrator at village hall, 874 Main Street for review. All requests for hardship waiver shall indicate in writing the location and date which services were performed and the specific reason for the waiver being requested. The burden shall be on the applicant to demonstrate sufficient cause to justify a waiver. A committee composed of the village administrator, the fire chief and the finance director shall review all hardship waiver requests and determine by majority vote if a hardship waiver for service fees shall be approved. Said waiver approval shall apply solely to the one specific incident listed in the waiver request.
To simplify application of this provision, and to provide for greater transparency of this process, the committee shall establish and publish guidelines and forms to assist applicants in filing their requests or submitting adequate information to the committee. All decisions of the committee must remain confidential as required by applicable federal and state law, and shall not be published nor shall they be subject to any FOIA law. (Ord. 13-07-15, 7-15-2013)