In the event any person who has received services from the village is entitled to compensation from a third party which is allocable to the ambulance and/or life safety service fee, such compensation shall be promptly forwarded by said person to the village. The village shall have the right to serve a lien upon the recipient of the services and any tortfeasor involved in causing the need for services. The recipient of services shall be under an affirmative duty to provide contact information to assist the village in preparing and serving such a lien. By serving such a lien, the village does not waive the right to compensation from the recipient, but such lien shall be considered additional security to ensure ultimate payment of all sums properly due and owing. Under no circumstances shall any term or provision of this section adversely affect the rights of the village as set forth in the Illinois health care services lien act, 770 Illinois Compiled Statutes 23/1 et seq., as amended, or any other similar statute. (Ord. 13-07-15, 7-15-2013)