(a) Designation. The Central Services Officer is the County Records Management Officer.
(b) Responsibilities. The Records Management Officer has primary responsibility for the development and administration of a continuing records management program for the records of each unit. The Records Management Officer shall:
(1) establish standards, procedures, and techniques for the effective management of County records;
(2) ensure and oversee the preparation of record retention schedules providing for the retention of County records of continuing value and for the prompt and orderly disposal of County records no longer possessing sufficient administrative, legal, or fiscal value to warrant their further preservation;
(3) consult with and advise units in an effort to achieve uniformity of new forms;
(4) inspect records and records management practices of all units;
(5) assist heads of units in training personnel in handling records; and
(6) ensure compliance with laws and regulations related to local government records and the State Archives.
(c) Reports. The Records Management Officer may require reports from heads of units, as necessary.
(1985 Code, Art. 2, § 7-102) (Bill No. 71-16)
The head of each unit shall:
(1) cooperate with the Records Management Officer in the preparation of records retention schedules;
(2) comply with the rules, regulations, standards, and procedures issued by the Records Management Officer with respect to the handling of records; and
(3) designate an employee as a liaison to the Records Management Officer to assist in carrying out the records management program.
(1985 Code, Art. 2, § 7-103) (Bill No. 71-16)
The Records Management Officer, in his or her sole discretion, may loan records of the County that are considered to have historical significance to any responsible person. The person to whom records are loaned shall provide for the proper preservation, display, and indexing of the records and shall make the records available for reference purposes.
(1985 Code, Art. 2, § 7-105) (Bill No. 13-89; Bill No. 71-16)