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   1-3-101.   Definitions.
   1-3-102.   Minutes and record of proceedings.
   1-3-103.   Supplies, equipment, and clerical assistance.
§ 1-3-101. Definitions.
   In this title, the following words have the meanings indicated.
      (1)   "Meeting" means the convening of a quorum of a special body for the transaction or consideration of the business of the special body.
      (2)   "Record" means to perpetuate by audio reproduction or stenographic transcription.
      (3)   "Recording" means an audio reproduction or stenographic transcription.
      (4)   "Special body" means a"public body" as defined by the Maryland Open Meetings Act.
(1985 Code, Art. 2, § 4-101) (Bill No. 71-16)
§ 1-3-102. Minutes and record of proceedings.
   (a)   Generally. A special body shall keep and approve minutes and record the proceedings of each meeting at which it performs advisory, investigative, legislative, or quasi-legislative functions, as defined by the Maryland Open Meetings Act, in the manner and form required by the Maryland Open Meetings Act.
   (b)   Who retains. The Central Services Officer shall keep approved minutes and recordings of meetings of special bodies appointed by the County Executive or jointly by the County Executive and the County Council. The Administrative Officer to the County Council shall keep approved minutes and recordings of meetings of special bodies appointed by the County Council or the Chair of the County Council.
   (c)   Length of time retained. Approved minutes shall be maintained for 10 years from the date of the meeting at which the minutes were taken or for such greater time required by law, regulation, or State Archives. Recordings of meetings shall be maintained for five years from the date of the meeting at which the recording was made, or for such longer period as may be directed by executive order or by resolution or ordinance of the County Council.
   (d)   Public review. Approved minutes and recordings shall be available for public review during normal business hours under the supervision of the Central Services Officer or the Administrative Officer to the County Council, or their respective designees.
(1985 Code, Art. 2, § 4-102) (Bill No. 71-16)
Charter reference – §§ 1005, 1011.
State Code reference – State Government Article, § 10-611.
§ 1-3-103. Supplies, equipment, and clerical assistance.
   Except as otherwise provided by law, each special body shall be provided with the necessary supplies, equipment, and clerical assistance by:
      (1)   the County Executive for those special bodies appointed by the County Executive and those appointed jointly by the County Executive and the County Council; or
      (2)   the Administrative Officer to the County Council for those special bodies appointed by the County Council or the Chair of the County Council.
(1985 Code, Art. 2, § 4-103) (Bill No. 71-16)