3-1-1: License Required
3-1-2: Application
3-1-3: Record Of Licenses
3-1-4: Fees
3-1-5: Term Of License
3-1-6: Minors, Intoxicated Persons Excluded
3-1-7: Revocation Of License
3-1-8: Permit Fees
   A.   Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to exercise the trade or calling of an auctioneer, hawker, peddler, pawnbroker, huckster or street vendor or to conduct any circus, menagerie, or show, or to keep or run or maintain any billiard, bagatelle, pigeon hole or other table, or implement of like character, or that is kept or used for a similar purpose, or any ball alley, or pin alley, in any place or public resort, or to advertise any goods or wares, merchandise or other thing, or any sale thereof, by the ringing of a bell or bells or by public outcry upon the streets, or in any place to the annoyance of the public or of any private family; or to store any gunpowder, nitroglycerine, pitch, resin, tar, coal oil, benzine, turpentine, hemp, cotton, petroleum, or any product of petroleum, without first obtaining a license therefor; provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to executors, administrators, constables or trustees or other persons selling by virtue of their office; and, provided further, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the sale of goods by sample for future delivery.
   B.   Penalty: Any persons violating any of the provisions of this Section, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to penalty as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (Ch. 4 § 1; amd. 1998 Code)
The Village Clerk may receive applications for licenses and grant the same except where this Chapter provides that the President and Board of Trustees shall grant the same, upon the party applying for the same presenting to him a receipt from the Village Treasurer for the amount fixed by ordinance for the object for which the license is desired, and each license so issued by the Clerk shall contain a condition that the same shall be forfeited if the holder thereof shall violate any of the provisions of any ordinance of this Village or law of this State, and that the same may be revoked at any time by the President and Board of Trustees. (Ch. 4 § 3)
It shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to provide, at the expense of the Village, a suitable book in which to record, and to record therein all licenses issued, the time when issued and when the same expires, and any other facts necessary for a full understanding of the object of the license issued. (Ch. 4 § 3)
3-1-4: FEES 1 :
There shall be charged and collected from each person desiring a license and/or permit for any purpose a license and/or permit fee as shall be determined from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees. (1998 Code; amd. per letter dated 3-13-2000)



1. See also Section 3-1-8 of this Chapter.
   A.   Pro Rata Term: Any yearly license provided for in this Chapter may be issued for any part of a year upon the payment of a corresponding part of the annual fee of such license, unless otherwise provided by ordinance. (Ch. 4 § 8)
   B.   Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall end on April 30 of each and every year from and after the passage hereof. All billiard, pool and bagatelle license and druggist permits shall terminate on said day. (Ch. 4 § 9)
   A.   Minors:
      1.   Playing Amusements Prohibited; Consent Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to whom a license or permit has been issued to keep or run a billiard room, bagatelle or other similar table, ten (10) pin alley, or shooting gallery, to suffer or permit, either by himself or his agent, any minor to play upon any such table or alley, or at any game played thereon, or to handle or use any gun or other implement kept for the purpose aforesaid, without a written consent of the parent or guardian of such minor.
      2.   Misrepresentation Of Age: It shall be unlawful for any minor to falsely represent himself to be of lawful age for the purpose of obtaining any intoxicating liquors, playing at any game, or for the doing of any act or thing prohibited by this Chapter.
      3.   Penalty: Any person violating any of the provisions of this subsection A, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to penalty as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code.
   B.   Loitering:
      1.   Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any minor or person intoxicated to frequent, loiter, loaf or be in and about any place where any billiard, bagatelle, pigeon hole or other table, or ball or pin alley, air gun or other gun for like purposes, or shooting gallery may be kept or used under the provision of this Chapter, or to play at any game, or use or handle any gun or other implement or thing used in playing at any such game without first having obtained written consent of his parent or guardian so to do.
      2.   Penalty: Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this subsection B shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to penalty as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (Ch. 4 § 7; amd. 1998 Code)
The President and Board of Trustees shall have the power, at any time in their discretion, to revoke or annul any license or permit that may have been issued by virtue of any ordinance of this Village by refunding such fractional part of the whole sum paid for the license as the unexpired time the license has to run is to the whole time for which it was given and has been paid for. (Ch. 4 § 5)
Permit fees in this Section are required for home building, outer home improvements, subdivisions and any type of commercial building or commercial building improvements.
   A.   Residential Properties:
$ 0.00 to $ 5,000.00
$ 25.00
5,001.00 to 15,000.00
15,001.00 to 30,000.00
30,001.00 to 100,000.00
100,001.00 to 125,000.00
125,001.00 to 200,000.00
Above 200,000.00
1/2 percent of project total
   B.   Commercial Properties: One-half percent (1/2%) of project total. (Per letter dated 3-13-2000)