Development in the Arena District and Transit District shall comply with the following development standards. Where provisions of this title may conflict with Exhibit B (Master Site Plan No. MIS2020-00751) of Development Agreement No. 2020-00004, the Development Agreement and Master Site Plan shall prevail.
.010 Structural Heights. The height requirements for the Arena District and Transit District are shown in Table 20-I (Maximum Structural Height: Arena District and Transit District and apply in addition to the Structural Height Limitations in Chapter 18.40 (General Development Standards).
.020 Site Coverage. The maximum site coverage for the Arena District and Transit District is seventy-five percent (75%).
.0201 "Coverage" is calculated as the sum of the area of all building footprint areas including all covered parking spaces, divided by the gross area of the District Sub-Area, excluding public and private streets.
.0202 Accessory Buildings and Structures. All accessory buildings and structures, shall be included in the maximum site coverage calculation.
.030 Residential Project Size and Type. The minimum residential project size shall be fifty (50) dwelling units. The minimum residential project density shall be 45 units per acre, based on the net project site. Residential projects shall be designed in a cohesive architectural style that complements the unique entertainment and mixed use character of the Arena District with distinctive mass, style, articulation, variation, and architectural interest.
.0301 Density in Arena District and Transit District. The Density in the Arena District and Transit District shall be calculated as the number of dwelling units per acre of land, including the area used for open space, recreational uses, and accessory uses associated with the residential use, but excluding public and private streets, public and private easements for ingress and egress, and any area used for non-residential purposes.
.040 Floor Area. The minimum floor area for dwelling units is shown in Table 20-J (Minimum Floor Area: Arena District and Transit District).
.0401 Calculations. For purposes of this section, a "Bedroom" is a private habitable room planned or used for sleeping, separated from other rooms by a door or a similar partition. Further, all rooms (other than a living room, family room, dining room, bathroom, hall, lobby, closet or pantry) having seventy (70) square feet or more of floor area, or less than fifty percent (50%) of the total length of any wall open to an adjacent room or hallway, shall be considered a "Bedroom."
Unit Type | Minimum Floor Area |
Studio Units: | 550 square feet |
One-Bedroom Units: | 650 square feet |
Two-Bedroom Units: | 825 square feet |
Three-Bedroom Units: | 1,000 square feet |
More Than a Three-Bedroom Unit: | 1,000 square feet plus 200 square feet for each bedroom over three |
.050 Structural Setbacks. Every building or structure erected under the provisions of this zone shall be provided with setbacks as follows:
.0501 Setbacks Abutting Public Rights-of-Way, Private Streets and Alleys.
(a) Minimum Open Setback. All properties shall have a minimum open setback for the width of the property, as indicated in Table 20-K (Structural Setbacks: Arena District and Transit District).
(1) Setbacks abutting public rights-of-way shall be parallel to the centerline of the adjoining public rights-of-way, and shall be measured from the ultimate right-of-way, as indicated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
(2) Setbacks abutting private streets and alleys shall be parallel to the centerline of the adjoining private street or alley, and measured from the private access easement.
(b) Required Improvement of Setbacks. Setbacks abutting public rights-of-way, private streets and alleys shall be landscaped with lawn, trees, shrubs or other plants, and/or decorated hard surface expansion of the sidewalk, as set forth in Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening) and Table 20-K. Setback areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner.
(c) Permitted Encroachments. Setbacks abutting public rights-of-way, private streets and alleys may include the following encroachments:
(1) Patios and ground floor commercial uses that encroach into the required street setback no more than the maximum amount allowed per Table 20-K.
(2) Walkway connections to building entrances, provided that special paving treatment or modular paving materials are used.
(3) Vehicular and bike accessways.
(4) Transit stops.
(5) Outdoor seating and dining areas in conjunction with full-service restaurants, coffee shops, and bakeries, provided that such areas shall be designed to not adversely affect the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(6) Public art displays, fountains, ponds, planters, outdoor seating areas, benches, decorative trash receptacles, planters, public plazas, or other similar amenities and attractive street furnishings that create public gathering places.
(7) Newsracks that are designed to be aesthetically harmonious with the character of the area, and not cause obstruction or adversely affect the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(8) Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, buttresses and fireplaces that encroach into the required street setback no more than thirty-six (36) inches.
(9) Awnings, canopies and arcades.
(10) Open, unenclosed balconies that encroach into the required street setback no more than three (3) feet.
(11) Covered or uncovered entrances that do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building, and that include a wall not more than thirty-six (36) inches in height that encroaches into the required street setback no more than five (5) feet.
(12) Fences, walls and hedges that comply with Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls and Hedges) of Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening) and subsection (Accessory Uses).
(13) Ground mounted Mechanical and Utility Equipment, with screening materials consistent with Master Site Plan MIS2020-00751.
(14) Pedestrian bridges and ancillary staircases.
(d) Parking, loading or unloading of privately owned and operated automobiles and other vehicles shall be prohibited in all required setbacks.
(e) Required vehicle site distances shall be maintained. No landscaping or other elements such as signs or fences exceeding twenty-four (24) inches in height shall be permitted within the line-of-sight triangle described in Section 18.44.080 (Freestanding and Monument Signs-General) of Chapter 18.44 (Signs) and as shown on the applicable Engineering Standard Detail pertaining to commercial drive approaches unless otherwise approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager.
.0502 Modifications. The setbacks prescribed in this section and Table 20-K may be modified in connection with a minor conditional use permit as set forth in Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permit).
Street | Minimum Setback | Permitted Encroachments | Required Landscape |
Katella Avenue | Arena District: 10 feet; 5 feet for up to 30% of the street frontage. Transit District: 8 feet. | Ground floor commercial: 4 feet. Parking Structure Entrances: 5 feet. | Adjacent to ground floor commercial uses, up to 80% of the setback area may be paved. |
Douglass Road – South of Katella Avenue | 10 feet | None | |
River Road | North of Stanley Cup Way: 10 feet. South of Stanley Cup Way: 10 feet; 5 feet for up to 30% of street frontage. | None | Subject to Chapter 18.46 Landscaping and Screening |
Private Streets and Drives | 9 feet; 0 feet of up to 30% of the street frontage | Patios: 7 feet. Residential Buildings: 3 feet. Ground Floor Commercial: 3 feet. Parking Structures: 5 feet. South side of Stanley Cup Way and North side of Stanley Cup Way, west of Douglass Road and Interior Drives in Arena District Sub-Areas D1 and D2: Sidewalks, parallel to the Private Street or Drive. | The area between residential patios and the sidewalks shall be fully landscaped. Adjacent to ground floor commercial uses, up to 80% of the setback area may be paved. |
Alleys | 10 feet | Patios: 2 feet. Residential Buildings: 2 feet. Ground Floor Commercial: 2 feet. | A minimum 4-foot- wide pedestrian walkway shall be provided parallel to the alley. All other portions of the setback area shall be fully landscaped. |
Railroad Rights-of-Way | 10 feet | None | Setback area shall be fully landscaped |
Freeways | 10 feet; 6 feet for up to 20% of building frontage | None | Setback area shall be fully landscaped |
Interior Property Lines | 0 feet | In compliance with California Building and Fire Codes | |
Setbacks Between Buildings On- Site | 0 feet | In compliance with California Building and Fire Codes | |
.060 Structural Location and Building Orientation. Buildings and structures shall be located and oriented in the general place and manner depicted in Exhibit B (Master Site Plan MIS2020-00751) of Development Agreement No. 2020-00004.
.070 Public Parks. Public parks in the Arena and Transit District shall be provided in the place, schedule, and manner required by Development Agreement No. 2020-00004, including the Parks and Open Space Plan in Master Site Plan MIS 2020-00751.
.080 Recreational-Leisure Areas. Recreational-Leisure Areas for all residential projects in the Arena District shall be provided in the place and manner as required in Section and as further shown in Exhibit B (Master Site Plan) of Development Agreement No. 2020-00004.
.090 Parking, Loading and Vehicular Access.
.0901 Number of Spaces for Residential Uses. Parking for residential uses shall conform to the requirements of subsection .020 Dwelling-Multiple Family, of Section 18.42.030 Residential Parking Requirements, or as otherwise permitted in Chapter 18.52.100 (Parking Ratios) of Chapter 18.52 (Affordable Housing) for affordable housing projects.
.0902 Number of Spaces for Non-Residential Uses. The number of parking spaces for non-residential uses shall be determined by the type of use (use class) specified in Table 42-A (Non-Residential Parking Requirements) of Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loading).
.0903 Number of Spaces for Mixed-Use Projects. Due to variations in parking demand and the needs of each project, vehicle parking requirements, the demand for drop-off and pick-up locations and the design of the parking areas, including ingress and egress, shall be determined as part of the final site plan review process by the Planning Services Division of the Planning and Building Department based upon information contained in a parking demand study prepared by an independent traffic engineer, as approved by the Planning Services Division of the Planning and Building Department and/or its designee. The parking demand study shall be prepared at the property owner/developer’s expense and provided as part of the final site plan application.
.0904 On-Street Parking. Parking located on a private or public street directly in front of a use may be considered for parking credit; providing a parking management plan is approved by the City Engineer, which adequately addresses how parking will be limited to the use that it is intended to serve. Diagonal and perpendicular parking shall be in conformance with Chapter
.0905 Tandem Parking in Residential Projects. Tandem parking spaces of not more than two (2) vehicles deep shall be permitted provided that (i) such tandem parking spaces are enclosed or covered parking spaces, and (ii) both spaces are assigned to the same designated dwelling unit.
.0906 Tandem Parking for Surface Parking Lots. Tandem parking spaces shall be permitted on surface parking lots consistent with the tandem parking detail in the Master Site Plan provided that (i) such tandem parking spaces are restricted to employee parking only and (ii) operate with a parking management plan as part of the Final Site Plan review process and approved by the Planning and Building Director.
.0907 Valet Parking. Valet parking may be permitted, provided valet services are provided for and managed by an on-site management company or homeowner’s association and a minor conditional use permit is approved pursuant to, and subject to, the conditions and required showings of Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits).
.0908 Drop-off and Pick-Up Locations. Drop-off and pick-up locations shall be incorporated into the design of parking areas, and the number, location and design shall be approved by the City Engineer.
.0909 Designation of Parking for Residential and Non-Residential Uses. Parking spaces specifically designated for non-residential and residential uses shall be marked by the use of posting, pavement markings, and/or physical separation. Parking design shall incorporate separate entrances and exits, or a designated lane, for residents, so that residents are not waiting in line behind non-residential drivers.
.0910 Vehicle Access. All vehicle access shall be designed and improved in accordance with the requirements of the City Engineer.
(a) Minimum Distance Between Driveways of Arterials. The minimum distance between adjacent driveways on the same site or adjacent properties located along arterials shall be not less than three hundred and fifty (350) feet, except as otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
(b) Vehicular Access from Katella Avenue. When two or more parcels or lots located adjacent to Katella Avenue are considered as a single, integrated development, additional driveways may be permitted, subject to the Standard Driveway Detail requirements of the Public Works Department.
(c) Driveway Width Dimensions. Driveways shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24) feet wide, and a maximum of thirty-five (35) feet wide, in order to enhance the pedestrian experience. Wider widths may be allowed if pedestrian circulation is not significantly compromised, subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager, based on sound engineering practices.
.0911 Parking Lot Landscaping. Landscaping for publicly accessible surface parking lots proposed to be redeveloped, as identified in the Master Site Plan, shall comply with the provisions listed in this paragraph and shall supersede the requirements in Section
(a) Stanley Cup Way, Douglass Road (north of Stanley Cup Way), and Cerritos Avenue frontage. All required street setback areas shall be provided and maintained with a minimum of bark, mulch, or decomposed granite.
(b) Katella Avenue, Douglass Road (south of Katella Avenue), and River Road frontage. All required street setback areas, and areas immediately adjacent that are visible, shall be provided and maintained with a minimum of hydroseed and/or small plant material. Boxed trees shall be provided within the street setback every thirty (30) linear feet in areas where the adjacent grade is level or an upslope condition flatter than 20%. All required trees shall be a minimum size of twenty-four (24) inch box.
(c) Fencing. A chain link fence with screening applied shall be permitted outside of the street setback. The chain link fence shall include graphics that temporarily enhance the aesthetic quality of the site but shall not include signage as regulated in Chapter 18.44. Areas screened by fencing shall not be required to provide landscaping.
(d) Bond for permanent landscaping shall be provided at a rate based on the Public Works Cost Estimate, on file with the Public Works Department, for applicable landscape subject to the approval of the Planning and Building Director, for the required street setback area only. Bond shall be exonerated upon issuance of a grading permit that removes the landscape setback area.
.0912 Employee Parking Lot Landscaping. Landscaping for surface employee parking lots, identified in the Master Site Plan, shall be determined as a part of the Final Site Plan.
.0913 Parking Lot Landscaping for Lot B. New parking lot improvements shall comply with the provision of Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and Screening).
.100 Streets. The location of streets shall be in conformance with the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, and shall be approved by the City Engineer, based on an access and alignment study.
.1001 The streets shall be designed to comply with the cross sections in the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan and Exhibit B (Master Site Plan MIS2020-000751) of Development Agreement No. 2020-00004.
.1002 Traffic-calming and special street design features, such as enhanced paving and parkway tapers at intersections, are permitted and encouraged, subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
.1003 Diagonal and perpendicular parking may be permitted subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer.
.110 Loading Areas. Loading spaces shall be provided as follows:
.1101 Non-residential uses off-street loading requirements shall comply with the requirements of Section 18.42.100 (Loading Requirements) of Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loading). The Honda Center is not subject to this requirement.
.1102 Residential Uses. Residential uses shall have one (1) off-street loading space or moving plaza for every one hundred and fifty (150) units. Loading spaces or moving plazas may be located on private streets. Loading spaces or moving plazas shall be located near entries and/or elevators. Decorative paving, removable bollards and potted plants are permitted and encouraged to enhance loading spaces or moving plazas.
.120 Refuse Storage, Recycling Facilities, and Private Storage. Refuse storage, recycling facilities, and private storage area requirements in the Arena District and Transit District shall be the same as required in Chapter 18.20.130.
.130 Design Standards. The design of buildings within the Arena District and Transit District shall be of the highest quality in massing, design details and amenities.
.1301 Amenities. High quality recreational and service amenities to serve the tenants of the residential complexes shall be provided. Such amenities may include, but are not limited to, private health clubs or fitness centers, meeting rooms, recreational rooms, pools, spas, dry cleaning collection and distribution, computer facilities, barbecues, decks, court game facilities, and community fireplaces.
.1302 Integrated Design. The design of buildings, signs, landscaping and other structures or elements shall feature a unified and integrated theme.
.1303 Architectural Massing. With the exception of office buildings and hotels, and as otherwise provided for office development in the Orangewood District, buildings shall comply with the following:
(a) Regardless of style, a building shall not have a continuous roof or parapet line exceeding two hundred (200) feet in length, without vertical breaks that cause a change in height of at least six (6) feet.
(b) When a building exceeds two hundred forty (240) feet in length, building height shall step down, in at least one location at least one (1) floor, for a minimum length of twenty-four (24) feet.
(c) The wall plane of a building facade shall not extend longer than one hundred sixty (160) feet, without a break in the plane no less than three (3) feet in depth.
.1304 Facades Visible to Public Rights of Way shall comply with the following:
(a) Street wall facades shall be architecturally enhanced through the use of arcades, colonnades, recessed entrances, window details, bays, variation in building materials, and other details such as cornices and contrasting colors. Total blank wall areas (without windows or entrances) are prohibited. In addition to architectural massing requirements, building facades shall be articulated through the use of separated wall surfaces, contrasting colors and materials, variations in building setbacks, and attractive window fenestrations.
(b) Street wall facades shall be integrated with public plazas, mini parks, outdoor dining, and other pedestrian-oriented amenities.
(c) Buildings at corners of any street intersection not identified as requiring landmark architecture in the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan, shall receive special treatment to enhance the pedestrian experience, and create visual interest and focal points at the entryways, such as but not limited to, building cut-offs and corner entrances with additional architectural detail.
(d) Tops of building facades for residential buildings shall be visually terminated through the use of cornices, stepped parapets, hip and mansard roofs, stepped terraces, domes and other forms of multifaceted building tops.
.1305 Architectural Detail for Residential Buildings.
(a) Buildings on corners must address both streets with an equal level of architectural detail.
(b) Projecting features to create visual interest and distinction between units, such as balconies, porches, bays, and dormer windows, are required. Trim detail on rooflines, porches, windows and doors on street-facing elevations are required.
(c) When trim is used, a minimum of one-inch by two-inch (1" x 2") trim is required.
(d) “Corner Boards” (the board upon which siding is fitted at the corner of a frame structure) are required with wood or simulated wood sidings.
(e) Dormers must be authentic and either be habitable or provide attic ventilation and have a symmetrical gable, hip, shed or curved form.
(f) Windows shall have clear glazing, (panes or sheets of glass) or lightly tinted glazing e.g., low emissivity, solar or spandrel glazing (opaque glass for concealing structural elements). Other types of mirror glazing (including tinted or opaque glass) are not permitted.
(g) Windows shall be recessed or project (not flush with the wall plane) to create shadow lines and to impart a three-dimensional design feature.
(h) All first floor exterior doors shall be hinged, if serving as the primary door to the unit.
(i) Primary wall materials used on the front facade must be repeated on the rear and side elevations.
(j) Balconies that comply with the conditions listed in this clause are not required to be finished with solid and/or opaque balcony railing.
(1) Comply with the requirements in Section (Private Recreational-Leisure Areas); and
(2) Comply with the requirements in Section (Private Storage Area); and
(3) Balcony shall face a private or public recreational amenity, or an interior property line not visible to a public right-of- way.
(k) All balconies that do not meet the conditions in clause (j) shall be finished with one of the following:
(1) Permanent, solid, building material for the lower three- foot portion of the balcony railing; or
(2) Balcony railing with a sixty percent (60%) opacity.
(l) Balconies shall provide penetrations in the building mass at least three (3) feet, create shadow, and expose extended wall thickness.
.1306 Roof Treatments.
(a) Roofs shall be of a monochromic color, and all penetrations and appurtenances shall be painted to match, or be compatible with, the roof color so that their visibility is minimized.
(b) Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be mounted behind major rooftop elements such as stair or elevator penthouses, parapets or architectural projections, so that the equipment is not visible from the adjacent public rights-of-way or adjacent property at grade level.
(c) Non-Residential, Multiple-Family Residential, and Mixed-Use Structures. Solar energy (photovoltaic) panels shall be installed on the roof surface and screened from view. If visible from any public right-of-way, panels shall be parallel with the roof surface.
.1307 Parking Structure Treatments. Parking structures shall include enhanced design by way of architectural detailing, landscaping, façade treatment, or similar visual features, consistent with Exhibit B (Master Site Plan MIS2020-00751) of Development Agreement No. 2020-00004. Parking structures shall include a squeal-free floor treatment.
.1308 Service Areas. Service areas and mechanical/electrical/backflow prevention equipment shall be located and screened to reduce their visibility from public and communal gathering areas; methods of screening that are compatible with the project's architecture shall be utilized.
.1309 Building Treatment Adjacent to Streets. Consistent with the goal of creating walkable and safe neighborhoods, the ground floor of a building, and the space between the building and street, require "pedestrian friendly" design treatments.
(a) Commercial Ground Floor Treatment. When the ground floor is intended for retail or other commercial use in a vertically mixed use building, the ground floor elevation exposed to the street shall provide:
(1) Primary pedestrian access directly from the adjacent public street frontage.
(2) A maximum eighteen (18) inch deep area, measured out from the face of the building, within which a commercial tenant may customize store front design.
(3) A pedestrian signage area at least twenty-four (24) inches in height integrated into the front ground floor elevation of the building.
(4) An average of fourteen (14) foot floor to ceiling height on the retail ground floor.
(5) Projecting signs.
(6) Approximately twice the amount of window area on the ground floor compared to other floors.
(7) At least one (1) of the following devices shall be used to visually differentiate the retail from other levels: minimum two (2) foot and maximum six (6) foot setback between the ground and upper floors; or, use of overhangs, awnings or trellis work for at least sixty percent (60%) of the frontage.
(b) Connector Streets - Residential Ground Floor. When residential ground floor use is adjacent to a connector street, regardless of the number of floors, the ground floor shall be designed to provide the following:
(1) Communal or individual dwelling unit entries accessible from the adjacent street and/or individual dwelling unit walkway connections to the adjacent street sidewalk.
(2) Residential entry stoops, patios or communal entries shall be at least eighteen (18) inches above the sidewalk grade, for a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the entries along connector streets.
.1310 Pedestrian Circulation. On-site pedestrian circulation shall be continuous, connect various on-site uses and, where feasible, connect to off-site transit stops.
.140 Signs. Signs within the Arena District and Transit District shall be permitted as follows:
.1401 Coordinated Sign Program. On-Site identification, advertising, and wayfinding signs shall be permitted in accordance with the ocV!BE Coordinated Sign Program, as attached to Exhibit B (Master Site Plan MIS2020-00751) of Development Agreement No. 2020-00004.
.1402 Public Right of Way Identity Program. Identity and Wayfinding Signs located in the public right-of-way are permitted as identified in the ocV!BE Sign and Identity Program as found in Appendix H to the Platinum Triangle Master Land Use Plan.
.1403 Arena Special Sign District. Signs located within the Arena Special Sign District are permitted as identified in the Arena Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program.
.1404 Transit Special Sign District. Signs located within the Transit Special Sign District are permitted as identified in the Transit Special Sign District Coordinated Sign Program.
.150 Compatibility. Building design and operations within the Arena District shall facilitate a quality living environment for residents, including, to the extent possible, adequate provision of security features, lighting design, and operational restrictions, recognizing that the Arena District is intended to be a regional entertainment district with frequent after-hours operations. Disclosures to residents of the Arena District pertaining to the potential for after-hours activity in the Arena District shall be included in all rental agreements, subject to approval of the Planning and Building Director. (Ord. 6538 § 1 (part); October 4, 2022: Ord. 6595 §§ 4-9; November 13, 2024.)