Set forth below are the standards for the development of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Districts excepting that subsections (General) through (Prohibited Uses) shall not apply to projects in District A or developed under the C-R and Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay requirements. Subsection (Lot Ties) shall not apply to projects in District A or developed under the C-R Overlay requirements. The C-R Overlay standards for those uses are set forth in Section 18.114.100 (C-R Overlay). The District A standards for those uses are set forth in Section 18.114.095 (District A). The Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay standards for those uses are set forth in Section 18.114.105 (Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay). The Districts are those identified on the Development Plan Map (Exhibit 3.3c (Development Plan) of the Specific Plan). (Ord. 5580 § 8; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5689 § 3; July 13, 1999: Ord. 6022 § 6; May 25, 2006.)
   .010   General. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the following additional limitations shall apply to the conduct of any use permitted in this Zone:
      .0101   All uses, except in the Theme Park District, or theme park uses in the Southeast District of the Specific Plan or as otherwise permitted in this chapter, shall be conducted wholly within a building.
      .0102   All uses shall be conducted in a manner so as not to be objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, fumes, smoke, gas, vibrations or other similar causes detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare.
      .0103   All stores shall deal primarily in new merchandise, except as otherwise specified in this chapter.
   .020   Limitation on Total Number of Hotel Guest Rooms or Suites. The total number of hotel guest rooms or suites permitted within the Theme Park District of the Specific Plan shall not exceed five thousand six hundred (5,600) rooms, provided that up to one thousand eight hundred fifty-two (1,852) of the 5,600 rooms may be developed in the Southeast District. If rooms are developed in the Southeast District, an equivalent number of potential rooms would be removed from the allotment for the Theme Park District, such that the maximum number of rooms would not exceed 5,600 as set forth in Exhibit 3.3a (The Disneyland Resort District/Overlay Summary Tabulation - Maximum Allowable Development) of the Specific Plan. The maximum of 5,600 rooms does not include those permitted under Section (C-R Overlay Density). The total number of rooms shall be further limited as follows:
      .0201   Any number of the five thousand six hundred (5,600) guest rooms may be permitted as new or converted Vacation Ownership Resort units, so long as the aggregate number of hotel rooms in the Theme Park District and Southeast District is at least 1,886 (with allowance given during periods of construction), subject to review for substantial conformance with the Specific Plan by the Planning and Building Director. All Vacation Ownership Resort Units shall be in conformance with Section 18.114.120 (Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts).
      .0202   Visitor vehicular access to any hotel within the Theme Park District shall be obtained from those locations identified on Exhibit 5.8.3a (Theme Park District Concept Plan - A) and Exhibit 5.8.3b (Theme Park District Concept Plan - B). No hotel access shall be allowed from Walnut Street, except as otherwise depicted on Exhibit 3.2.3a (Existing Structures Permitted to Remain).
      .0203   Hotel guest parking will be accommodated in structures and/or locations specifically designated for hotel parking. (Ord. 6093 § 1; January 29, 2008.)
   .025   Valet Parking. Valet parking as an accessory use to a primary use shall be permitted by right.
   .030   Permitted Temporary Uses and Structures. The following temporary buildings, structures and uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein:
      .0301   Contractor's Office and/or Storage. Temporary structures including the housing of tools and equipment or containing supervisory offices in connection with construction projects. Such structures may be established and maintained during the progress of construction on projects in accordance with the phasing plan of the Specific Plan. The location and duration of such use shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Director.
      .0302   Open Air Festival. An event (public gathering, speech, concert, presentation, or show) oriented towards tourists and visitors to The Disneyland Resort and held outside in a theme park or hotel complex out of view of the public right-of-way and not directed to the public right-of-way.
      .0303   Special Events and Temporary Signs, Flags, Banners and Balloons. The temporary use of premises for special events as defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions), not including Open Air Festivals or events within the theme parks, shall be subject to compliance with the provisions of Section 18.38.225 (Special Events - Flags and Banners), provided that the following additional limitations shall apply in District A, the C-R Overlay and the Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay:
         .01   Outdoor events or uses held within the confines of the Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay shall be subject to the provisions of Section of this chapter and Anaheim GardenWalk banners shall be subject to the provisions of Section of this chapter.
         .02   In District A and the C-R Overlay, one (1) banner may be displayed upon the premises provided the banner is used in association with an on-site convention, a grand opening, the temporary identification of a new business, or any other event that is determined by the Planning Director to be in conformance with the goals and policies of the Specific Plan. The message on the banner shall be limited to the name and/or logo of the business or the event. The banner shall be securely attached to the building wall on which it is displayed.
         .03   The following uses or activities are specifically prohibited:
            (a)   Any outdoor display and/or sales of merchandise or promotional materials in a location that is visible from a public right-of-way and/or adjacent property;
            (b)   Inflatable advertising displays;
            (c)   Outdoor advertising of merchandise, products and/or services, including, but not limited to, merchandise promotions, sales, pricing, etc.;
            (d)   Roof-mounted displays of flags, banners, balloons, inflatable devices, or similar promotional displays;
            (e)   Display of pennants or pennant-type banners in a location that is visible from a public right-of-way and/or adjacent property;
            (f)   Flags, banners or balloons displayed in a landscape area or on a fence; and,
            (g)   Worn, frayed or faded flags or balloons shall not be permitted.
      .0304   Temporary Parking Lots. Temporary parking lots are subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager in accordance with subsection (Temporary Parking). For the purposes of this chapter, "temporary parking lots" shall be defined as an area intended for the temporary parking of automobiles and other vehicles and not intended to be the ultimate use of the property. (Ord. 5580 § 9 (part); October 22, 1996: Ord. 6022 § 7; May 25, 2006.)
   .040   Conditional Uses and Structures. Due to the uniqueness of the Specific Plan area as a tourist and visitor center and the associated concerns of the circulation and traffic system and other infrastructure impacts and land use compatibility, the following buildings, structures and uses shall be permitted in any District, unless limited to a specific District herein, provided a conditional use permit is approved therefore pursuant to, and subject to the conditions and required showings of Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits).
      .0401   Conversion of existing hotel facilities to Vacation Ownership Units in District A and the Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay and C-R Overlay subject to compliance with the requirements of Section 18.114.120 (Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts).
      .0402   (Repealed by 6573, 5/7/24)
      .0403   Emergency medical facilities with ambulance.
      .0404   Helistops.
      .0405   Signs as provided for in subsection (Conditionally Permitted Signs).
      .0406   Any use not otherwise specified or prohibited in this Zone but meeting the intent of the goals and objectives as set forth in the Specific Plan for each of the Districts.
      .0407   (Repealed by 6573, 5/7/24)
   .050   Prohibited Uses. The following uses shall be specifically prohibited in all Districts:
      .0501   Ambulance services.
      .0502   Automotive towing services.
      .0503   Billboards. As defined in subsection (Definitions Pertaining to Signs).
      .0504   Bingo establishments.
      .0505   Cemeteries.
      .0506   Christmas tree sales lots and/or stands.
      .0507   Commercial retail centers, as defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions), mini-malls and other shopping centers not in conformance with the requirements of a Retail Entertainment Center, as defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions).
      .0508   Convenience markets or mini-markets.
      .0509   Conversion of hotels or motels to permanent or semi-permanent living quarters, except for a caretaker/manager unit as specified in subsection (Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures).
      .0510   Drive-in or drive-through restaurants. Any establishment which is engaged in the business of preparing and purveying food where provision is made for serving and consumption of food to patrons in vehicles while they are on the premises or for patrons in vehicles for consumption at a separate location either on or off the premises.
      .0511   Headshops. For purposes of this chapter, a headshop is defined as any commercial enterprise or establishment, whether ongoing or transient, which sells any devices, contrivances, instruments or drug paraphernalia as defined by the California Health and Safety Code.
      .0512   Heliports.
      .0513   Hospitals. An institution providing primary health services or surgical care to persons or animals, primarily inpatients, suffering from illness, disease, injury, deformity and other abnormal physical or mental conditions, and including, as an integral part of the institution, related facilities such as laboratories, outpatient facilities or training facilities. For the purposes of this chapter, hospitals shall include convalescent homes, rest homes, sanitariums, institutions for the treatment of the mentally ill, birthing centers, and animal hospitals, all of which are defined in Section 18.92 (Definitions).
      .0514   Industrial uses, as set forth in Chapter 18.10 (Industrial Zones).
      .0515   Kitchens or kitchenettes except as otherwise expressly permitted in this Zone.
      .0516   Mobile home parks, including expansion of existing facilities to increase the number of mobile home sites.
      .0517   Office buildings when not accessory to, and integrated as part of an on-site permitted primary or conditional use.
      .0518   Pawnshops.
      .0519   Residential hotels or motels.
      .0520   Sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption and/or off-premise consumption except as otherwise expressly permitted in this Zone.
      .0521   Secondhand shops.
      .0522   Sex-Oriented Businesses as defined in Section 18.92 (Definitions).
      .0523   Single-family or multiple-family dwelling units except caretaker/manager units allowed as an accessory use integrated within a hotel, motel or vacation ownership resort.
      .0524   Strip shopping centers. A building or collection of buildings containing retail and/or commercial uses in which the primary orientation of the buildings, entrances, signs, and uses is toward the adjacent public street, and in which parking areas or access to parking areas are prominently displayed to passing vehicles. Such shopping centers may contain uses intended to attract either the general public or tourists, visitor and/or recreational consumers.
      .0525   Structures exceeding the maximum heights defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations - Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area) and shown on the Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area Maximum Permitted Structural Height Map, a copy of which is attached to Ordinance No. 6573 and is on file in the Planning and Building Department.
      .0526   Structures originally designed or intended for residential use but used for nonresidential purposes.
      .0527   Truck and trailer rental services.
      .0528   Uses or activities not listed in this chapter which are inconsistent or incompatible with the intended purpose of Specific Plan No. SP92-1. (Ord. 5580 § 9 (part); October 22, 1996: Ord. 5613 § 1; September 16, 1997.)
   .060   General Building Site Requirements. The size and shape of the site proposed for the use shall be adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Zone. Adequate provision shall be made for the safe and orderly circulation of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic between the proposed site and all streets and highways and between coordinated facilities, accessways or parking areas on adjacent sites. The proposed development shall not limit or adversely affect the growth and development potential of adjoining lands or the general area in which it is proposed to be located.
   .070   Structural Height and Lot Width Requirements. This section contains general building height and parcel width requirements that apply to this Zone, except as otherwise provided by this chapter.
      .0701   Maximum Permitted Structural Height. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the maximum structural height of any building or structure shall not exceed the maximum height defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations - Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area) and shown on the Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area Maximum Permitted Structural Height Map, a copy of which is attached to Ordinance No. 6573, and is on file in the Planning and Building Department.
      .0702   Maximum Permitted Structural Height at the Required Setback. As specified in this chapter, all structures shall have a maximum permitted structural height at the required setback in order to provide a scale appropriate for pedestrians and to permit sunlight to reach the street. These heights are defined specifically for each District setback.
      .0703   Sky Exposure Plane. Permitted Height Between Maximum Height at the Required Setback and Maximum Permitted Height. For each District which sets forth a maximum permitted structural height at the required setback, no structure shall exceed the sky exposure plane defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions) and as described in Section 3 (Land Use Plan) of the Specific Plan.
      .0704   Minimum Lot Width. Each lot shall have a minimum width at the street frontage of not less than one hundred seventy-five (175) feet. This requirement shall not apply to any lot lawfully created prior to the effective date of this chapter and shall not render any such lot nonconforming to this chapter for purposes of applying any other requirements contained herein.
      .0705   Lot Ties. Lot ties, defined as the joining together of two separate parcels but adjoining lots into a single building site pursuant to a covenant to hold the property as one building site when a lot line adjustment is not feasible, shall be allowed within this Zone. Such covenant shall conform to such requirements as to form, content and processing as may be specified by the City Attorney, the Planning Director and the City Engineer. (Ord. 5613 § 2; September 1997.)
   .080   Structural Setback and Yard Requirements. Buildings and structures in this Zone shall be provided with open yards and setbacks extending across the full width of the parcel. Such minimum open yards and setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate planned right-of- way as indicated on the General Plan and further described in Sections 4.0 and 5.0 of the Specific Plan. (Ord. 5580 § 10 (part); October 22, 1996.)
   .090   Permitted Encroachments into Required Yard and Setback Areas. Buildings shall comply with the provisions provided herein.
      .0901   Appurtenant Structures. The following structures appurtenant to other structures shall be permitted to encroach into required setbacks:
         .01   Access ramps for automobiles to enter and exit parking facilities.
         .02   Access ramps and stairways for pedestrians to enter and exit parking facilities, hotels, motels and other permitted structures.
      .0902   Mass Transit Related Structures and Pedestrian Circulation Improvements. Structures related to the operation of any people mover/moving sidewalk and/or monorail systems, including stations, pedestrian access ramps and/or stairways, elevated tracks on which the vehicles operate or elevated pedestrian bridges shall be permitted to encroach into required setbacks, except that pedestrian bridge abutments located on private property shall be in conformance with the minimum setback requirements adjacent to the public right-of-way required for the property.
      .0903   Vehicle Sight Distance to be Maintained. No landscape materials or other elements exceeding twenty-four (24) inches in height, except as approved by the Transportation and Traffic Manager, shall be permitted within the "Arterial Highway and Commercial Driveway Approach" area as defined by the applicable Engineering Standard Details on file in the office of the Director of Public Works. All living landscaping must be maintained, pruned or trimmed in a manner which complies with the requirement contained in this chapter.
      .0904   Parking in Required Setbacks Prohibited. Parking of privately owned and operated automobiles is not permitted within the required setbacks except in the Theme Park District on Harbor Boulevard in the bus and shuttle drop-off area as described in Exhibit 4.5.2a (Existing Bus and Shuttle Drop-off Area Aerial Photo (as of 2021) of the Specific Plan and in the existing parking facilities in the Theme Park District as described in Exhibit 3.2.3a, (Existing Structures Permitted to Remain), of the Specific Plan. Surface parking between the front building line and the required front yard setback is permitted except on Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue, unless views of surface parking areas from the public right-of-way are fully screened by walls/fences which are planted with clinging vines or fast growing shrubs.
      .0905   Parking in Interior Lot Setbacks. Where an interior lot property line abuts a multiple-family residential zone, the required setback area adjacent to such interior lot property line may be used as part of an automobile parking area provided that trees are planted and permanently maintained in compliance with the Design Plan adjacent to the residential zone property line on maximum fifteen (15) foot centers; and further provided that such parking area does not encroach within the required twenty (20) foot landscape setback area as specified in subsection (Screening Abutting Residential Property).
      .0906   Decorative Elements Permitted. Fountains, planters and sculptures (not to exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height), and decorative paving, walkways and ponds shall be permitted within the required setback, provided they are an integral part of the landscaping plans approved with required Final Site Plan as described in subsection (Final Site Plan Approval) or, if no Final Site Plan is required, with building plans, and in compliance with the vehicular sight distance requirements as described in paragraph (Vehicle Sight Distance to be Maintained).
      .0907   Utility Elements and Associated Decorative Screen-Type Fences or Walls. Utility elements, devices or facilities and associated decorative, screen-type fences or walls, shall be permitted to encroach into the required interior setback areas, provided such encroachments shall not exceed forty-two (42) inches in height and such associated walls or fences do not prohibit access to utility devices or facilities. Encroachments into the required setback area adjacent to a public street for necessary utilities and associated screening may be approved by the Planning Director subject to the provisions of subsection (Utility Elements and Screening Walls/Fences).
      .0908   Signs Permitted. Signs shall be permitted as provided in Section 18.114.130 (Sign Regulations) except as otherwise restricted by subsection (Business and Identification Signs), Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) and Exhibit 7.0b (Hotel/Motel Sign Standards Matrix) found in subsection (Sign Standard Matrices) and subsection (Automotive Service Station Signs).
      .0909   Flagpoles Permitted. A maximum of one (1) flagpole for the display of a maximum of three (3) flags shall be permitted within the required front yard setback provided said flagpole does not exceed fifty (50) feet in height and is set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from the front property line, and further provided each flag displayed thereon has a size dimension not to exceed five (5) feet by nine (9) feet.
      .0910   Driveways and Walkways Permitted. Entrance and exit driveways and walkways into building or parking areas, including driveways and walkways that provide reciprocal access between adjacent properties, shall be permitted subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager.
      .0911   Utility Elements and Screening Walls/Fences. The Planning Director, without public notice or hearing required, may approve encroachments into required setback areas adjacent to a public street for utility elements, devices or facilities and screening walls/fences associated with utility elements provided that (i) physical constraints on the subject property or the location of existing utility elements preclude strict adherence to the setback requirements; (ii) said encroachments do not prevent the setback area from being landscaped in accordance with the Design Plan; (iii) the screening wall/fence height does not exceed the maximum wall/fence height allowed by this chapter; (iv) any screening is in accordance with subsection (Vehicle Sight Distance to be Maintained); and, (v) any utilities are fully screened by landscape and/or walls/fences which are planted with clinging vines or fast-growing shrubs so that the utilities are not visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent properties. The decision of the Planning Director shall be in writing and shall be final and effective ten (10) days following the date thereof unless an appeal to the Planning Commission is filed within that time by any interested person or review is requested by two or more members of the City Council. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Director may refer consideration of said encroachments to the Planning Commission for review and approval at a public meeting, without public notice or a public hearing, as a Report and Recommendation Item. The Planning Commission's decision shall be final and effective ten (10) days from the date of the Planning Commission's announced decision unless an appeal to the City Council is filed within that time by any interested person or review is requested by two or more members of the City Council. Appeals shall be processed as set forth in Sections 18.60.130 through 18.60.150, except as expressly set forth in this paragraph .0911. (Ord. 5580 § 10 (part); October 22, 1996: Ord. 5613 § 3; September 16, 1997: Ord. 5998 § 64; October 25, 2005.)
      .0912   Outdoor Dining. Within the Theme Park District, Southeast District and District A, up to eighty percent (80%) of the required landscape setback area adjacent to the ultimate public right-of-way, with the exception of Walnut Street, may be comprised of outdoor dining area(s) connected to a restaurant, hotel lobby, or hotel accessory use, provided:
         .01   Landscape shall be designed and installed in conformance with the tree density requirements identified in the Design Plan and may use smaller-scale trees and shrubs within the required landscape setback area;
         .02   The paved area includes cutout areas for trees (minimum of one tree per 200 square feet), planters, pots, colored or enriched paving, and other pedestrian-oriented amenities;
         .03   Shrubs, decorative walls, and fences may be used as barriers within the Setback Realm to create enclosure for outdoor dining. The opaque portion of any barrier shall be limited to 42 inches above ground level; the non-view obscuring portion of any barrier shall be limited to six feet above ground level.
   .100   Required Site Screening.
      .1001   Landscape Buffer. Except as otherwise provided herein, a landscape buffer shall be provided along and immediately adjacent to the site property line abutting any freeway or residential zone boundary as set forth in Section (Structural Setback and Yard Requirements). The buffer shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained in compliance with the Design Plan.
      .1002   Screening Abutting Residential Property. Where the property immediately abuts a residential zone, this buffer shall consist of a minimum eight (8) foot high masonry wall, located at the property line, except in the Southeast District where it can be sixteen (16) feet high, and an adjacent twenty (20) foot wide permanently planted, irrigated and maintained landscaped area. Said wall shall be landscaped with clinging vines whereby growth occurs on both sides if visible from public right-of-way. The height of any such wall and/or berm shall be measured from the highest finished grade level of the subject or adjacent properties, whichever is the higher.
      .1003   Screening Abutting Freeway. Where the property abuts a freeway, except as provided for in subsection (Setbacks - Lots Abutting Public Rights-of-Way), a ten (10) foot wide landscape buffer (but no wall) shall be required. Said buffer shall be permanently planted, irrigated and maintained. When a wall is provided at the property line, the wall shall be designed or situated so as not to obstruct the view of the landscaping from the freeway. Such walls shall be decorative and landscaped in compliance with the Design Plan.
      .1004   Screening of Automotive Related Uses. All automotive-related uses, including service station auto working bays, truck loading docks, service entrances, rental car storage areas, storage of transit vehicles, and similar uses shall be screened so as not to be visible from adjacent public streets or adjacent properties.
      .1005   Screening of Surface Parking Areas. Where surface parking is visible from an adjacent public street, such parking areas shall be screened with landscaping. Said landscaping area shall consist of: (a) shrubs or bushes which can attain a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches within five (5) years of installation; (b) landscaped berms with a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches (including the mature height of landscape planted thereon); or (c) decorative walls or fences upon which are planted clinging vines, and shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained in compliance with the Design Plan and the applicable Engineering Standard Details on file in the office of the Director of Public Works pertaining to commercial driveway approaches.
      .1006   Retaining Wall Treatment. In instances where a retaining wall is required between adjoining properties, and where other walls are required on one or more of the adjoining properties, said walls shall be offset a minimum of two (2) feet between the retaining wall and the other required wall or walls; and said walls shall be decorative and landscaped with clinging vines in compliance with the Design Plan. The two (2) foot offset area between the retaining wall and the other required wall or walls shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained in compliance with the Design Plan. Where a slope exists, any required wall shall be erected at the property line with the slope itself, permanently planted, irrigated, and maintained.
      .1007   Utility Equipment. Utility equipment and communication devices shall be screened from public view so that such devices are not visible when the site is viewed at any point measured six (6) feet above grade from other public or private property, except when the private property is a Disney Property, as defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions) and the equipment is on a Disney Property. These devices may include, but are not limited to: dish-type and other antennae, cross-connection devices, stand pipes, back flow assemblies, cable TV equipment, gas meters, ventilating fans, microwave and cellular transmitters, and electrical transformers.
      .1008   Roof Mounted Equipment. Roof mounted equipment shall be painted the same color as the roof, shall be screened from view of adjacent public rights-of-way and from adjacent properties at any point measured six (6) feet above grade and shall be considered as part of the total building height except as provided for in Section 18.114.080 (Land Use and Site Development Standards - Parking District), except when the private property is a Disney Property, as defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions) and the equipment is on a Disney Property.
      .1009   Refuse Container and/or Trash Compactor Enclosures. Refuse container enclosures are required and shall be screened from public view and shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in compliance with the Public Works Standard Detail entitled "Solid Waste Container Enclosure" on file in the Public Works Operations and Maintenance Division.
         .01   Refuse container and/or trash compactor enclosures shall be constructed with a roof.
         .02   Locate refuse collection areas in an accessible interior, side, or rear yard to the satisfaction of the City Maintenance Department.
         .03   Screen refuse collection areas from public view with a solid wall (minimum six (6) feet; maximum twelve (12) feet high) using materials and colors compatible with those of the adjacent buildings.
         .04   The screening or exterior walls shall be landscaped and maintained with clinging vines or fast-growing shrubbery which will cover the exterior walls of the enclosure within two (2) years of installation to eliminate graffiti opportunities.
      .1010   Vacant Land. Vacant land shall be screened from view from the public right- of-way by one of the following screening methods set forth in the following sub-paragraphs .01 or .02 or the vacant land shall be planted with temporary landscaping or groundcover complete with temporary irrigation and maintained until such time as a valid grading or building permit has been issued for construction on the site and such work commences. Weed abatement shall be enforced at all times. Any temporary landscaping that is removed shall be replaced by permanent landscaping upon completion of construction for the portion of the site where construction has not occurred. This requirement shall be in addition to the landscaping requirements for the site as otherwise required by this chapter. Agricultural use for the purpose of growing field crops, trees, vegetables, fruits, berries or nursery stock is not subject to the screening requirements contained herein.
         .01   Land which is vacant for under one (1) year shall be screened with a six (6) foot high chain link fence adjacent to all public rights-of-way and adjacent properties with green scrim securely attached to the street side and adjacent property side of the chain link fence, except that no screening is required to screen views between the Parking District and adjacent Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Parking Overlay.
         .02   Land which is vacant for over one (1) year may be screened by a chain link fence and green scrim as required in .01 above; however, the fence shall be relocated so that a minimum three (3) foot high and minimum ten (10) foot wide berm, or a minimum three (3) foot high hedge screen located in a minimum three (3) foot wide landscape area shall be planted adjacent to the public right-of-way in front of the chain link fence with scrim. Landscape on said berm or hedge screen shall be maintained in a healthy condition as described in subsection (Landscaping), and shall conform to the Design Plan.
      .1011   Walls and Fences. Walls and fences containing solid surfaces accessible to the public, with the exception of walls that are part of an entry monument design, shall be landscaped with either clinging vines or fast-growing shrubbery which will screen the wall or fence surface within a period of two (2) years of installation so as to eliminate graffiti opportunities. The maximum permitted wall or fence height shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet, provided that heights in excess of twelve (12) feet for walls other than sound attenuation walls required by a Noise Study, shall be subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with subsection (Conditional Uses and Structures). Sound attenuation walls shall be screened from public view with landscaping, including vines and shrubs. Refer to Exhibit 5.8.3f (Wall/Fencing Plan) of the Specific Plan for locations of the permitted twelve (12) to sixteen (16) foot high sound attenuation walls. In the Theme Park District, chain link fences and trellises on walls for landscape screening purposes, are permitted to a maximum height of sixteen (16) feet. Walls and fences constructed in District A and under the provisions of the C-R Overlay or Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height. In District A, the C-R Overlay and the Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay, the use of chainlink fencing (with the exception of temporary chainlink fences used to screen vacant land as set forth in subsection (Vacant Land)), barbed wire and/or razor wire is prohibited.
         .01   Exceptions. Unless specified otherwise in this chapter, within any required street landscape setback area, walls and/or fences shall be permitted at a maximum height of thirty-six (36) inches with the exception of walls/and or fences used as barriers to create enclosure for outdoor dining areas, which shall be permitted to a maximum height of forty-two (42) inches. All walls and/or fences within the vehicular line-of-sight area as described in paragraph (Vehicle Sight Distance to be Maintained) shall be a maximum height of twenty-four (24) inches. Such walls and/or fences shall be decorative and designed to complement the landscape setback area and planted and maintained with clinging vines. (Ord. 5580 § 10 (part); October 22, 1996: Ord. 5613 § 4; September 16, 1997: Ord. 5998 § 65; October 25, 2005: Ord. 6022 § 9; May 25, 2006.)
         .02   Back-of-House Areas. Masonry walls which are planted with clinging vines and landscaped, irrigated and maintained in compliance with this chapter and engineering standards on file with the City shall be provided to surround the back-of-house areas. Masonry walls shall be a minimum height of six feet and a maximum height of 12 feet, unless otherwise noted in Section
   .110   Landscaping.
      .1101   Compliance with Design Plan Required. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all required setback areas shall be fully and permanently landscaped with trees, shrubs, vines and groundcover and may include walkways, plazas, fountains, and other similar materials (not including turf block, except where such turf block is used for required emergency access) in accordance with the Design Plan and Planning Standard Detail No. 9. A minimum of eighty percent (80%) of the required setback area excluding driveways perpendicular to the street, on all lots abutting public streets (other than Harbor Boulevard) shall contain live landscape materials. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the required setback area on all lots abutting Harbor Boulevard, excluding driveways perpendicular to the street, shall contain live landscape materials. The Planning and Building Director may approve updates to the plant palette matrices in Planning Standard Detail No. 10 with more current and contemporary plant nursery offerings that are more drought, disease, and/or pest-resistant plantings.
      .1102   Maintenance of Landscaping Required. All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat, and orderly manner as a condition of use and in accordance with the Design Plan.
      .1103   Required Size of Plant Material. All required trees shall be of a size at the time of planting not less than the minimum size specified in the Design Plan. The tree density for the required front setback shall be as specified in the Design Plan. If not specified in the Design Plan, the trees shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) gallons. All required shrubs shall be of a size at time of planting not less than the minimum size specified in the Design Plan. If not specified in the Design Plan, the shrubs shall be a minimum of five (5) gallons.
      .1104   Replacement of Damaged, Diseased, or Dead Plant Material. Any required plant material planted on-site which is subsequently damaged, removed, diseased and/or dead shall be replaced on-site in a timely manner with comparable plant material with a minimum size as recommended by the Design Plan.
      .1105   Coverage. Groundcover shall be planted and maintained where shrubbery and/or trees are not sufficient to cover exposed soil. Mulch may be used in place of groundcover where groundcover will not grow or where groundcover will cause harm to the plant materials, subject to the approval of the Planning Department.
      .1106   Irrigation. All required landscape areas shall be provided and maintained with a permanent, automatic irrigation system in accordance with the Design Plan. Such system shall incorporate water conserving features.
      .1107   Special Intersection Landscape Treatment. Concurrent with any building hereinafter erected in this Zone or any building structurally modified to an extent exceeding forty-five percent (45%) of the gross floor area of said existing building within any two (2) year period, and which building is located, on any lot abutting any of the following intersections, landscaping, paving and lighting improvements shall be provided within that certain intersection area as described in and in compliance with the criteria set forth in the Design Plan:
         .01   Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue.
         .02   (Repealed by 6573, 5/7/24)
         .03   Katella Avenue and Walnut Street.
         .04   Disneyland Drive and Ball Road. (Ord. 5580 § 10 (part); October 22, 1996.)
      .1108   Disneyland Drive Pedestrian Arrival Gateway South Landscape Treatment. A one hundred and twenty-five (125) foot by one hundred and twenty-five (125) foot landscape treatment shall be maintained at the northwest and northeast corners of Katella Avenue and Disneyland Drive, as described in, and in compliance with, the criteria set forth in the Design Plan.
   .120   Exterior Lighting. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all exterior lighting shall be in conformance with the Design Plan. (Ord. 5378 § 1 (part); June 29, 1993: Ord. 5420 §§ 4, 5; April 12, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6382 § 31; October 18, 2016: Ord. 6432 § 40; April 10, 2018: Ord. 6573 § 2 (part); May 7, 2024.)