.010   Purpose. This District has been established to permit the uses set forth in Chapter 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 Zone). (Ord. 5580 § 22 (part); October 22, 1996.)
   .020   Permitted Primary Uses and Structures. All primary uses and structures permitted in subsection (Permitted Primary Uses and Structures), subject to the limitations prescribed in Section 18.114.050 (Land Uses and Site Development Standards - General) subsection (District A Density), subsection (Permitted Uses and Structures General) and subsection (Interpreting Classes of Uses). (Ord. 5580 § 22 (part); October 22, 1996.)
   .030   Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures. All accessory uses and structures permitted in subsection (Accessory Uses). (Ord. 5580 § 22 (part); October 22, 1996.)
   .040   Permitted Temporary Uses and Structures. All temporary uses and structures permitted in the subsection (Temporary Uses and Structures). (Ord. 5580 § 22 (part); October 22, 1996.)
   .050   Conditional Uses. All conditional uses and structures listed in subsection (Conditionally Permitted Uses) and subsection (Interpreting Classes of Uses) (Ord. 5580 § 22 (part); October 22, 1996.)
   .060   District A Density. The District A density is based upon hotel/motel development and allows up to twenty percent (20%) of each hotel/motel project's gross square footage, excluding parking facilities, to be developed with integrated (i.e., included within the main hotel/motel complex) accessory uses. These accessory uses will reduce the otherwise maximum permitted hotel/motel density at the rate of one (1) hotel/motel room per six hundred (600) gross square feet of accessory use area. For properties proposed to be developed with permitted or conditionally permitted uses other than hotels/motels with accessory uses, the traffic generation characteristics of said uses shall not exceed those associated with the otherwise permitted hotel/motel density (including accessory uses) as determined by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager prior to Final Site Plan review and approval.
      .0601   The maximum number of hotel/motels permitted within District A, as designated on Exhibit 3.3c entitled (Development Plan) of the Specific Plan, shall be Medium Density with up to seventy-five (75) hotel/motel rooms per gross acre or seventy-five (75) hotel/motel rooms per parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan (June 29, 1993), whichever results in a greater number.
      .0602   Densities of contiguous parcels/lots may be combined for the purpose of developing a master plan project without processing a subdivision map to combine the parcels/lots subject to the following:
         .01   That the density on one or more parcels/lots may exceed the maximum density allowed for said parcel/lot provided that: the maximum overall density permitted for the combined parcels/lots is not exceeded, the proposed project does not exceed traffic impacts associated with the otherwise permitted hotel/motel density as determined by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager and the environmental effects associated with the proposed project are consistent with those cleared by the Environmental Impact Report for The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan (EIR No. 311) or other final environmental documentation.
         .02   That the proposed density for each parcel/lot is shown on the Final Site Plan processed in accordance with paragraph (Process for Approval).
         .03   That an unsubordinated covenant shall be recorded on each of the affected parcels limiting the density on each parcel to that shown on the approved Final Site Plan and that said covenant be recorded prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the master plan project. The covenant shall be prepared in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney and shall be recorded with the Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recorded covenant shall then be submitted to the Planning Department.
   .070   Maximum Permitted Heights.
      .0701   Maximum Permitted Structural Height. The maximum permitted height of structures shall be as indicated on the Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area Maximum Permitted Structural Height Map in accordance with Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations - Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area).
      .0702   Repealed by Ord. 5613, 9/16/97
      .0703   Repealed by Ord. 5613, 9/16/97 (Ord. 5613 § 9; September 16, 1997.)
   .080   Interior Structural Setback and Yard Requirements from Adjacent Interior Lots. The minimum structural setback from adjacent interior lots shall be ten (10) feet minimum.
   .090   Setbacks from Abutting Public Rights-of-Way. The following minimum setback requirements shall apply to permanent buildings and structures constructed within this District. Such setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate planned public right-of-way as designated on the Circulation Element of the General Plan and as further described in Sections 4.0 (Public Facilities Plan)," and 5.0 (Design Plan) of the Specific Plan. All setbacks shall be fully landscaped, irrigated and maintained in a manner in compliance with the Design Plan and in accordance with Section 18.116.130 (Central Core).
      .0901   Harbor Boulevard. Twenty-six (26) feet, minimum, with landscaping consistent with the Design Plan.
      .0902   Disney Way (formerly Freedman Way). Twenty (20) feet minimum, with landscaping consistent with the Design Plan. (Ord. 5420 § 10; April 12, 1994: Ord. 5580 § 23; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6022 § 10; May 25, 2006: Ord. 6573 § 2 (part); May 7, 2024.)