18.114.130   SIGN REGULATIONS.
   The purpose of this section is to recognize the function of signs in this Zone, to provide for their inclusion under this section of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and to regulate and control all matters relating to such signs, except the construction thereof.
   .010   Definitions Pertaining to Signs. For the purpose of this chapter, the following abbreviations, terms, phrases and words shall be construed as specified below:
      .0101   Animated Sign. Any sign that uses movement or change of lighting to depict or simulate movement, action or to otherwise create a special effect or scene.
      .0102   Area of Sign. The area of a sign shall include the entire area within any type of perimeter or border which may enclose the outer limits of any writing, representation, emblem, logo, figure or character. The area of the sign having no such perimeter or border shall be computed by enclosing the entire area constituting the advertising message within the smallest polygon required to enclose all typographic/graphic elements, in compliance with the Design Plan.
      .0103   Balloon. Any air-filled or gas-filled balloon attached to a string, rope or similar ligature, and tethered to a fixed or moving place or object, including a motor vehicle.
      .0104   Banner. Any sign made of fabric, cloth, paper or other material that is fastened to a pole or building at one or more points. National flags, state or municipal flags, or the official flags of any institution shall not be considered banners. Pennants as defined herein shall be considered banners for purposes of this chapter.
      .0105   Beacon. Any light with one or more beams directed into the atmosphere or directed at one or more points not on the same parcel as the light source; also, any light with one or more beams that rotate or move.
      .0106   Billboard or Off-Premises Sign. A structure or sign of any kind or character upon which any poster, bill, printing, writing, painting, graphic or other display of any kind or nature whatsoever may be placed for advertising purposes and which structure is erected, maintained or used for the purpose of advertisement of goods produced, sold or available for sale, or services available or rendered, at locations other than the premises upon which the structure is located. The term "billboard" or "off-premises sign" shall not include:
         .01   Official notices issued by any court or public body or officer;
         .02   Notices posted by any public officer in performance of a public duty or by any person in giving legal notice;
         .03   Directional, warning or information structures required or authorized by law or by Federal, State, County or City authority;
         .04   A structure which contains solely the name of the City and the names of, or any other information regarding, civic, fraternal or religious organizations located therein;
         .05   Guide signs, on-premises signs, business signs, and temporary real estate signs as defined in Section 18.114.130 (Sign Regulations).
      .0107   Business Information Sign. Any informational sign (not a project identification sign) on the project premises that relates to the principal business or use of the premises upon which the sign is erected. This sign type may include signs which direct attention to a business commodity, service, or other activity which is sold, offered, or conducted on the premises upon which the sign is located, or to which it is affixed.
      .0108   Can-Type Sign. A box-shaped sign which has copy on the outside of its surface and is internally illuminated.
      .0109   Canopy Sign. Any sign that is a part of or attached to an awning, canopy, or other fabric, plastic, or structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window, or outdoor service area. A marquee sign as defined herein is not a canopy sign.
      .0110   Changeable Copy Sign. A sign or portion thereof, including but not limited to electronic message boards, with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the display surface of the sign.
      .0111   Company Symbol/Logo. An identifying mark, emblem or character that can either be used alone or in combination with a company name to represent or identify a company or business.
      .0112   Company Name. The full spelling of the name of the business.
      .0113   Cornice. Any prominent, continuous horizontally projecting feature extending from a wall or other construction.
      .0114   Display Surface. The surface of the sign structure available for the mounting of material, or the electronic message board, to carry an advertising message, trademark, emblem or logo.
      .0115   "Dual-Lit Channel Letters." Individual letters formed as a sign can structure, composed of opaque sides and transparent acrylic plastic on both the front and back of the letter. Lighting from within the sign can structure creates an illuminated face and a halo around the letterform.
      .0116   Emitting Sign. Any sign that releases smoke, steam, water, bubbles or other solids, liquids or gases as a device for advertising.
      .0117   Electronic Message Board. A changeable copy sign upon which the copy is displayed or changed by electronic means.
      .0118   Entrance/Exit Signs. A sign located at a driveway entrance displaying a directional symbol and/or directional copy and which may include the name and/or symbol/logo of the primary business establishment.
      .0119   Exposed Neon Signs. A sign where the neon or argon/mercury illuminated glass tubing is visible and not shielded from view by any material or sign structure.
      .0120   Flag. Any fabric attached to a flagpole and complying with subsection (Flagpoles Permitted), and containing distinctive colors, patterns, or symbols, and used as a symbol of a government or other entity.
      .0121   Flashing Sign. Any sign designed to operate under conditions of intermittent illumination which operates in a manner to create the illusion of being on and off.
      .0122   Freestanding Monument Sign. A sign which is permanently attached to the ground by means of a permanent base and which is independent from any building or other structure.
      .0123   Illegal Sign. Any sign or advertising display constructed or erected without first complying with all applicable ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of its construction, erection or use.
      .0124   Informational, Regulatory and Directional Sign System (IRD Sign System). Any group of signs that are intentionally designed to be a unified family of signs through a consistent use of color, typography, graphics, design detailing and structural detailing.
      .0125   Lighter Box Sign. An illuminated sign that contains words, numbers or symbols, designed to be an integral part of the architecture of a service station, and intended to be placed above the fuel pumps of a service station for purposes of providing light for the working area and commercial identification.
      .0126   Location. A lot, site, premises, building, wall or any place whatsoever upon which a sign is erected, constructed or maintained.
      .0127   Magnetic Sign. A sign which is magnetically attached to a surface.
      .0128   Marquee (Changeable Copy) Sign. A sign which is characterized by changeable copy whether said sign is a wall sign or whether said sign projects from and is supported by a building.
      .0129   Monument Sign. A large freestanding sign structure used primarily as an identity sign for a building or project. It is usually oriented for vehicular view along roadways. Monument signs are often used at entries to a building or project and may incorporate landscaping or other site elements such as a wall. Monument signs may have either a horizontal or vertical orientation and may require a foundation.
      .0130   Nameplate. Any lighted or unlighted sign mounted on or near an entry that identifies the name and occupation or profession of the occupant of the premises and shall be part of the IRD sign system for the property.
      .0131   Noncommercial Message Signs. Signs displaying political or social (public information) messages.
      .0132   Nonconforming Sign. Any sign that complied with all applicable ordinances and regulations in effect at the time it was erected, but which does not conform to one or more of the requirements of this chapter.
      .0133   Off-Site Sign. Any sign not located on the same parcel to which such sign message pertains.
      .0134   On-Site Directional Guidance Sign. Any sign located on-site and not visible from the public right-of-way, giving direction for on-site pedestrian or vehicular circulation.
      .0135   On-Site Directory Sign. Any on-site sign exhibiting the names and locations of on-site uses and/or facilities, and intended to facilitate the movement of patrons or visitors throughout the site.
      .0136   On-Site Sign. Any sign located on the same parcel to which such sign message pertains.
      .0137   Open Pan Channel Letter with Interior Neon Illumination. Individual channel letters formed as a sign can structure with neon tubing molded to fit the interior wall of the sign can and fitted with a clear transparent face panel allowing the halo from the neon tubing to be visible through the transparent face panel.
      .0138   Outdoor Advertising. Advertising on any board, fence, sign device, structure or building, or the placing thereon of any poster, bill, printing, painting, device or any advertising matter of any kind whatsoever; and the pasting, posting, printing, painting, nailing or tacking or otherwise fastening of any handbill, card, banner, sign, poster, advertisement or notice of any kind upon any property or place. Said term shall not include any signs or notices posted or displayed by any public officer in the performance of a public duty or a private person in giving a legal notice.
      .0139   Parapet Wall Sign. A sign attached to a vertical wall extending from and above the actual roof line and intended to visually heighten the building.
      .0140   Pennant. Any plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind, suspended from a rope, wire, string, or other similar device usually in series, designed to move in the wind.
      .0141   Pole Sign. A sign which is affixed to one or more poles attached to the ground and which is constructed in a manner which does not fully obstruct the view of the area between the sign and the ground.
      .0142   Portable Sign. Any sign not permanently attached to the ground or other permanent structure, or a sign designed to be transported, including, but not limited to, signs designed to be transported by means of wheels; signs converted to A-frames or T-frames; menu and sandwich board signs; balloons used as signs; umbrellas used for advertising; and signs attached to or painted upon vehicles parked and visible from the public right-of-way, unless said vehicle is used in the normal day-to-day transportation operations of the business.
      .0143   Projecting Sign. A wall sign which projects from the face of a building.
      .0144   Pump Top Sign. Any sign atop a fuel dispensing pump, either affixed to or placed upon such pump. A lighter box sign is not a pump top sign.
      .0145   Raceways. A metal box containing wiring, transformers and housings for a sign.
      .0146   Real Estate Sign. Any sign and sign structure of a temporary nature relating to the sale, lease or other disposition of real property.
      .0147   Roof Sign. A sign erected, constructed or maintained upon the roof of any building.
      .0148   Rotating or Revolving Sign. Any sign all or a portion of which moves, revolves or rotates in some manner.
      .0149   Reverse Pan Channel Letters with Neon Halo Illumination. Individual letters formed as a sign can structure where the front surface is opaque and the back is open. Neon tubing is molded to fit the form of the can structure. The light from the neon shines out the opening in the back of the letter and reflects off the surface of the building or structure where the letter is mounted. At night, this reflection appears to be a halo around the opaque letter form.
      .0150   Restaurant Menu Board. An illuminated or non-illuminated glass case used to display a restaurant menu. Said case may be built-in, visible through a window or affixed to the exterior building wall and shall be located immediately adjacent to the main entrance to the restaurant.
      .0151   Sign. Any device, fixture, placard, or structure that uses any color, form, graphic, illumination, symbol, or writing to advertise, announce the purpose of, or identify the purpose of a person or entity, or to communicate information of any kind to the public.
      .0152   Sign Area. See definition for Area of Sign.
      .0153   Sign Copy. Any characters, letters or type that constitutes the message of the sign exclusive of a company symbol or company name.
      .0154   Storefront. A wall of a business containing display windows and a public entry.
      .0155   Structure. The supports, uprights, bracing, guy rods, cables and framework of a sign or outdoor advertising display.
      .0156   Temporary Sign. Any sign that is used only temporarily and is not permanently mounted or affixed to the ground or any structure.
      .0157   Typeface. The general form, structure style, or character common to all elements comprising an alphabet.
      .0158   Wall Sign. A sign which is affixed to an exterior wall of any building or which is affixed to any structure or parapet attached to the wall of any building.
      .0159   Window Identification Sign. Any sign bearing only the name and/or logo and/or address of the business occupying the premises; and consisting of letters and/or numbers permanently affixed to the window, and made of gold leaf, paint, stencil, or other such material.
      .0160   Window Sign. Any sign, picture, symbol, or combination thereof, designed to communicate information about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale, or service, that is placed inside a window or upon the window panes or glass of a building and which is visible from the exterior side of the window, excluding any window identification sign. (Ord. 5580 § 31 (part); October 22, 1996.)
   .020   Signs - General.
      .0201   Application.
         .01   Sign standards and regulations contained within this section shall apply to all Districts and the C-R Overlay within the Specific Plan area, except as follows:
            (a)   Theme park and retail entertainment uses in the Theme Park and Southeast Districts. Sign standards contained in this section and other sign regulations contained within the Anaheim Municipal Code shall only apply to signs within the required setback adjacent to perimeter public streets. Wall signs for theme park and retail entertainment center uses adjacent to the required setback along perimeter public streets and adjacent to residential zoned properties, shall be internally oriented;
            (b)   Hotel and accessory uses in the Theme Park and Southeast Districts. Sign standards contained in this section and other sign regulations contained within the Anaheim Municipal Code shall only apply to signs within the required setback adjacent to perimeter public streets or are otherwise visible to pedestrian or vehicular traffic from the adjacent public right-of-way measured six (6) feet above the grade of the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street and/or from residential zoned properties;
            (c)   Theme Park, Southeast and Parking Districts - Interior Areas. Sign standards contained in this section and other sign regulations contained within the Anaheim Municipal Code shall not apply to interior areas of the Theme Park, Southeast and Parking Districts. For the purpose of this section, "interior areas" of the Districts are areas that are not visible to pedestrian or vehicular traffic from the adjacent public right-of-way (excluding the Magic Way public right-of-way abandoned by the City) measured six (6) feet above the grade of the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street and from residential zoned properties;
            (d)   Theme Park and Southeast Districts - Sign Lighting. Signs within these Districts shall comply with subsection (Lighted Signs - General) for any sign visible from residential zoned properties; and
            (e)   Theme Park District - Monorail. Theme Park related graphic imagery located on a monorail is permitted and not subject to Section 18.114.130 (Sign Regulations) requirements or other sign regulations contained within the Anaheim Municipal Code.
         .02   Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay. Sign standards and regulations contained within this section shall apply to development in the Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay subject to the following exceptions:
            (a)   Signs, objects or structures located in the interior areas of the Anaheim GardenWalk project shall be exempt from the requirements set forth in Section 18.114.130 (Sign Regulations). Signs, objects or structures shall be considered to be located in an "interior" area for the purposes of this section if they are:
               (i)   Not visible to pedestrian or vehicular traffic from the public right- of-way at an equal elevation as the Anaheim GardenWalk property line (measured five (5) feet above the grade of the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street from the Anaheim GardenWalk project); or
               (ii)   For Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay, Area A, at least one hundred sixty (160) feet from the adjacent public right-of-way or correspond with the setback of the last building bordering the view corridor, whichever is further, and are visible only to pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic through limited view corridors at the entrances to the Anaheim GardenWalk project. The final dimensions of the view corridor shall be shown on the Final Site Plan; or
               (iii)   For Anaheim Gardenwalk Overlay, Area B, the Planning Commission shall review and approve an exhibit submitted as part of the Final Site Plan which identifies interior areas and the view corridor consistent with criteria set forth in subparts (a)(i) and (ii) (Signs - General).
            (b)   Icon/themed signage elements, as defined in subparagraph (Conditionally Permitted Signs) may be permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit as set forth therein.
            (c)   On-site Informational, Regulatory and Directional ("IRD") Signs. IRD Signs visible from the public right-of-way shall comply with the following:
               (i)   The maximum sign area shall be eight (8) square feet.
               (ii)   The design, location and number of signs shall be approved as part of the Coordinated Sign Program with the Final Site Plan for the Lifestyle Retail and Entertainment Complex.
               (iii)   If a company symbol or logo is included in the sign copy, said symbol or logo shall occupy a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the sign area.
               (iv)   An IRD sign may encroach into the required minimum setback abutting the adjacent public right-of-way provided that the location of the sign shall comply with the applicable Engineering Standard Details on file in the office of the Director of Public Works pertaining to commercial driveway approaches and relating to line-of-sight standards.
            (d)   Business and Identification Signs for Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay, Area A. Business and identification signs located in the exterior areas of the Anaheim GardenWalk project shall be developed in accordance with the Coordinated Sign Program approved in conjunction with Conditional Use Permit No. 4078, as the same may be amended from time to time. Business identification signs are defined as those signs intended to advertise individual tenants of the Anaheim GardenWalk project (excluding vacation ownership resort units) and may consist of wall signs and/or freestanding signs. Prior to the issuance of sign permits, plans shall be submitted to the Planning and Building Department indicating conformance with the Coordinated Sign Program. Business identification signs shall be considered to be located in an "exterior" area of the project for the purposes of this section if they are not otherwise considered as "interior", as defined in Section Amendments of the Coordinated Sign Program shall be processed as an amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 4078 in compliance with Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits) and shall be subject to the following additional findings of fact:
               (i)   Signs shall complement the architecture of the buildings on the same property and provide a unifying element along the streetscape; and
               (ii)   The size, scale and style of signs shall be internally consistent and consistent with the scale of the buildings located on the same property and the surrounding land uses. (Ord. 6221 § 7; August 23, 2011: Ord. 6361 § 1; February 23, 2016.)
      .0202   Administrative Provisions - Sign Regulations. The location, size, type, construction and all other matters relating to signs in the Specific Plan area, with the exception of theme parks and retail entertainment centers in the Theme Park and Southeast District, which shall be exempt from the provisions of this section and other regulations contained within the Anaheim Municipal Code governing signs, shall be regulated and controlled exclusively by the provisions of this chapter except to the extent reference is expressly made in this chapter to any other provision of the Anaheim Municipal Code. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this chapter and any other provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code so referenced herein, the provisions of this chapter shall govern and prevail. All signs and all applications shall therefore be exclusively administered by the Planning Director except those signs which may be sought in conjunction with a conditional use permit or a zone variance.
      .0203   Coordinated Sign Program. All signs on a property shall be designed as part of a coordinated architectural, informational, regulatory and directional sign system with a consistent design detailing, typeface and color system. All multi-tenant signs shall either use one consistent typeface for all tenants or use one color for all sign copy. The capital letter height of all tenant identification copy shall be the same on a single sign face. Multi-tenant wall signs shall either be all wall signs or all canopy signs except for as provided elsewhere in this chapter for hotel/motel accessory uses.
      .0204   Resolution of Inconsistent Provisions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, all provisions governing signs or advertising structures of any type in this Zone shall be contained within this chapter; provided, however, the provisions of Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs - Special Event Permit), and Chapters 4.04 (Outdoor Advertising Signs and Structures - General), 4.08 (Outdoor Advertising Signs and Structures - Near Freeways), and 4.09 (Advertising of Motel and Hotel Rental Rates)" of the Anaheim Municipal Code shall apply to signs and advertising structures in this zone to the extent such provisions are not inconsistent with this chapter.
      .0205   Variances From Sign Requirements. No person shall install or maintain any sign in the Specific Plan area except as permitted herein; provided, however, that any requirements or restrictions may be waived in whole or in part upon such conditions as may be imposed by the Planning Commission or the City Council by a zone variance processed and approved in accordance with all procedures, requirements and restrictions established for variances pursuant to Chapters 18.60 (Procedures), 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits), and 18.74 (Variances).
      .0206   Signs Approved in Conjunction with Conditional Use Permits. Approval of any conditional use permit shall be deemed to constitute approval of any on-site signs which are otherwise permitted in the Specific Plan area unless, as part of the action approving the conditional use permit, more restrictive sign requirements are imposed.
      .0207   Legal Nonconforming Signs - General. Any sign or other advertising structure of whatever type or nature, other than an illegal sign, which violates or otherwise does not comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter shall be subject to compliance with the regulations prescribed herein in the time and manner hereinafter set forth.
         .01   Legal Nonconforming Signs-Continuation and Termination. Any legal nonconforming sign or sign structure in existence on the effective date of this chapter which violates or otherwise does not conform to the provisions hereof shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter (hereinafter the "abatement") either:
            (a)   Within twelve (12) years from and after the date said sign first becomes nonconforming to the provisions of this chapter, or
            (b)   On or before December 31, 2005, whichever is later; provided, however, in no event shall such abatement be required unless and until the owner of said sign has received not less than one (1) year's advance written notice from the Planning Director of the City requiring the removal or alteration of sign. Notwithstanding the foregoing:
               (i)   Any advertising display which was lawfully erected, but whose use has ceased; or the structure upon which the display exists has been abandoned by its owner, for a period of not less than ninety (90) days, shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter within six (6) months from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director of the City requiring such abatement. Costs incurred by the City in removing an abandoned display shall be borne by or charged to the legal owner of the real property upon which said sign is located.
               (ii)   Any advertising display structure which has been more than fifty percent (50%) destroyed, and the destruction is other than facial copy replacement, and said structure cannot be repaired within thirty (30) days of the date of its destruction shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter within six (6) months from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director of the City requiring such abatement.
               (iii)   Any advertising display, whose owner, outside of a change of copy, requests permission to remodel and remodels that advertising display, or expands or enlarges the building or land use upon which the advertising display is located, and the display is affected by the construction, enlargement, or remodeling, or the cost of construction, enlargement or remodeling of the advertising display exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the cost of reconstruction of the building shall remove, alter or replace such sign so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter in conjunction with said project.
               (iv)   Any advertising display for which there has been an agreement between the advertising display owner and the City for its removal as of any given date shall remove such sign per said agreement.
               (v)   Any temporary advertising display erected pursuant to a special events permit issued by the City shall be removed as specified under Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs - Special Event Permit) or within such other time as expressly authorized by the City.
               (vi)   Any advertising display which is an immediate danger to public health or safety shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director of the City requiring such removal or alteration.
               (vii)   Any advertising display which in the opinion of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager constitutes a traffic hazard not created by relocation of streets or highways or by acts of the City shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director of the City requiring such removal or alteration.
               (viii)   Any other advertising display for which the City is exempt from the payment of compensation in conjunction with requiring its removal as specified in Chapter 2.5 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, or any successor provisions thereto shall be subject to removal as specified in said Code.
               (ix)   Illegal Signs. Illegal signs as defined in subsection (Definitions Pertaining to Signs) shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter within six (6) months following the effective date of this chapter.
      .0208   Regulation of Special Types of Signs - General. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the following special types and classifications of signs shall be permitted subject to compliance with the limitations and conditions prescribed herein.
      .0209   Signs Required By Law. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the erection, location or construction of any sign on private property where such erection, location or construction of said sign is required by any law; provided, however, no such sign erected, placed or maintained pursuant to this provision shall exceed four (4) square feet in area except to the extent a greater sign area is expressly required by law.
      .0210   Signs in the Public Rights-of-Way. Signs shall be prohibited in any public rights-of-way as provided in Section 4.04.130 (Prohibition of Signs in the Public Right-of-Way), except signs, gateways and pedestrian bridges as described in the Public Facilities Plan and/or Design Plan of the Specific Plan, and private Anaheim Resort business identification freestanding monument signs within the ultimate public right-of-way along Katella Avenue, provided an Encroachment License or Agreement is approved for such signs by the Public Works Department.
      .0211   Political Campaign Signs. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, political campaign signs shall be permitted on private property provided:
         .01   Sight Distance. Such signs shall comply with the minimum sight distance requirements set forth in paragraph (Minimum Sight Distance Requirements for Freestanding Signs);
         .02   Code Compliance. Such signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 4.04.130 (Prohibition of Signs in the Public Right-of-Way); and
         .03   Title 15 Compliance. Any structure to which a political sign is attached shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 15 (Building and Housing) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, except that no building permit shall be required for a temporary political campaign sign having a surface area of thirty-five (35) square feet or less and which structure is removed within one hundred and twenty (120) days of its erection or placement, or within thirty (30) days after the election to which the sign relates, whichever occurs first. (Ord. 5580 § 31 (part); October 22, 1996: Ord. 5689 § 8; July 13, 1999: Ord. 5807 § 5; March 19, 2002.)
      .0212   Minimum Sight Distance Requirements for Freestanding Signs. A line-of-site triangle is hereby established at each corner of every intersection of two (2) streets. Two (2) legs of the triangle shall extend twenty-five (25) feet along the ultimate right-of-way line of each street right-of-way (except at the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue where the legs of the triangle shall extend twenty-five (25) feet along the back of the sidewalk) and the third leg shall connect the termini of each of the other two (2) legs. No sign above twenty-four permitted within the line-of-site triangle. Any freestanding sign installation located within fifty (50) feet of any driveway, including driveways on adjacent properties, shall meet the provisions of the applicable Engineering Standard Details on file in the office of the Director of Public Works pertaining to commercial driveway approaches.
(Ord. 5998 § 70; October 25, 2005: Ord. 6022 § 25; May 25, 2006: Ord. 6022 § 25; May 25, 2006.)
   .030   Lighted Signs - General. No artificial light of whatever type or nature used in conjunction with, or for the purpose of, lighting any sign shall be so erected or constructed or placed, nor shall any substance or material capable of reflecting light be so placed, as to result in directing such artificial light into any structure used exclusively for residential purposes. For the purpose of this provision, structures devoted to hotel and motel use are not to be construed as structures used exclusively for residential purposes.
      .0301   Indirect Lighting. No sign lighted by any type of indirect lighting shall have any such lighting which exceeds eight hundred (800) milliamps rated capacity nor shall any sign lighted by neon or similar materials have any such neon or similar material which exceeds three hundred (300) milliamps rated capacity.
      .0302   Intensity of Illumination. The approval of any illuminated sign shall not be final until thirty (30) days after installation, during which period the Planning Director may order the dimming of any illumination found to be excessively brilliant and no sign permit shall be valid until such order has been carried out to an extent satisfactory to the Planning Director. For purposes of this section, illumination shall be considered excessively brilliant when it prevents normal perception of objects or buildings beyond or in the vicinity of the sign, or when it shines directly onto any residential zone or residentially developed property.
      .0303   Lighter Box Sign. A lighter box sign:
         .01   Shall be either single-faced or double-faced,
         .02   Shall only be internally lighted,
         .03   Advertising thereon shall be limited to the company name or logo only, and
         .04   Said name or logo shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total area of each face of said sign.
   .040   Real Estate Signs. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, temporary real estate signs advertising property for sale, lease, rental or for inspection by the public shall be permitted subject to the following limitations:
      .0401   On-Site Real Estate Signs. A maximum of one (1) unlighted, single-faced or double-faced freestanding sign advertising property for sale, lease, rental, or other disposition of the property on which such sign is located shall be permitted on parcels of less than one-half (1/2) acre in area. On larger parcels, one such sign per each street or highway frontage of said parcel shall be permitted as provided herein. Any such sign(s) may also include the name, address, and phone number of the person, firm, entity or agent offering said premises for sale, lease, rental or other disposition.
         .01   Sign Size: Parcels less than Twenty-Two Thousand (22,000) Square Feet in Area. The maximum area of each sign shall not exceed ten (10) square feet per sign face, and the height thereof as installed shall not exceed four (4) feet.
         .02   Sign Size: Parcels of Between Twenty-Two Thousand (22,000) and Forty- Three Thousand (43,000) Square Feet in Area. The maximum area of each sign shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet per sign face, and the height thereof as installed shall not exceed four (4) feet.
         .03   Sign Size: Parcels Forty-Three Thousand (43,000) Square Feet or More in Area. The maximum area of each sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet per sign face, and the height thereof as installed shall not exceed four (4) feet.
   .050   Future Establishment Signs. The future establishment of a business or other activity on a parcel or lot may be advertised by means of on-site signage, subject to compliance with the following provisions:
      .0501   Ownership of Property. The subject property upon which the sign is located must be owned in fee interest, or must be under lease for a minimum ten (10) year period (from the date of issuance of the sign permit), by, or for the purpose of, the future business or establishment referred to upon the copy of said sign. Proof of compliance with this subsection shall be submitted to the Building Division of the Planning Department prior to issuance of a permit.
      .0502   Maximum Area Per Sign Face: Sixty (60) square feet.
      .0503   Maximum Height: Four (4) feet with a two (2) foot berm, for a maximum total height of six (6) feet.
      .0504   Maximum Number Permitted: One (1) single-faced or double-faced freestanding sign per each street or highway frontage.
      .0505   Location. All future establishment signs shall be located in the middle thirty (30) percent of the street frontage except for corner lot locations where said sign may be located at the corner.
      .0506   Time Limit. For development in conformance with the Theme Park, Parking and Southeast Districts, five (5) years from date of construction or erection, and for development in conformance with District A or the C-R or Pointe Anaheim GardenWalk Overlays, one (1) year from date of construction or erection unless prior to expiration, approved by the Planning Director for an additional period not to exceed one (1) year.
      .0507   Names and Dates Required on Signs. The name of the sign owner, property owner or sign builder along with a phone number, as well as the date the sign is erected, shall be securely placed on each sign.
      .0508   Sign Permit Fees and Deposits. For each and every on-site future establishment sign, there shall be paid to the Building Division of the Planning Department, a sign permit fee and cash deposit to guarantee removal of each sign. The amount of said fees and deposits shall be as specified by City Council Resolution. Further, all such signs shall be subject to the following conditions:
         .01   Return of Deposit. If said sign is removed within thirty (30) days following the expiration date, the removal deposit shall be refunded to the depositor in full.
         .02   Failure to Remove. If said sign is not removed prior to or upon the permit expiration date, the City or its agents may enter upon subject property and remove the sign, the cost of the removal to be deducted from the removal deposit, and the remainder of the removal deposit, if any, to be returned to the depositor. The person, firm or entity whose name appears on the sign (collectively "person") shall be notified of the City's intent to remove the sign not less than fourteen (14) days prior to removal by the City. Following removal by the City, said person shall be notified of the removal and said sign shall be retained for a minimum of ten (10) days following the date of such notice after which said sign may be disposed of by the City.
         .03   Authority. Before a permit for such a sign is issued, the owners of record of the premises and the person proposing to erect the sign must furnish the Building Division written authority granting the City of Anaheim or any of its agents or employees irrevocable permission to enter upon the premises and irrevocably appointing the Chief Building Official as the agent of the owners with permission and authority to remove such sign pursuant to the provisions of the section. (Ord. 5689 § 9; July 13, 1999: Ord. 6022 § 26; May 25, 2006.)
   .060   Business and Identification Signs. Business and identification signs shall comply with the Design Plan, shall consist of permanent non-changeable copy except as provided for in Section (Changeable Copy Signs), and shall comply with the following:
      .0601   Permitted Signs. The following sign types are allowed in this Zone subject to the requirements of this chapter.
         .01   Freestanding Monument Signs. Such signs shall be:
            (a)   Monument signs except as provided elsewhere in this chapter;
            (b)   Limited to the name of the development and/or a maximum of three (3) company names which may be identified by the company name and/or company symbols/logos or three (3) generic names (e.g., 'gifts', 'restaurant');
            (c)   Such signs shall use the standard Anaheim Resort monument sign design and conform to the appropriate sign size as specified in Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) and Exhibit 7.0b (Hotel/Motel Sign Standards Matrix) in paragraph (Sign Standards Matrices) and in accordance with Planning Standard Details Nos. 5 and 6 on file in the Planning Department.
            (d)   Freestanding monument signs shall be located in the approximate middle forty percent (40%) of the street frontage except on corner lot locations where said sign may be located at the corner.
         .02   Informational, Regulatory and Directional (IRD) signs not visible from the Public Right-of-Way. Such signs shall:
            (a)   Be located outside any required setback area;
            (b)   Be designed to direct pedestrians and/or vehicular traffic while said traffic is on the parcel on which said signage is located; and
            (c)   Be designed as a coordinated architectural, informational, directional and regulatory sign system for said project, provided if a company symbol or logo is part of the sign copy, it may occupy up to a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the sign area.
         .03   Informational, Regulatory and Directional (IRD) Signs Visible from the Public Right-of-Way.
            (a)   Except as set forth in subparagraph (b) below, such signs shall:
               (i)   Have a maximum sign face of eight (8) square feet;
               (ii)   Be designed as a coordinated architectural, informational, directional and regulatory sign system for said project, provided if a company symbol or logo is part of the sign copy, it shall occupy a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the sign area; and
               (iii)   May be located on informational kiosks outside of any required setback area.
            (b)   During such time as Magic Way is a public street, informational and directional blade signs visible from Magic Way may encroach into the required minimum setback area abutting the Magic Way public right-of-way and may exceed a maximum sign area of eight (8) square feet subject to the approval of the Planning and Building Director provided:
               (i)   "Blade Sign" shall mean a sign on blade panels affixed to a pole;
               (ii)   Blade signs shall be designed as part of a coordinated architectural, informational and directional sign system;
               (iii)   Such signage shall be limited to a maximum pole height of twelve (12) feet and a maximum pole diameter of eight (8) inches. The individual blade panels shall be limited to a maximum length of forty eight (48) inches, and shall be attached to the pole at a height between seven (7) feet and eleven (11) feet above grade level;
               (iv)   Such signage shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) blade signs at each vehicular entry drive; and
               (v)   Such signage shall not be oriented toward, or direct vehicular circulation toward, Walnut Street.
         .04   Wall Signs.
            (a)   Wall signs shall not encroach into any public right-of-way, and are subject to the provisions specified in Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) and Exhibit 7.0b (Hotel/Motel Sign Standards Matrix) in paragraph (Sign Standard Matrices).
            (b)   Said signs shall have only one (1) display surface; and
            (c)   Said signs shall be placed parallel to and in front of any exterior wall of the building.
         .05   Canopy Signs. Canopy Signs as defined in subsection (Definitions Pertaining to Signs) are considered a wall sign and as such, all regulations pertaining to wall signs also pertain to canopy signs. Such signs shall be permitted on awning valances, provided awnings shall not be permitted to project over or into a public right-of-way and the awnings shall be an integral part of the building design. Canopy signs on awning valances are considered wall signs and are subject to the provisions of wall signs as provided in Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) and Exhibit 7.0b (Hotel/Motel Sign Standards Matrix) in paragraph (Sign Standard Matrices) and to the following provisions:
            (a)   Said signs must be oriented to the pedestrian;
            (b)   Said signs shall not be internally illuminated;
            (c)   Only fifteen percent (15%) of the entire surface of the awning may be utilized for the sign;
            (d)   Said sign may include the company name and/or company symbol/logo; and
            (e)   Up to one (1) canopy/awning may have "The Anaheim Resort®" logo located on the canopy/awning in a size and location approved by the Planning and Building Director.
         .06   Window Identification Signs subject to Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) and Exhibit 7.0b (Hotel/Motel Sign Standards Matrix) in paragraph (Sign Standard Matrices).
         .07   Restaurant Menu Boards subject to the provisions of Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) and Exhibit 7.0b (Hotel/Motel Sign Standards Matrix) in paragraph (Sign Standard Matrices).
         .08   Other signs as permitted elsewhere in this chapter.
      .0602   Conditionally Permitted Signs. The following signs shall be permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit pursuant to and in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapters 18.60 (Procedures) and 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits); this section is not intended to conditionally allow signs prohibited by this chapter or to change the standards contained herein, but is intended to provide a mechanism to address special circumstances.
         .01   Changeable copy signs (including electronic message boards) for a theater, entertainment facility, amusement park, or for hotel/motel complexes provided the site on which the use is located is a minimum of six (6) acres in area. In addition, the following provisions shall apply to such signs:
            (a)   In addition to the permitted business identification wall signs, changeable copy signs shall be wall signs provided the top of such sign is below the cornice of the building or twenty five (25) feet whichever is lower, except that a theater or entertainment facility may have a changeable copy sign which displays identification and program information, the name of the theater or auditorium and it may be a Marquee sign.
            (b)   Such signs shall not be visible from residential zoned or residentially developed properties;
            (c)   The design of such signs shall be integrated with the architecture of the building; and
            (d)   Animation and bare bulbs are allowed as they pertain to bulb matrix technology (the technology used for reader board changeable message signs);
         .02   Signs neither otherwise expressly permitted nor otherwise expressly prohibited in this Zone.
         .03   Signs for any use, building or structure requiring a conditional use permit.
         .04   Projecting signs as defined in subsection (Projecting Sign).
         .05   In the Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay, up to two (2) icon/themed signage elements (defined as "a structure, sculpture, or having the nature of, an icon, which is a nationally-recognized image or object, including, but not limited to, trademarked objects, logos, or other images and figures associated with nationally-recognized corporate identities") shall be permitted subject to the approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 4078, as amended, or a separate conditional use permit provided that the signage shall be associated with a use approved for the Anaheim GardenWalk project pursuant to Section 18.114.105 (Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay); the size, location, height (not to exceed ninety (90) feet in height measured from the elevation of the public sidewalk closest to the location of the element), and design of the signage shall be determined by the conditional use permit, and further provided that the maximum height of the icon/themed project element in the interior of Area A may be permitted up to a height of 75 feet measured from the elevation of the public sidewalk closest to the location of the element (Disney Way) to the top of the element, provided that the element is proposed without any signage, including logos, trademarked objects or other images and figures associated with nationally- recognized corporate identities, excluding signage that is visible to the interior of the project only, and is located a minimum of two hundred (200) feet from the public right-of-way. (Ord. 6221 § 8; August 23, 2011: Ord. 6391 § 1; December 20, 2016.)
      .0603   Prohibited Signs. The following types of signs shall be prohibited in this Zone:
         .01   A-frame or "sandwich board" signs.
         .02   Animated signs.
         .03   Attachments or "riders" to signs.
         .04   Beacon lights or beacon signs, when the intent of such signs is advertising and not entertainment, which shall not have adverse glare on adjoining properties.
         .05   Billboards.
         .06   Business information sign.
         .07   Can-type signs.
         .08   Changeable copy signs (including electronic message boards), as defined (except as permitted under a conditional use permit) for theaters, entertainment facilities, amusement parks or for hotel/motel complexes provided the site on which the use is located is a minimum of six (6) acres in area.
         .09   Emitting signs.
         .10   Exposed neon signs.
         .11   Flashing or traveling light signs.
         .12   Fluorescent colors on signs except for colors on company symbols.
         .13   Landscape signs. An arrangement of any plant type (flowers, shrubs, etc.), which spells out words or resembles a symbol or a figure shall not be permitted.
         .14   Magnetic signs.
         .15   Off-premises or off-site directional signs, except as permitted in subparagraph
         .16   On-site directional guidance and on-site directory signs which are not part of a coordinated architectural, informational, directional and regulatory sign system.
         .17   Paper, cloth and plastic streamer signs, and flags, banners and fixed balloons except as otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs - Special Event Permit).
         .18   Painted signs on exterior walls, except murals allowed pursuant to Section (Murals).
         .19   Pennants except as otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs - Special Event Permit).
         .20   "Come-on" signs (e.g. "Sale Today", "Stop," "Look," "Going out of Business," etc.).
         .21   Pole signs.
         .22   Portable signs.
         .23   Product advertising signs (e.g., soft drinks, cigarettes, etc.)
         .24   Roof signs.
         .25   Rotating or revolving signs.
         .26   Signs attached to trees or landscaping.
         .27   Signs projecting over or into the public right-of-way except as otherwise expressly permitted herein.
         .28   Statues utilized for advertising purposes.
         .29   Temporary signs except as otherwise expressly permitted herein.
         .30   Replicas of official traffic control signs or signs so similar as to be confusing or hazardous to traffic.
         .31   Vehicle entrance or exit signs which incorporate business name(s) or other advertising not in compliance with subparagraph (Information, Regulatory and Directional (IRD) Signs Visible from the Public Right-of-Way).
         .32   Vehicle signs (signs mounted or displayed on a vehicle for advertising purposes) or the parking or storage of advertising vehicles on public or private property.
         .33   Wall signs located below the third (3rd) floor level of a building and which signs are located on a property adjacent to and visible from residential properties.
         .34   Window signs, including neon signs and signs painted on display windows with day-glo, or temporary paint (other than permitted window identification signs as defined in subparagraph (Window Identification Sign).
      .0604   Sign Standard Matrices. In addition to all other requirements contained in this chapter, permitted signs shall comply with the provisions of Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) and Exhibit 7.0b (Hotel/Motel Sign Standards Matrix) as hereinafter set forth in this chapter and the provisions of which are incorporated herein by this reference. (Ord. 5580 § 32; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5689 § 10; July 13, 1999: Ord. 5768 § 1; May 1, 2001: Ord. 5807 § 5; March 19, 2002: Ord. 6022 § 27; May 25, 2006: Ord. 6031 §§ 62, 63; August 22, 2006.)
   .070   Automotive Service Station Signs. The following provisions shall apply to all automotive service stations located in this Zone.
      .0701   Freestanding Monument Sign. Information on this sign shall include only the company symbol or logo, company name, special services (such as car wash) and pricing information. In addition, the following provisions shall apply to such signs:
         .01   If the automobile service station is located on a corner lot, either one of the following shall be permitted: one (1) double-faced freestanding monument sign located at the corner or one (1) double- faced freestanding monument sign per street frontage with each sign located at least seventy-five (75) feet from any intersection.
         .02   If the automotive service station is not located upon a corner lot, one (1) double-faced freestanding monument sign shall be permitted, located in the approximate middle forty percent (40%) of the street frontage of said lot.
         .03   Such signs shall use the standard Anaheim Resort monument sign design and conform to the appropriate size as specified in Exhibit 7.0a (General Sign Standards Matrix) in paragraph (Sign Standard Matrices) and in accordance with Planning Standard Detail No. 7 on file in the Planning Department.
         .04   Pricing signs shall conform to the provisions of Division 5, Chapter 14, Article 12, Code Sections 13530-13540, of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, or any successor provisions thereto. The height of any pricing numbers shall be a minimum of six (6) inches and a maximum of ten (10) inches provided the height is less than the height of the company name and shall be either manually or electronically changeable.
         .05   Said signs shall be illuminated internally; however, the permanent background portion shall be opaque, with only the message portion being illuminated.
         .06   These signs shall be constructed of materials in compliance with the Design Plan.
      .0702   Automotive Service Station Wall, Parapet and Canopy Signs. In addition to freestanding Anaheim Resort monument signs, the company symbol or logo and/or company name may be applied to the building wall or parapet and/or pump island canopy. The following additional provisions shall apply to said parapet wall signs:
         .01   Said signs shall consist of individually fabricated letters and/or company symbol or logo.
         .02   Lighted signs may be internally illuminated only.
         .03   All signs shall be attached to the building or pump island canopy face without the use of visible supports or raceways.
         .04   Letter height shall be a maximum of eighteen (18) inches. Company symbol or logo height shall be a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches.
         .05   Said signs shall be limited to one (1) exposure for each direction of traffic flow, up to a maximum of four (4) exposures.
      .0703   Pump Top and Pump Face Signs. No signs other than instructional or operational signs (e.g., "Self Service," "Pay Cashier First") shall be permitted on the pump top or pump island canopy, unless they are part of an overall, designed corporate identity program for signage.
      .0704   Lighter Box Signs. Lighter box signs, as defined in subsection (Definitions), shall be permitted in service stations; provided that such signs have dimensions not exceeding four (4) feet in height and the span of the working area or thirteen (13) feet, whichever is less, and shall be limited to the company name or company symbol or logo. Lighter box signs shall conform to the provisions of Section 18.114.130 (Sign Regulations). Signs complying with this subsection shall not be considered freestanding monument signs. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6156 § 46; September 22, 2009: Ord. 6506 §§ 59, 60; February 9, 2021: Ord. 6573 § 2 (part); May 7, 2024.)