With the exception of parking areas within the Parking District, for employees of the Theme Park and Southeast Districts, and other parking lots intended for Speed Parking procedures as defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions), all vehicle accessways and parking and loading areas shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loading), except as provided herein.
   .010   Minimum Parking Requirements.
      .0101   Parking Requirements for Theme Parks and Associated Uses.
         .01   Theme park parking shall be provided at the rate of one (1.0) space for each one thousand (1,000) persons of estimated annual attendance with a minimum of twenty-four thousand five hundred (24,500) parking spaces provided for both employees and guests for the theme parks and associated uses at build-out.
         .02   For retail entertainment center uses, parking shall be provided at the rate of one (1.0) space for each one thousand (1,000) persons estimated non-theme park incremental annual attendance.
         .03   Required parking spaces may be provided either within the Parking District or other Districts contained within this Zone.
      .0102   Parking Requirements for Hotels and Associated Uses in the Theme Park and Southeast Districts. The following number of parking spaces shall be provided: Four-fifths (0.8) of a space for each guest room. One-tenth (0.1) of a space per seat of eating/ drinking capacity plus six and seven-tenths (6.7) spaces for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of banquet/ meeting room areas, plus the following employee spaces: one-quarter space (.25) for each employee working in guest room areas; two (2.0) spaces per one hundred (100) seats of eating/drinking capacity; one (1.0) space per each one thousand (1,000) gross square feet of retail space.
      .0103   Minimum Parking Requirements for Administrative Office Facilities. Administrative Office Facilities within the Theme Park District contained within a building of more than fifty thousand (50,000) gross square feet shall provide parking spaces within the Theme Park District adjacent to such administrative facilities. The required parking may be located within a parking facility or in surface parking lots and shall be provided at the following rates:
         .01   Buildings three (3) stories or less: Four (4.0) spaces for each one thousand (1,000) gross square feet.
         .02   Buildings greater than three (3) stories: Three (3.0) spaces for each one thousand (1,000) gross square feet.
      .0104   District A and C-R and Anaheim GardenWalk Overlay Parking Requirements. The minimum number, type and design of off-street parking spaces for uses developed in District A or under the provisions of the C-R or Anaheim GardenWalk Overlays shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loading). (Ord. 5580 § 25; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5689 § 6; July 13, 1999: Ord. 6022 § 20; May 25, 2006.)
   .020   Location of Required Parking Spaces. All parking areas shall comply with the provisions of subsection 18.42.50 (Location of Parking and Shared Parking Arrangements) and subsection (Permitted Encroachments into Required Yard and Setback Areas), with the following exceptions:
      .0201   Parking spaces constructed to serve theme park uses identified in subsections (Theme Park - Permitted Primary Uses and Structures) and (Theme Park Accessory Support Facilities) shall be exempt from the provisions of this requirement.
      .0202   Parking spaces required for hotel uses and hotel accessory support uses may be located in another District, subject to the submittal of a Letter of Justification for the review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. The Letter of Justification shall include the following information:
         .01   Name of the District where the parking spaces are proposed to be located and a map showing the proposed number and location of the parking spaces and distance to the hotel;
         .02   Reason why the parking spaces are proposed to be located in another District, including whether the request is to address a temporary event or a permanent location;
         .03   Documentation demonstrating that locating hotel parking spaces in another District will not result in a reduction in the number of code required spaces for that other District;
         .04   Pedestrian path of travel; and
         .05   Other Information. Such other information as is deemed necessary by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager.
If the distance between the hotel and the parking lot or parking structure in the other District is not a reasonable walking distance, as determined by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager, a shuttle service shall be provided between the parking lot and the hotel ongoing during operation of the hotel.
   .030   Layout and Design.
      .0301   Layout and Design of Surface Parking Areas.
         .01   All surface parking areas and vehicle accessways shall comply with the requirements of Section 18.42 (Parking and Loading), with the exception of parking spaces constructed for theme park and retail entertainment center uses, which shall conform to Exhibit 5.7.8d (Public Parking Facility Layout) of the Specific Plan, and be operated using Speed Parking procedures as defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions), and for employees of the Theme Park District, Southeast District and Parking District, which shall conform to the Exhibit 5.7.8f (Employee Parking Layout) of the Specific Plan document and the provisions of the Design Plan, which shall be exempt from the provisions of this requirement.
         .02   Parking areas shall comply with the following:
            (a)   Curb. Where parking abuts landscaped areas, a curb of a minimum height of six inches shall be provided.
            (b)   Employee Parking Facility Landscape Setback. Employee parking facilities shall be surrounded by a landscaped area with a minimum width of 10 feet, except as noted in .0802 of subsection (Parking Markings and Separations).
      .0302   Parking Structure Design - Parking District. All Parking Structures in the Parking District shall conform to the Exhibit 5.7.8d (Public Parking Facility Layout) of the Specific Plan and be operated using Speed Parking procedures as defined in Section 18.114.030 (Definitions), the provisions of the Design Plan and the following requirements:
         .01   A visual barrier shall be provided along the edges of each level of the parking structure to conceal complete views of parked vehicles.
         .02   Engineering Standard Details pertaining to commercial drive approaches shall not apply to the parking facility. (Ord. 5580 § 26; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5998 § 66; October 25, 2005.)
         .03   Sound Attenuation. A noise study shall be prepared to identify appropriate sound attenuation measures in conjunction with a proposed parking structure.
      .0303   Parking Structure Design - General. All Parking Structures shall conform to the provisions of the Design Plan and the following requirements:
         .01   A visual barrier shall be provided along the edges of each level of the parking structure to conceal complete views of parked vehicles.
         .02   Sound Attenuation. A noise study shall be prepared to identify appropriate sound attenuation measures to be implemented in conjunction with a proposed parking structure.
   .040   Hotel/Motel/Vacation Ownership Passenger Drop-off Areas. All hotel/motels and vacation ownership resorts shall have a passenger drop-off area located on-site. Passenger drop- off areas (which may include a covered area or porte-cochere) shall be for the purpose of dropping off and picking up passengers and luggage, accommodating valet parking, pedestrian access and safety, and fire access while providing free flow of vehicles. Such areas shall not encroach into the required front yard setback, except as provided in Section (Permitted Encroachments into Required Yard and Setback Areas) and Section (Permitted Encroachments into Required Yard and Setback Areas).
   .050   Parking Lot Plan Review. Parking lot plans, including parking facilities, shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning and Building Department and the City Traffic and Transportation Manager during Final Site Plan Review, if required by this chapter, and building plan review and prior to issuance of building permits and shall, at a minimum, incorporate all applicable City Standards and shall contain the following information:
      .0501   Dimensions for internal spacing, circulation and landscaped areas;
      .0502   Curbing, stall markings, signing and other traffic control devices;
      .0503   Location and height of lighting fixtures;
      .0504   Location, dimensions and accessibility of trash containers for refuse trucks;
      .0505   Location of fire hydrants and fire accessways;
      .0506   Location and height of perimeter walls;
      .0507   Tour bus and/or shuttle parking and loading;
      .0508   Grade elevations and ramps associated with driving and parking facilities; and,
      .0509   General location of utility devices and other related above-ground features;
      .0510   Exhibit and/or delivery truck parking/loading areas and bicycle racks. (Ord. 5580 § 27; October 22, 1996.)
   .060   Paving. All permanent and temporary off-street parking facilities, including access aisles and driveways, shall be permanently paved (not to include turf block). Such surfacing, as well as striping, signing, and directional markings, shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
   .070   Temporary Parking. Temporary parking facilities shall be paved and screened with landscaping, and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. Such facilities may be permitted for a period of one (1) year, but may be renewed for up to a total of five (5) years in one (1) year increments subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager.
   .080   Parking Markings and Separations.
      .0801   With the exception of parking spaces and facilities located in the Parking District and/or for theme park and retail entertainment center uses, all parking spaces shall be clearly and permanently outlined on the surface of the parking facility in accordance with the applicable City Standards on file in the office of the Director of Public Works and Planning Director pertaining to off-street parking and parking structures.
      .0802   Parking shall be separated from buildings, sidewalks and plazas by landscaped areas having a minimum width of five (5) feet.
      .0803   Parking shall be separated from any abutting property line, by a minimum six (6) inch curb, and shall be screened from view of public rights-of-way and adjacent properties. (Ord. 5580 § 27A; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5998 § 67; October 25, 2005.)
   .090   Driveway Abandonment. When use of a driveway to a public street is abandoned or otherwise discontinued, the owner, upon receipt of notice from the Engineering Department, shall remove all driveway pavement, curb and gutter; and shall replace the curb, gutter and sidewalk, and landscape the area to match the adjacent landscaped areas.
   .100   Required Improvement of Parking Areas. Surface parking areas for hotels in the Theme Park District and the Southeast District and for uses developed in District A or under the provisions of the C-R Overlay, shall be improved in compliance with Section 18.42 (Parking and Loading); provided further that all portions of vehicular parking lots not used for parking stalls or circulation shall be planted, irrigated and maintained in accordance with the standards listed below and the Design Plan.
      .1001   Minimum Number of Trees. Surface parking areas shall be landscaped and maintained with a minimum of one (1) twenty-four (24) inch box tree per each five (5) parking spaces, which trees shall be equally spaced. Tree wells shall be designed with decorative paving and/or landscaped with shrubs and/or ground cover.
      .1002   Size of Planters. There shall be an average of forty-eight (48) square feet of planter area provided for each tree required in the above subsection with a minimum dimension of five (5) feet, provided that the planter area for new trees planted in existing legal nonconforming parking lots may be reduced to a minimum dimension and design approved by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager.
      .1003   Minimum Width of Perimeter Landscaping. Parking facilities shall have a landscaped area with a minimum width of ten (10) feet provided along the peripheral edges of the parking facilities. Such areas shall be landscaped and maintained with a combination of shrubs, ground cover and trees. Adjacent to parking facilities, trees shall be provided and maintained consisting of at least one (1) twenty four (24) inch box tree for each ten (10) linear feet of parking facility perimeter. Such trees may be either grouped informally or formally.
      .1004   Exceptions. Parking Facilities in any District intended primarily for employees of the theme parks, retail entertainment center uses, and hotels, or for use by theme park visitors, shall be exempt from the provisions of subsections .1001 and .1002 above. (Ord. 5580 § 28; October 22, 1996.)
   .110   Conformance with the Design Plan. Tree, shrub and ground cover selection and planting design shall conform with the Design Plan.
   .120   Parking Space and Access Design. Layout and design of parking areas and vehicle accessways in the Theme Park District within approximately 1,300 feet of the eastern side of the ultimate right-of-way of Walnut Street, as shown in Exhibit 5.8.3b (Theme Park District Concept Plan - B) (except for parking for theme park and retail entertainment center uses), District A and the C-R and Anaheim GardenWalk Overlays only shall comply with the requirements of Sections 18.42.060 (Parking Dimensions and Access) and 18.42.070 (Parking Lot Design) and the applicable City Standards on file in the office of the Director of Public Works and Planning Director pertaining to off-street parking and parking structures, except as follows:
      .1201   Maximum Curb Openings per Street Frontage. A maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of any street frontage may be used for curb openings; except when the street frontage is less than one hundred (100) feet but not less than twenty-five (25) feet, in which case there shall be a maximum of one (1) twenty-five (25) foot wide curb opening. The maximum number of curb openings per street frontage shall not exceed the following standards:
         .01   Parcel frontage three hundred (300) feet or less: One (1).
         .02   Parcel frontage three hundred one (301) to six hundred (600) feet: Two (2).
         .03   Parcel frontage greater than six hundred (600) feet: Four (4).
         .04   One (1) additional curb opening may be allowed if it is used as legal access to one (1) or more adjacent parcels subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager.
         .05   Access required and limited to emergency vehicles or access to utility easements shall not be considered as curb openings as provided in this section.
      .1202   Driveway Separation and Spacing. There shall be a minimum distance of thirty-six (36) feet between driveways (nearest driveway edge to nearest driveway edge) serving the same parcel, and a minimum distance of forty (40) feet between driveways (nearest driveway edge to nearest driveway edge) serving adjacent parcels, except as otherwise approved by the City's Traffic Engineer.
      .1203   Driveway Width Dimensions. Driveways shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet wide in accordance with the Design Plan, with wider widths subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager based on sound engineering practices.
      .1204   Curb Return. The curb cut shall provide a minimum radius curb return and sight distance clearance in accordance with the applicable Engineering Standard Details on file in the office of the Director of Public Works pertaining to commercial driveway approaches or as otherwise approved by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager based on sound engineering practices.
      .1205   Entry Drive Dimension. A minimum entry driveway (throat) of forty (40) feet shall be provided, measured from the nearest point of the ultimate street right-of-way line to the nearest point of the on-site parking area or on-site vehicular accessway to said parking area. Parking shall be designed so as to preclude a car from backing out of a stall and into the forty (40) foot entry drive, in accordance with the applicable City Standard on file in the office of the Direct of Public Works and Planning Director pertaining to minimum off-street parking standards. (Ord. 5580 § 29; October 22, 1996: Ord. 5689 § 7; July 13, 1999: Ord. 5998 § 68; October 25, 2005: Ord. 6022 § 21; May 25, 2006.)
   .130   Truck Loading. Truck loading facilities shall comply with the requirements of Section 18.42.100 (Loading Requirements) and the applicable City Standards on file in the office of the Director of Public Works and Planning Director pertaining to truck dock standards. A minimum of one (1) truck dock or truck loading area shall be provided for each hotel or motel. (Ord. 5998 § 69; October 25, 2005.)
   .140   Bus Parking Areas. Hotels/motels shall provide on-site bus parking subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager and Planning Department in accordance with the latest Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Bus Facilities Handbook Guidelines, or as otherwise approved by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager and Planning Director based on sound engineering practices. (Ord. 5378 § 1 (part); June 29, 1993: Ord. 5420 §§ 7-9; April 12, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6286 §§ 48 - 52; September 3, 2013: Ord. 6573 § 2 (part); May 7, 2024.)