Trees shall be provided, as specified in this section and as shown in the landscape plans described in Section 18.46.080 (Required Landscaping – Landscape Plans).
.010 Trees in Front and Street Setback Areas. Trees in the privately owned setback adjacent to a street frontage shall comply with the following provisions.
.0101 A minimum of one (1) tree shall be planted every twenty (20) linear feet of landscaped street setback frontage.
.0102 All required trees shall be a minimum size of twenty-four (24) inch box.
.0103 Trees shall be selected from the City Street Tree Species List adopted by the City, as it may be revised from time-to-time. The Planning Director shall have the authority to allow other tree species; provided that the alternative tree has attributes, such as type, size of canopy at ten (10) years, evergreen, water consumption, low maintenance, free from disease and pest infestation, moderate/fast growth, suitable around people, and colorful Southern California character, similar to the trees found on the City's list.
.0104 Notwithstanding the choice of a tree specie that is durable and climatically suitable to a project site, the applicant shall install a tree type that is the same variety as trees on adjacent properties, if such tree(s) are healthy and would contribute to the continuity of the streetscape.
.0105 Trees should generally be aligned with trees on adjacent properties.
.020 Trees in Areas Other than Front and Street Setbacks. Trees planted in landscaped areas other than front and street setbacks shall comply with the following provisions.
.0201 A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of all trees in the area to be landscaped shall be selected from the City Street Tree Species List adopted by the City, as it may be revised from time-to-time. The Planning Director shall have the authority to allow other tree species; provided that the alternative tree has attributes, such as type, size of canopy at ten (10) years, evergreen, water consumption, low maintenance, free from disease and pest infestation, moderate/fast growth, suitable around people, and colorful Southern California character, similar to the trees found on the City's list.
.0202 Small canopy trees shall be combined with medium and/or large canopy trees to enhance the depth and contrast of landscaping.
.030 Street Trees. Trees in the public right-of-way shall comply with Chapter 13.12 (Street Trees) of the Anaheim Municipal Code. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6570 § 27; March 19, 2024.)
Shrubbery, vines and groundcover shall be provided, as specified in this section and in the landscape plan described in Section 18.46.080 (Required Landscaping - Landscape Plans). A minimum of fifty (50%) percent of required shrubbery, vines and ground cover shall be drought tolerant.
.010 Shrubbery. Fifty percent (50%) of all required shrubs and similar plants shall be a minimum size of five (5) gallons at time of planting.
.020 Groundcover. Live groundcover shall be planted and maintained where shrubbery is not sufficient to cover exposed soil. Mulch may be used in place of groundcover where groundcover will not grow or where groundcover will cause harm to other plants.
.030 Groundcover Spacing. Groundcover plants should be planted at a density and spacing necessary for them to become well established within eighteen (18) months.
.040 Mixture of Landscape Plants. Within required landscaped areas, a minimum fifteen percent (15%) shall be planted with live groundcover (excluding turf), and a minimum ten percent (10%) shall be planted with shrubs.
.050 Layering in Landscape Bands. A hierarchy of plants - from low groundcover and turf at the front of a property, to medium high shrubs farther back, to higher trees near the building setback - shall be considered to create depth and interest, and to highlight building entrances. This "layering" of landscaping shall include bands of plants of varying width, height and color. The use of a landscaped earthen berm may be substituted for low groundcover. A coordinated landscape plan may be provided in place of layering, provided that it presents an integrated theme.
.060 Drive-through Restaurants. Drive-through restaurants shall have additional landscaping to screen the drive-through lane and other features, such as the back of the menu board (if visible off-site) and the trash enclosure. A dense hedge and/or hedge and berm, with or without a landscaped wall, no less than three (3) feet in height, shall be installed around such features and elsewhere on the site where landscape screening is required.
.070 Turf. The amount of area planted with turf in non-residential developments shall be limited because of its relatively high water consumption. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6101 § 40; April 22, 2008.)
Soil for required landscaped areas should be prepared as provided in this section.
.010 Mulch. A minimum of three (3) inches of mulch shall be added (in non-turf areas) to the soil surface and permanently maintained to enhance moisture retention and minimize evaporation. Nonporous material shall not be placed under the mulch. The mulch shall be of a type and amount that minimizes fire hazards.
.020 Edge Barriers. Loose bark or mulch in a planting area located adjacent to a sidewalk or other paved area should be contained by a durable, edge barrier to prevent spreading onto paved areas.
.030 Wind and Water Disturbance. Grading should be minimized to avoid disturbance. Topsoil shall be stockpiled and covered to protect against wind blown particulates, and shall be reapplied during final grading. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6101 § 41; April 22, 2008: Ord. 6425 § 23; December 19, 2017.)
The use of artificial turf, as defined in Section 18.92.040, shall be permitted as follows:
.010 Setback and percentage requirements. The design and installation of all new turf and artificial turf areas shall comply with the following requirements:
.0101 Single-Family and Multiple-Family Zones. Artificial turf may be used in lieu of natural turf in front, side, and rear yards for up to 100% coverage or in combination with all other natural non-turf materials.
.0102 Commercial, Industrial, and Public and Special Purpose Zones. Artificial turf may be used in lieu of natural turf in front, side, and rear yards for up to 100% coverage or in combination with all other natural non-turf materials.
.020 Artificial Turf Design/ Quality Standards.
.0201 Materials. Artificial turf shall be of a type known as cut pile infill and shall be manufactured from polypropylene, polyethelene, or a blend of polypropylene and polyethleyene fibers stitched onto a polypropylene or polyurethane meshed or hole-punched backing. Hole-punched backings shall have holes spaced in a uniform grid pattern with spacing not to exceed four inches by six inches on center.
.0202 Installation. Artificial turf shall be installed over a compacted and porous road base material and shall be anchored at all edges and seams. Seams shall be glued and not sewn. An infill medium consisting of clean sand or other approved mixture shall be brushed into the fibers to insure that the fibers remain in an upright position and to provide ballast that will help hold the turf in place and provide a cushioning effect. Artificial turf must consist of pile fibers a minimum height of 1-3/4" and a proper drainage system shall be installed underneath the turf to prevent excessive run-off or pooling.
.0203 Slope Restrictions. The installation of artificial turf on slopes greater than six point six percent (6.6%) shall require the approval of the City Engineer and shall meet requirements of the Public Works Department.
.0204 General Appearance. Artificial turf shall be installed and maintained to effectively simulate the appearance of a well-maintained lawn. The Planning Department shall maintain and make available for public inspection a sample of various artificial turf products that meet this standard of appearance.
.030 Prohibited uses. The use of indoor or outdoor plastic or nylon carpeting as a replacement for artificial turf or natural turf shall be prohibited. (Ord. 6101 § 42; April 22, 2008: Ord. 6112 § 1; September 30, 2008: Ord. 6317 § 17; March 3, 2015.)
In addition to the required setback and any slope landscaping, all parking areas and vehicular accessways shall be landscaped.
.010 Trees. The landscaping shall include at least one (1) tree per three thousand (3,000) square feet of parking area and vehicular accessways distributed throughout the parking area. The landscaping shall be provided through one of the following methods or a combination:
.0101 No more than ten (10) parking spaces shall be adjacent to each other without being separated by a landscape area with a minimum width of five (5) feet and a minimum depth of sixteen (16) feet (excluding the planter) and a minimum area of eighty (80) square feet (excluding curb). Each planter shall contain a minimum of one tree, low shrubs and groundcover; or
.0102 A minimum four (4) foot wide square (excluding curb) landscaped area shall be provided at the front end of every five (5) parking spaces. One tree shall be provided in each planter. In addition, a landscape planter with a minimum width of five (5) feet and a minimum depth of sixteen (16) feet shall be provided for every thirty (30) stalls adjacent to one another, and at the end of each row of parking. This planter shall be planted with minimum three (3) feet high shrubs and groundcover. The location of the planters at the front of the parking stall shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager; or
.0103 A minimum four (4) foot wide (excluding curb) continuous landscaped area with shrubs and trees as required above at the front end of parking stalls. In addition, a landscaped planter with a minimum width of five (5) feet and a minimum depth of sixteen (16) feet shall be provided at the end of each row of parking.
.020 Planter Area Borders. All planter areas shall bordered by minimum six (6) inch concrete curbs; asphalt curbs shall be prohibited. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 43; August 22, 2006.)
The provisions of this section shall apply in addition to all applicable provisions in Chapter 10.19 (Landscape Water Efficiency) of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
.010 Irrigation. All required landscaped areas shall be provided and maintained with automatic irrigation systems, as reviewed and approved by the Planning Director.
.0101 For new or refurbished planting areas with less than two thousand, five hundred (2,500) square feet, the installation of adjustable timer-controlled drip irrigation, bubblers, or low-volume, low-angle pop-up sprinklers is encouraged to avoid water run-off onto streets and sidewalks or over-saturation.
.0102 For new or refurbished planting areas in excess of two thousand, five hundred (2,500) square feet, the use of moisture sensors to account for seasonal variations is encouraged in addition to the recommendations of subsection .0101 above.
.0103 Where possible, the use of graywater for irrigation is also encouraged. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6115 § 5; October 14, 2008.)
All landscaping required by this chapter shall be shown on a landscape plan(s) submitted for review and approval to the Planning Department.
.010 Legend. The landscape plan shall contain a separate legend, with corresponding symbols used throughout the submitted landscape plan. The legend shall identify landscape plants; the number, botanical name, common name and container size of trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers; areas of turf and other vegetation, and pervious and impervious (paved) areas.
.020 Features. The landscape plan shall be drawn on project base sheets, at a scale that accurately and clearly identifies the following:
.0201 Landscaped areas having plants with similar water scheduling, valve and quantity needs. These areas may be irrigated or non-irrigated;
.0202 Spacing and quantities of each group of plants;
.0203 Property lines and street names;
.0204 Pools, ponds, water features, fences and retaining walls;
.0205 Existing and proposed buildings and structures, parking areas, site and building entrance points, type of site paving, sign structures, perimeter fencing, trash enclosure and receptacle locations, and any additional site amenities;
.0206 Natural features, including but not limited to, rock outcroppings and existing trees;
.0207 Representation or description of type of tree staking, in such detail as required by the City Forester; planting notes identifying methods for soil preparation, including depth, fertilizer, protective methods for landscaping, paving, contractor guarantee, and other applicable planting and installation details;
.0208 A breakdown of the site area devoted to various types of landscaping (ground cover, shrub areas, turf, artificial turf and the total square footage in landscaping, and the setbacks and spacing of trees);
.0209 Landscaping and irrigation protection measures (i.e., bollards, tire stops, curbs); and
.0210 Landscape screening of outdoor uses, as required by Section 18.46.110 (Screening, Fences, Walls and Hedges).
.030 Approval Required. Landscape plans shall be submitted in conjunction with building plans for construction. No landscaping or irrigation system shall be installed until the plans are approved. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6101 § 43; April 22, 2008.)
All landscaping required by this chapter shall comply with the provisions of the following:
.010 Water Usage. The project shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 10.19 (Landscape Water Efficiency) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, with respect to monitoring water usage, penalties for non-compliance, and right of appeal.
.020 Landscape Maintenance. All landscaping, including parkway landscaping, shall be maintained in a neat, healthy and clean condition. A regular maintenance schedule shall be submitted as part of the landscape and irrigation plans. Any dead or diseased plant shall be immediately removed and replaced in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. All pruning or trimming of required trees and specimen trees shall be in compliance with the standards for street trees adopted by the International Society of Arboriculture, and consistent with Chapter 13.12 (Street Trees) of the Anaheim Municipal Code. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6168 § 2; April 27, 2010.)