Prior to procuring a Design-Build Contract, the Public Works Department shall prepare a Request for Proposals containing, at minimum, the following elements:
   .010   The procedures to be followed for submitting Proposals, the criteria for evaluation of the Proposals and their relative weight, the procedure for selection of the Successful Proposer and the timing for making awards.
   .020   The proposed terms and conditions for the Design-Build Contract.
   .030   The Performance Criteria.
   .040   A description of the project approach, work plan or other submittals to be submitted with the Proposal, with guidance as to the form and level of completeness required.
   .050   A schedule for planned commencement and completion of the Design-Build Public Works Project.
   .060   The minimum qualifications that the Design-Build Entity will be required to possess to be deemed responsive.
   .070   Requirements for performance bonds, payment bonds and insurance (including professional liability insurance) as determined by the Risk Manager and City Attorney, as appropriate.
   .080   Essential design disciplines, construction trades or types of subcontractors that must be listed by the Design-Build Entity in the Proposal. Subcontractors not listed in the Proposal shall be awarded subcontracts by the Design-Build Entity in accordance with a process set forth in the Request for Proposals. All subcontractors that are listed in the Proposal or subsequently awarded subcontracts shall be afforded the protection of all applicable laws.
   .090   Any other information that the Public Works Department in its discretion chooses to supply, including without limitation, surveys, soils reports, drawings or models of existing structures, environmental studies, photographs, or references to public records, including dissemination procedures for Critical Infrastructure Information. (Ord. 6201 § 1 (part); January 25, 2011.)