10.18.010 Purpose.
10.18.020 Scope of this Chapter.
10.18.030 Definitions.
10.18.040 Authorization.
10.18.050 Water Reduction Plan Implementation.
10.18.060 Voluntary Water Conservation Measures.
10.18.070 Water Reduction Plan I—Additional Voluntary Water Conservation Measures.
10.18.080 Water Reduction Plan II—Mandatory Measures.
10.18.090 Water Reduction Plan III—Mandatory Measures.
10.18.100 Water Reduction Plan IV—Mandatory Measures.
10.18.110 Alternative Compliance Plan.
10.18.120 Water Conservation Rate.
10.18.130 Violations and Remedies.
10.18.140 Reservation of Rights.
The City Council finds and determines that because of prevailing water supply conditions within the State of California and the declared policy of the State, it is necessary and appropriate for the City to adopt, implement, and enforce water conservation rules and regulations to reduce water consumption within the City through conservation to ensure the reasonable and beneficial use of water and maximize its efficient use within the City. The City Council further finds and determines it is necessary and appropriate for the City to implement and enforce water shortage contingency rules and regulations during periods of water supply shortages and water shortage emergencies to ensure that there is sufficient water for human consumption, sanitation, and fire protection. (Ord. 5204 § 1 (part); February 26, 1991: Ord. 6138 § 1 (part); April 14, 2009: Ord. 6332 § 2 (part); May 19, 2015.)
.010 Except as expressly stated within this Chapter, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all persons, entities and property within the City. In addition, this chapter shall apply to any Customers outside of the City.
.020 The provisions of this Chapter are in addition to, and not in lieu of, the provisions of Section 10.16.380 of this Code relating to curtailed supply of electricity or water.
.030 The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the following water uses:
.01 Any use of water necessary for (a) the testing and maintenance of the Water System or City fire suppression system, or (b) fire suppression or other similar emergency services affecting the public health and safety;
.02 Any use of water necessary to protect public health and safety as determined in the sole discretion of those persons or entities identified in Section 10.18.040 of this Chapter; and
.03 Any use of Recycled Water.
.040 The mandatory provisions of Sections 10.18.080, 10.18.090, and 10.18.100 shall not apply to the application of potable water to a food source between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.; provided that the potable water is applied through drip irrigation or a hand-held hose with a self-closing water shut-off device.
(Ord. 6332 § 2 (part); May 19, 2015.)
Unless specifically defined in this section, words or phrases used in this chapter shall be interpreted so as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and to give this Chapter the most reasonable application.
.010 “Alternative Compliance Plan” means a plan approved in accordance with Section 10.18.110 of this Chapter.
.020 “City” means the City of Anaheim located in California.
.030 “City Council” means the governing legislative body of the City.
.040 “Code” means the municipal code of the City.
.050 “Customer” has the meaning set forth in Rule 1 of the Rates, Rules and Regulations, or any successor provision thereto.
.060 “Department” means the Public Utilities Department of the City.
.070 “Eligible Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers” means those eligible weather-based irrigation controllers registered with the Department and approved by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California or the Irrigation Association Smart Water Application Technologies initiative.
.080 “General Manager” means the General Manager of the Department.
.090 “Large Landscape Area” means an area of vegetation at least three (3) acres in size supporting a business necessity or public benefit uses, including without limitation, parks, golf courses, schools, and cemeteries.
.100 “Local Emergency” has the meaning set forth in section 8558(c) of the California Government Code, or any successor provision thereto. The City Council may declare a Local Emergency by motion or resolution.
.110 “Public Utilities Hearing Board” means that hearing board described in Subsection .080 of Section 1.04.730 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
.120 “Rates, Rules and Regulations” means the rate structure, the rules, and any regulations as approved by the City Council, governing the use and delivery of water within the Department’s service area.
.130 “Recycled Water” means water that is approved for purposes other than human consumption and meets the criteria set forth in Division 4 of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations, as may be amended from time to time. Recycled Water does not include gray water.
.140 “Sidewalk” means that portion of the roadway, set apart by curbs, barriers, markings or other delineation for pedestrian travel.
.160 “Water System” has the meaning set forth in Rule 1 of the Rates, Rules and Regulations or any successor provision thereto. (Ord. 5204 § 1 (part); February 26, 1991: Ord. 5855 §§ 14, 15; April 29, 2003: Ord. 6138 § 1 (part); April 14, 2009: Ord. 6332 § 2 (part); May 19, 2015.)