The Administrative Official may require a reduction in the height of a screening improvement where necessary to ensure adequate sight distance and/or corner clearance visibility for drive approaches and public streets in proximity to a screening improvement. In this case height may be reduced only for that portion of the screening improvement necessary to provide adequate sight distance and/or corner clearance necessary for traffic safety. Where it is necessary to reduce the height of a screening improvement, height shall be reduced gradually.
Whenever a site plan requires screening and/or landscaping, the applicant shall deposit with the City a cash or corporate surety bond, irrevocable bank letter of credit or any other security deemed acceptable by the City in the full amount of such improvement for the faithful completion of such improvement. When such screening improvement and/or landscaping requires landscaped earth berms or planted or natural vegetation screening, such bond shall continue for two years following the completion and inspection of all planting to ensure that all unhealthy and dead plant material shall be replaced, and the bond shall be released only after there has been a site inspection and a determination made that the screening has been planted as planned. The applicant shall provide a cost estimate on the site plan indicating the full amount of such improvement.
The Commission or official approving the site plan may waive or reduce the requirements of this division upon determining that the following would apply:
(a) The purpose of this division cannot be met; and
(b) Compliance with the requirements would impose a practical difficulty on the applicant or would create safety hazards to pedestrians or motorists.
Wherever in this Chapter screening, planting and/or material in conjunction with an obscuring fence is required, it shall be planted within six months from the date of issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy and shall thereafter be reasonably maintained with permanent plant materials to provide a screen to abutting properties. Suitable materials equal in characteristics to the plant materials listed in this Chapter with the spacing as required in this Chapter shall be