Whenever landscape, screening and/or a buffer zone are required in this chapter, a preliminary landscape/screening plan shall be submitted to the Administrative Official and a final plan approved by the Commission or other official approving the site plan. The plan shall be prepared and sealed by an architect, landscape architect or engineer, and shall contain the following:
   (a)    All applicable information required by this Ordinance for site plan review.
   (b)    All applicable information listed in this Chapter pertaining to plant materials.
   (c)    The location, general size, and type of existing vegetation to be retained.
   (d)    Existing and proposed grades.
   (e)    A planting schedule and plan providing the following information:
      (i)    The botanical and common name of each plant used.
      (ii)    The size of each plant to be used at the time of planting.
      (iii)    The quantity of each plant to be used.
      (iv)    Whether plants to be used are balled and burlapped, container grown or bare root.
      (v)    The spacing and location of all proposed trees, shrubs and ground cover. Ground cover is defined as low-growing woody shrubs, deciduous or evergreen plants, perennial plants and/or vines, such as cranberry, cotoneaster (Cotoneaster apiculata), blue rug juniper (Juniperus horizantaus "Wiltoni"), myrtle (Vinca minor), or Baltic ivy (Hedera helix "Baltica"). Grass, shredded bark, wood chips, other similar mulch or landscaping stones are also acceptable as ground cover for greenbelt areas.
   (f)    The percentage of landscaped area, excluding detention ponds, to be provided on site.