(a)    Whenever a landscape planting screen or other plantings are required under this Chapter, such plantings shall be installed according to accepted good planting procedures and in a sound workmanlike manner. All plant material shall meet current standards of the American Association of Nurserymen.
   (b)    Four-inch overall depth of shredded, non-colored hardwood Cedar or Cypress bark or ground cover of low-growing woody shrubs, deciduous or evergreen plants, perennial plants and/or vines, such as cranberry cotoneaster (Cotoneaster apiculata), blue rug juniper (Juniperus horizantaus “Wiltoni”), myrtle (Vinca minor), or Baltic ivy (Hedera helix “Baltica”), shredded bark, wood chips, other similar mulch or landscaping stones shall be used in all planting beds. The minimum mulch radius shall be two feet surrounding a shrub and four feet surrounding a deciduous or evergreen tree. Deviations from this must be approved by the Administrative Official before installation.
   (c)    Maintenance of plantings shall be done to ensure a healthy and neat appearance, free of disease and insect infestations as well as clear of weeds and debris. Unhealthy or dead plant material is to be replaced within one year from completion and inspection of plantings.