15.25.010 Title
15.25.020 Declaration of policy
15.25.030 Declaration of purpose
15.25.040 Definitions
15.25.050 Authorization
15.25.060 Application
15.25.070 Water shortage plan implementation
15.25.075 Exceptions to water shortage plan requirements
15.25.080 Water shortage plan I; voluntary conservation
15.25.090 Water shortage plan II; mandatory conservation
15.25.100 Water shortage plan III; mandatory conservation
15.25.105 Water shortage plan IV; mandatory water rationing
15.25.110 Penalty
15.25.120 Notices of violation
15.25.130 Right of hearing; stay
15.25.140 Reservation of rights
15.25.150 Application for relief
15.25.160 Willful misrepresentation
15.25.170 Reduction in water supplied
15.25.180 Public nuisance
It is hereby declared that because of the conditions prevailing in the city and in the areas of this state and elsewhere from which the city obtains its water supplies, the general welfare requires that the water resources available to the city be put to maximum use to the extent which they are capable, and that the waste or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented, and con-servation of such waters is to be exercised with a view to the reasonable and beneficial use thereof in the interests of the people of the city and for the public welfare.
('86 Code, § 15.25.020) (Ord. 4155, passed - - )
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a mandatory water conservation plan to minimize the effect of a shortage of water on the customers of the city and, by means of this chapter, to adopt provisions that will significantly reduce the consumption of water to the customers of the city while reducing the hardship of the city and the general public to the greatest extent possible.
('86 Code, § 15.25.030) (Ord. 4155, passed - - )