§ 15.25.110 PENALTY.
   It shall be a violation for any customer to fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter. In addition to the penalties proscribed for in Title 1 of this Municipal Code, the following penalties may also be imposed:
   (A)   First violation. For the first violation by any customer of the Water Division of any of the provisions of this chapter, the Water Division shall issue a written notice of the fact of such violation to the customer.
   (B)   Second violation. For the second violation within a water shortage period by any customer of the Water Division of any of the provisions of this chapter, a surcharge penalty shall be imposed in an amount equal to 15% of the customer's water bill plus an additional $1 for each billing unit in excess of the percentage usage of water permitted by the particular conservation phase in which the violation occurred.
   (C)   Third violation. For the third violation within a water shortage period by any customer of the Water Division of any of the provisions of this chapter, a surcharge penalty shall be imposed in an amount equal to 50% of the customer's water bill plus an additional $2 for each billing unit in excess of the percentage usage of water permitted by the particular conservation phase in which the violation occurred.
   (D)   Fourth violation. For a fourth and any subsequent violation thereafter within a water shortage period by any customer of the Water Division of any of the provisions of this chapter, the Water Division shall install a flow restricting device of 1 gallon per minute capacity for services up to 1½-inch size, and comparatively sized restrictors for larger services, on the service of the customer at the premises at which the violation occurred. The flow restricting device shall remain on customer's service for a period not less than 48 hours. The Water Division shall charge the customer the reasonable costs incurred by the city for installing and removing the flow-restricting device. The charge for restoration of normal service shall be $25. The charge must be paid before normal service can be restored. In addition, the surcharge penalties in division (C) shall be imposed.
(‘86 Code, § 15.25.110) (Ord. 4155, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4672, passed 6-22-15)