   15.04.010   Turning off water upon violations
   15.04.020   Turning water on after shutoff by city
   15.04.040   Application for service; installation fees
   15.04.050   Pipes between mains and meters to be installed by city
   15.04.060   Connections between private and city water supplies
   15.04.070   Connections between water supply for domestic consumption and sewage system
   15.04.080   Installation of shutoff valves; tampering with valves
   15.04.090   Drawing from city pipes directly into steam boilers, power pumps
   15.04.100   Storage tanks to be used for city water entering boilers, power pumps
   15.04.110   Consumers not to supply other persons; exception
   15.04.120   Consumers not to permit leaks or waste
   15.04.130   Use of water for refrigerating apparatus, ornamental fountains
   15.04.140   Permit to tap mains and pipes of city system
   15.04.150   Authority of city to turn off water supply
   15.04.160   Failure of owner to prevent waste of water
   15.04.170   Committee to hear complaints; appeals from committee
   15.04.180   Authority to restrict use of water for sprinkling, irrigating
   15.04.190   Lawn sprinklers to be shut off during fires
   15.04.200   Notification of intention to excavate, grade streets
   15.04.210   Excessive charges; refunds
   Upon failure to comply with the rules and regulations established as a condition to the use of water, or to pay rates or any charges imposed in the time and manner provided by this title on any and all services where the delinquent consumer is being supplied with water, the water may be turned off and not turned on again until payment of the amount due is made, plus a minimum fee in an amount established by City Council resolution to cover the cost of turning the service off and on if the service is turned on during regular city working hours; that is, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any Monday through Friday other than a holiday, or a minimum charge in an amount established by City Council resolution if the service is turned on at any time other than during the regular city working hours.
('86 Code, § 15.04.010) (Ord. 2028, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3529, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 3719, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4587, passed 6-27-11; Am. Ord. 4588, passed 7-11-11)
   (A)   If any person should turn on water or suffer or cause it to be turned on after it has been shut off at the curb cock by the Water Department, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided in § 1.12.010.
   (B)   Penalty for unauthorized use. If any person should turn on or use water without authorization of the Department, he or she shall pay a minimum charge in an amount established by City Council resolution.
('86 Code, § 15.04.020) (Ord. 2028, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4587, passed 6-27-11; Am. Ord. 4588, passed 7-11-11)