For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALLOCATION. The assignment of a single position to its proper class in the position classification plan.
   APPLICANT. A person who has filed an application to take a civil service examination.
   APPOINTMENT. The designation of a person by due authority to become an employee, signing of the proper forms to record that designation and acceptance by the person of the position and conditions as hereinafter provided in these rules.
   CHARTER. The charter of the city of Alhambra.
   CLASS or CLASSIFICATION. All positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, responsibility, and working conditions to permit their grouping under a common title and application with equity of common standards of selection, transfer, demotion, promotion and compensation.
   CLASSIFIED SERVICE. All positions in the city's service to which article XXIVa of the charter of the city applies and which are not excepted by Initiative Ordinance No. 1873 (§ 2.48.010 of this code).
   CODE. The Alhambra municipal code.
   COMMISSION. The Civil Service Commission of the city of Alhambra.
   CONTINUING SERVICE. The continuing service of a regular employee in a payroll status without interruption except for authorized leaves of absence.
   COUNCIL. The City Council of the city of Alhambra.
   DAYS. Calendar day unless specified to the contrary herein.
   DEMOTION. The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a lower maximum rate of pay.
   ELIGIBLE. A person whose name is on an employment list, promotional list or reemployment list.
   EMPLOYEE. Any person holding a position in the city's service, either temporary or permanent.
   EMPLOYMENT LIST. A list of names of persons who have taken an examination for a class in the classified service and have qualified.
   EXAMINATION. The techniques used to select those most likely to succeed in performing duties of positions in the classified service for the purpose of establishing employment lists.
   FULL-TIME POSITION. A position requiring the incumbent to work a standard work week for that position as provided for in § 2.50.010 of this code.
   HOURLY EMPLOYEES. Those employees who are distinct from regular employees and are paid on an hourly basis.
   LAY-OFF. The separation of employees from the active work force due to lack of work or funds, or to the abolition of positions by the City Council for the above reasons or due to organizational changes.
   PART-TIME POSITION. A position requiring the incumbent to work less than the standard work week for that position as provided for in § 2.50.010 of this code.
   PERMANENT EMPLOYEE. A regular, full-time employee who has successfully completed the probationary period in his or her position after having been appointed from an employment list and has been retained as hereinafter provided in these rules.
   PERSONNEL OFFICER. The personnel officer of the city, or if that position is vacant, the City Manager or his authorized designee.
   POSITION. A group of duties and respon-sibilities requiring the full-time or part-time employ-ment of one person. A position can only be established by action of the City Council.
   PROBATIONARY PERIOD. A working test period during which an employee is required to demonstrate his or her ability to perform the duties of his or her position and is subject to termination without cause.
   PROMOTION. The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a higher maximum rate of pay.
   PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION. An exami-nation for a particular class which is open only to regular employees meeting the qualifications for that class.
   PROMOTIONAL LIST. A list of names of persons who have taken a promotional examination for a class in the classified service and have qualified.
   PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT. A tem-porary appointment of a person whose name does not appear on an eligible list.
   REEMPLOYMENT LIST. A list of names of probationary and regular employees who have been laid off.
   REGULAR EMPLOYEE. An employee occupying a position established on a continuing basis, as distinct from an hourly employee.
   REINSTATEMENT. The placing on an eligibility list without examination of a former regular employee or probationary employee who has resigned in good standing.
   REMOVAL. Termination of employment as a result of disciplinary action. Discharge and dismissal shall be synonymous with removal.
   SEASONAL APPOINTMENT. The same as temporary.
   SUSPENSION. The temporary separation from the service of an employee for disciplinary purposes.
   TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT. An appoint-ment of a person who possesses the minimum qualifi-cations established for a particular class and who has been appointed to a position in that class in the absence of available eligibles for a period of less than six months.
      (1)   An employee who has been appointed to a temporary position or
      (2)   An employee who has been pro-visionally appointed to a permanent position without having been appointed from an eligible list.
   TRANSFER. A movement of an employee from one position to another position in the same class, or from one class to another class having the same maximum salary, similar duties and basic qualifica-tions.
('86 Code, § 2.48.030) (Ord. 3898, passed - - )