(A) Application forms. Applications shall be made on forms provided by the Personnel Office. Such forms shall require information covering educa-tion, training, experience, and other pertinent information. All applications must be signed by the person applying.
(B) Qualification and disqualification.
(1) The Personnel Officer may reject any application which indicates that the applicant:
(a) Does not possess the qualifications required for the position;
(b) Is addicted to the habitual excessive use of drugs or intoxicating liquor;
(c) Has been convicted of a felony;
(d) Has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude;
(e) Made any material false statement therein; or
(f) Has not satisfactorily completed his or her application.
(2) Whenever an application is rejected, the applicant shall be so advised. Incomplete applications may be returned to the applicant for completion; provided, however, the time limit for receiving applications has not expired. All applicants must attest, under penalty of perjury, to the truthfulness of the statements made in the application. Such attestation will be evidenced by the applicant's signature.
('86 Code, § 2.48.080) (Ord. 3898, passed - - )
(A) Recruitment and selection. Competition for positions in the classified service shall be open to all applicants who meet the qualifications established for the position for which application is made. There may be open examinations or promotional examina-tions.
(B) Promotional examinations. Promotional examinations may be conducted upon recommenda-tion of the affected department head and approval of the Personnel Officer. Only regular employees who meet the requirements set forth in the promotional examination announcements may compete in pro-motional examinations.
(C) Continuous examination process. With respect to selected entry-level position classifications, the Personnel Officer may administer successive identical examinations to qualified applicants upon application, or at such times as the Personnel Officer may deem appropriate. The resulting scores shall be combined on an employment list with a notation as to date of examination. The removal of names shall be in accordance with rules governing employment lists. Applicants who fail an examination conducted under this subsection shall be ineligible to retake the examination for a period of six months after the date when the first examination was taken. Constructive notice shall be provided prior to the administration of the continuous examination process.
(D) Types of examinations. Examinations shall be used and conducted to aid in the selection of qualified employees, and shall consist of recognized selection techniques; including, but not limited to, achievement and aptitude tests, or other written tests, personal interviews, performance tests, physical agility tests, evaluation of daily work performance, work sampler, or any combination of these which will, in the judgment of the Personnel Officer, test fairly the qualifications of candidates. Physical, medical and psychological tests may be given as part of any examination. In any examination, the Personnel Officer may include, in addition to competitive tests, a qualifying test or tests, and set minimum standards therefor.
(E) Conduct of examinations. The Personnel Officer shall be responsible for weighting the examinations and for the manner, methods, and by whom examinations shall be prepared and admini-stered. The City Council may contract with any competent agency or individual for the preparation and administration of examinations.
(F) Scoring examinations and qualifying scores. A candidate's score in a given examination shall be the average of his or her score for each competitive part of the examination. Failure in one part of the examination shall be grounds for declaring such applicant as failing the entire examination or as disqualified for subsequent parts of the examination.
(G) Physical examinations. Applicants will be advised of physical requirements and may be offered employment conditioned upon their passing a physical examination designed to test for job-related physical requirements.
(H) Notification of examination results. Each candidate in an examination shall be given written notice of whether he or she passed or failed. Where allowed by law or contract, examinees competing for promotional positions may examine, within five days of the examination date, question and answer sheets and rating notes with which to review and verify the accuracy of the scoring process.
('86 Code, § 2.48.090) (Ord. 3898, passed - - )
(A) Employment lists. As soon as possible after the completion of an examination, the Personnel Officer shall prepare and keep available an employ-ment list containing the names of eligibles who qualified in the examination.
(B) Duration of employment lists. An employ-ment list shall remain in effect for six months, unless abolished sooner by the Personnel Officer because it contains less than three eligibles. Employment lists may be extended, prior to their expiration, upon the recommendation of the affected department head and with the approval of the Personnel Officer, for additional six-month periods, but in no event shall an employment list remain in effect for more than two years.
(C) Reemployment lists. The names of employees who have been laid off shall be placed on appropriate reemployment lists in reverse order of their dates of layoff.
(D) Removal of names from lists. The name of any person appearing on an employment list shall be removed if the person:
(1) Requests that his or her name be removed;
(2) Fails to respond to the notice of appointment consideration mailed to his or her last- known address;
(3) Made false statements on his or her application or other material submitted in support of his or her qualifications for the position;
(4) Fails to appear for work after notifica-tion;
(5) Declines appointment and does not request further consideration; or
(6) Is on a promotional list and terminates city employment.
(E) Alternative recruitment and selection for police officers. Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and concurrence by the Personnel Officer, variations from the standard recruitment in the selection process shall be permitted for the entry-level position classification of police officer. Candi-dates for the following methods of entry must meet the minimum requirements for the classification and entry method and must successfully complete an examination process designed by the Personnel Officer.
(1) Lateral entry. The position of police officer may be filled by lateral entry, providing the applicant possesses a P.O.S.T. Basic Certificate and is currently serving as a sworn officer in the state of California.
(2) Pre-service. The position of police officer may be filled by pre-service candidates; providing the applicant has successfully completed the P.O.S.T. Certified Basic Training Course (not to exceed one year from date of application) for a full-time, salaried peace officer as authorized by Cal. Penal Code § 13510 and the training outline in Cal. Penal Code § 832.
(3) Reserve peace officer. The position of police officer may be filled by a reserve peace officer, providing the applicant has successfully completed a P.O.S.T. basic training course as authorized by Cal. Penal Code § 832.6(a)(1), is certified by the Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training as a level one reserve peace officer, possesses a valid P.O.S.T. basic reserve, first-aid, and CPR certificates; and has a minimum of one year of service as a reserve police officer or deputy sheriff with a city or county within the state of California and is serving as such at the time of his or her employment.
(4) Police cadet or parks and recreation officer.
(a) The position of police officer may be filled by a police cadet or a parks and recreation officer, providing the applicant has a minimum of six months of service as a police cadet or parks and recreation officer and is employed as such by a city or county within the state of California at the time of his or her employment.
(b) A separate eligibility list shall be established for those candidates that quality for the position of police officer under the lateral entry, pre-service, reserve peace officer, or police cadet or parks and recreation officer process.
(F) Alternate recruitment and selection for public safety dispatchers. Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and concurrence by the Personnel Officer, variations from the standard recruitment and selection process shall be permitted for the entry-level position classification of public safety dispatcher. Candidates for the following methods of entry must meet the minimum require-ments for the classification and entry method and must successfully complete an examination process designed by the Personnel Officer.
(1) Lateral entry. The position of public safety dispatcher may be filled by lateral entry, providing the applicant possesses a P.O.S.T. Basic Dispatcher Course Certificate and has a minimum of one year of service as a full-time, salaried public safety dispatcher with the state of California at the time of his or her employment.
(2) Police cadet or police service officer.
(a) The position of public safety dispatcher may be filled by a police cadet or a police service officer, providing the applicant has a minimum of two years of service as a police cadet or police service officer and is employed as such by a city or county within the state of California at the time of his or her employment.
(b) A separate eligibility list shall be established for those candidates who qualify for the position of public safety dispatcher under the lateral entry or police cadet or police service officer process.
(G) Alternate recruitment and selection for fire fighters. Upon recommendation of the Fire Chief, and concurrence by the Personnel Officer, variations from the standard recruitment in the selection process shall be permitted for the entry level position classification of fire fighter. Candidates for the following methods must meet the minimum requirements for the classification and entry method, and must successfully complete an examination process designed by the Personnel Officer.
(1) Lateral entry. The position of fire fighter may be filled by lateral entry; providing the applicant possesses a California State Fire Fighter I Certificate, is currently certified as an E.M.T.-1 or higher, and has a minimum of one year of service as a full-time, salaried fire fighter within the state of California at the time of his/her employment.
(2) Pre-service. The position of fire fighter may be filled by pre-service candidates; providing the applicant possesses a California State Fire Fighter I Certificate or equivalent, and is currently certified as an E.M.T.-1 or higher, and has a minimum of two years of service as a full-time, salaried fire fighter, with no more than three years interrupted service.
(3) Fire fighter cadet.
(a) The position of fire fighter may be filled by a fire cadet; providing the candidate possesses a California State Fire Fighter 1 Certificate, is currently certified as an E.M.T.-1 or higher, has a minimum of six months as an Alhambra Fire Cadet, or a minimum of one year as a volunteer or paid cadet or auxiliary with a city, county or district within the state of California and is serving as such at the time of his/her employment.
(b) A separate eligibility list shall be established for those candidates that qualify for the position of fire fighter under the lateral entry, pre-service or fire fighter cadet process.
(‘86 Code, § 2.48.100) (Ord. 3898, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4151, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4197, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4268, passed 3-28-94; Am. Ord. 4484, passed 8-7-06; Am. Ord. 4735, passed 5-14-18)
(A) Types of appointments. All vacancies in the classified service shall be filled by rehire, transfer, demotion, or from eligibles on an appropriate employment list in the absence of persons eligible for appointment in these ways, provisional, or acting appointments may be made in accordance with these rules.
(B) Notice to Personnel Officer. Whenever a vacancy in the classified service is to be filled, the affected department head shall notify the Personnel Officer. The Personnel Officer shall advise the concerned department head as to the availability of applicants for reinstatement, transfer, or demotion and of eligibles on employment lists for the class. The department head shall then indicate a preference as to how the vacancy should be filled, with the exception, however, that if a reemployment list exists for the class, it shall be used to fill the vacancy.
(C) Appointments from lists. The concerned department head may select an eligible from the three persons holding the highest rating on an employment list. Whenever there are fewer than three names on a promotional or open list, the department head may request that an appointment be made from such eligibles or request the establishment of a new list. Upon making his selection, the department head shall immediately notify the Personnel Officer. The Personnel Officer shall then notify the appointing authority, and upon his concurrence, shall thereupon notify the person to be appointed.
(D) Promotion.
(1) Insofar as is practicable and consistent with the best interest of the city, vacancies within the classified service shall be filled by promotion from within the classified service as well as from city employees not part of the classified service, after a closed promotional examination has been given and a promotional list established.
(2) If, in the opinion of the concerned department head prior to the examination process, a vacancy in the position could be better filled by an open examination instead of a promotional examination, the department head may request the Personnel Officer to arrange for an open examination and for the preparation and certification of an eligible list. In addition, any city employee may participate in an open examination.
(E) Transfer. An employee may be transferred at any time from one position to another in the same or comparable class. No person may be transferred to a position for which he does not possess the minimum qualifications.
(F) Rehire. An employee who has resigned in good standing may be rehired without examination within two years after the effective date of his or her resignation to a position in his former or comparable class. A rehired employee shall serve a probationary period and in all respects be treated as a new employee.
(G) Provisional appointment. In the absence of employment lists and upon recommendation of the personnel officer, a provisional appointment may be made by the appointing authority of a person meeting the minimum training and experience qualifications for the position. An employment list shall be estab-lished within six months for any position filled by provisional appointment. For purposes of classifica-tion and compensation, provisional appointees have the same status as hourly or temporary employees, except that regular employees on provisional appoint-ment to a higher class shall continue to receive supplemental benefits.
(H) Acting appointment. The appointing authority may temporarily appoint a regular employee who possesses the minimum qualifications for a higher class to act in that higher class and perform essentially the full range of duties allocated to a position in that higher class as needed to fill in for a regular employee. Acting assignments shall not exceed six months.
(Ord. 3898, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4244, passed - -93)
(A) Length of probationary period.
(1) All original, reinstatement and promo-tional appointments shall be subject to a probationary period of one year. In each case, the appointee shall be informed on the length of the probationary period before he or she begins service. A leave of absence, other than vacation, in excess of two weeks shall cause the probationary period to be extended by the length of such leave.
(2) Prior to expiration of an employee's probationary period, the employee's supervisor with the approval of his department head, shall recommend to the appointing authority that one of the following actions be taken:
(a) Grant the employee permanent status.
(b) Extend the probationary period for a period not to exceed six months.
(c) Terminate original appointment employee or return promotional probationary employee to his former class.
(3) Notification to the Personnel Officer of the recommended action shall be accomplished by a performance evaluation on the employee completed within the 30-day period immediately preceding the date when the employee's probationary period is due to expire.
(B) Objective of the probationary period. The probationary period is part of the examination process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work and for securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to his position.
(C) Termination of probationer. During the probationary period, an employee may be terminated or rejected without cause. Any employee rejected during, or at the expiration of, a probationary period following a promotional appointment shall be reinstated to the position from which he or she was promoted, and no probation period shall be served if the employee held permanent status in the position.
('86 Code, § 2.48.120) (Ord. 3898, passed - - )